So, Zionism stopped with the creation of Israel?! C'mon man...
Zionism is Jewish different that any other ideology or movement....that still exist to this day...
Zionism was the idea that a people, displaced around the world through various pogroms, and hated and scapegoated by much of Christendom, could return to their homeland by legally buying it, piece by piece. That is not exceptionalism.
WWI: Germany wanted to expand, conquer borderlands and more, and be seen as equals or better on the world stage to the British. When the Austro-Hungarians invaded Serbia after the assination of their prince, Gemany and the Ottoman Empire among others joined in as the aggressor states. And they were defeated.
the German Empire, Russian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist. National borders were redrawn, with nine independent nations restored or created,[16] and Germany's colonies were parceled out among the victors.
Britian chose to give part pf their conquered lands to form Israel. Neither is that exceptionalism.
In 1967 three of Israel's neighboring states attacked, were defeated, and conquered land taken under control as buffers against further aggression. Neither is that exceptionalism.
I suggest you read up on:
Pre-Holocaust Zionism
Post-Holocaust Zionism
etc, etc, ad naseum.
Basically, there is a smear of attitudes on Zionism. From the worldwide slow filling of jars of donated coins to buy land in pre 1940's zionism to the zealous founders of Israel just after the holocaust who are seen as the core Zionists. Their was opposition within Jewry that there is no need for a Jewish state and were/are the Anti-Zionists. Then, after the establishment of Israel, the rise of different trains of thought, especially among those born in Israel who have only experienced life as a constant struggle against the PLO, HAMAS, etc. and where new scholarship has uncovered discrepancies over how some land was aquired by bad actors, and you have post-zionism.
Combine with post-modernism, shake well, and pour into various glasses already 2/3 full with one political thought or another and you have this smear of zionism.
You are ignoring all these facts to blanketly call Zionism 'Jewish Exceptionalism'.
The 'exceptionalists' are simply those that believe Israel has a God given manifest destiny to reform as a nation in the land of Israel. By no means are all Jews or others who are Zionists to be included among the exceptionalists.