Is the extortion of an allied country to investigate a political opponent an impeachable offense by the President?

Is the extortion of an allied country to investigate a political opponent an impeachable offense?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 25 61.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Undecided.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Mr Trump will win by the largest margin ever next year because of this stupidity.

He could win, but it's entirely possible it would be due to the left trotting out a weak field. If there's a recession, Trump is dunzo.

No one is going to put up with his idiocy and be broke. A little jingle in the pocket helps see past the fact he's an embarrassment.
Then what would be the point in going through with this? Is this going to help the DNC in 2020 elections? :confused:
1. To brand him with the historical public shame of having been rightfully impeached.
2. To highlight the overriding fact that he is a horrendously despicable human.
3. To force the house and senate to vote on record.
4. Because it's their sworn duty.

It will help some and hurt others, but it's the right thing to do and thank god that "trumps" self interest occasionally.
He could win, but it's entirely possible it would be due to the left trotting out a weak field. If there's a recession, Trump is dunzo.

No one is going to put up with his idiocy and be broke. A little jingle in the pocket helps see past the fact he's an embarrassment.

“it’s the economy stupid “

Always will be.
1. To brand him with the historical public shame of having been rightfully impeached.
2. To highlight the overriding fact that he is a horrendously despicable human.
3. To force the house and senate to vote on record.
4. Because it's their sworn duty.

It will help some and hurt others, but it's the right thing to do and thank god that "trumps" self interest occasionally.

So.....Bill Clinton 2.0
At least with Bill there was evidence of a crime

Trump violated the law in plain view when he publicly solicited China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. This is in addition to the extortion of Ukraine that previously occurred.

"Federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
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Trump violated the law in plain view when he publicly solicited China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

"Federal elections law prohibits any person from soliciting, accepting, or receiving anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election. The law doesn’t just apply to money — investigations or political dirt that benefit a particular campaign counts as “things of value” too. And in case Trump is unclear about this, the current chair of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has gone out of her way to try to explain it to him.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, FEC chair Ellen Weintraub declined to talk about the specifics of Trump’s case but noted that “the law is pretty clear. ... It is absolutely illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with any election in the United States.”
As usual you are wrong. But hey what ever helps you sleep
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So now “quid pro quo” which became “extortion” has morphed into “campaign contributions” by Zelensky. Keep throwing maybe something will stick eventuality 😂View attachment 238244

So quid pro quo ("this for that") is a fancy way of saying "extortion". I'm sure you know that, you're just being a Trump apologist.

And, yeah, soliciting election interference from foreign nations is illegal. This is why the impeachment is occurring, obviously.

Lastly, it's plainly evident to everyone not drinking the Kool Aid that it's the GOP that is searching for something... ANYTHING to blunt the validity of the impeachment. To date, you've got nada.
So quid pro quo ("this for that") is a fancy way of saying "extortion". I'm sure you know that, you're just being a Trump apologist.

And, yeah, soliciting election interference from foreign nations is illegal. This is why the impeachment is occurring, obviously.

Lastly, it's plainly evident to everyone not drinking the Kool Aid that it's the GOP that is searching for something... ANYTHING to blunt the validity of the impeachment. To date, you've got nada.
LMFAO! Thanks for reminding me of my EXACT own phrase yesterday in pointing out how you idiots keep taking the same turd and wrapping it up in different colored paper and trying to sell it again and again 😂
LMFAO! Thanks for reminding me of my EXACT own phrase yesterday in pointing out how you idiots keep taking the same turd and wrapping it up in different colored paper and trying to sell it again and again 😂
You are so unhinged it comical.
I've already stated that an economic downturn would be a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things in order to rid the world of Trump.
I would much prefer to rid ourselves of Trump without an economic downturn.

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