Islam is a good religion???

You obviously have never been shot at by one of them...please continue with the talk of the peaceful nature of have my attention.

I have met many Muslims in my studies and while in the military. True practitioners of Islam are amazing. I have even stayed with some from time to time in my Religious studies.
Oh..did I mean that they plant IED and use VBIED's to target civilians? Yeah...f'kn peaceful alright..

It is against Islam to kill for no reason or to kill yourself. If someone is killing "civilians" they are not true practitioners of Islam and should be treated as a crazy person.
I have studies many religions (like in college) and have realized that many have a dislike for Islam. It is usually mostly ignorance and not a true dislike. I am not an endorser of any religion, but I am a defender of many.

Islam is peaceful in a lot of respects.
Christianity is peaceful in a lot of respects.
Mormonism is peaceful in a lot of respects.
And the list continues.

Why so much hate for a great world religion like Islam.

Many can say, "9/11." But that was not Islam as so much as Timothy McVeigh was not Christianity's fault or those shootings in the name of Christianity off of the France coast.

If someone does something in the name of a religion but fails the religions true precepts while preforming that action, can we say it is derived from the true essence of that religion or see it as a true representation of that religion? No!
Its like someone coming in and killing in the name of the ten commandments; he is doing something against the very name he claims to be doing it in; does that crime go against Christianity or negate all the good that is in Christianity? No!


To be succinct; islamic intolerance!

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: Islam Explained in Laymans Terms‏

Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here's how it works:

That section is well worth reading.

It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrases. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate.

It is a common misconception that Allah is the same as the Biblical Jehovah/Yahweh. The name "Allah" was applied to a pagan Mid-Eastern tribal god long before Mohammed appeared on the scene.

Another common misconcetion is that moslems had nothing to do with the OKC bombing.

Eric Holder, then Asst US Atorney General led the way in covering up that aspect of the incident.

Two CIA directors testified before congress confirming the following facts.

At least two mideasterners were involved from the beginning and up to and including parking the rental truck in front of the Murrah Fed Bldg.

Terry Nichols received his bombmaking skills from and al qaeda affiliated group in the Philipines who later claimed credit for that attack and Nichols made and received hundreds of phone calls from the Philipines leading up to the actual bombing.
From their perspective, don't you think that anyone would shoot at an invading force??

Well, I do get what you are saying and the Koran does allow for self defense only when it is your last resort; and this was after many Muslims were killed in the days of the Prophet Muhammad. Retaliation was against the religion and while their homes, children, and women were killed they did nothing. The Prophet Muhammad then declared that it was ok to retaliate only when it is the last resort!!! That is where the so called "Sword" verses come from in Surah 9:5 and on...
I am friends with a guy who is from Iraq. He is a Suuni Muslim and one of the nicest most genuine guys I've ever met. He says himself that the radicals are a relative small but vocal minority. The problem isn't the religion, it's the education. A lot of uneducated people are irrational, and thus are easily influenced by radical religious leaders.

Awesome!!! So true!!! So glad to here all this testimony and truth spoken!!! Awesome!!!
i have spent a lot of time studying Radical Islamic terrorism in my coursework, and that is something that always comes up. The religious wave of terrorism usually consists of a heirarchy of sometimes educated, but almost always unstable, individuals who seek out poor and uneducated young men (and recently more women as well). If you add in lack of family structure it becomes even easier to recruit. These kids are brainwashed and they serve on the front lines, so to speak.

If they were only taught the Koran and true fatwa's this nonsense would be eliminated if not minimized to level that would seem irrelevant on a grand scale.
To be succinct; islamic intolerance!

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog: Islam Explained in Laymans Terms‏

That section is well worth reading.

Not really.

It is a common misconception that Allah is the same as the Biblical Jehovah/Yahweh. The name "Allah" was applied to a pagan Mid-Eastern tribal god long before Mohammed appeared on the scene.

This is just false. Allah is the same god as the biblical god of the old testament. Yes, before the Prophet Mohammed most of the land was nomads and the Prophet Mohammed does come from that community that followed Jinn- one of the jinn had a name close to Allah. That is suspected to be where the Prophet Mohammed got the name for his god, but if you read the Quran you will see that the god of the old testament and the god of Islam are the same. You are talking about two different things- one a Jinn or genie and the other the "god all mighty," while they have similar names, they have different traditions. Allah is the same Almighty that is in the old testament.
You obviously have never been shot at by one of them...please continue with the talk of the peaceful nature of have my attention.


"If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
-- Winston Churchill

What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad

Democrat Keith Ellison is now officially the first Muslim United States congressman. True to his pledge, he placed his hand on the Quran, the Muslim book of jihad and pledged his allegiance to the United States during his ceremonial swearing-in.

Capitol Hill staff said Ellison's swearing-in photo opportunity drew more media than they had ever seen in the history of the U.S. House. Ellison represents the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota.

The Quran Ellison used was no ordinary book. It once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and one of America's founding fathers. Ellison borrowed it from the Rare Book Section of the Library of Congress. It was one of the 6,500 Jefferson books archived in the library.

Ellison, who was born in Detroit and converted to Islam while in college, said he chose to use Jefferson's Quran because it showed that "a visionary like Jefferson" believed that wisdom could be gleaned from many sources.

There is no doubt Ellison was right about Jefferson believing wisdom could be "gleaned" from the Muslim Quran. At the time Jefferson owned the book, he needed to know everything possible about Muslims because he was about to advocate war against the Islamic "Barbary" states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli.

Ellison's use of Jefferson's Quran as a prop illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the United States, but, which today, is mostly forgotten - the Muslim pirate slavers who over many centuries enslaved millions of Africans and tens of thousands of Christian Europeans and Americans in the Islamic "Barbary" states.

Over the course of 10 centuries, Muslim pirates cruised the African and Mediterranean coastline, pillaging villages and seizing slaves.

The taking of slaves in pre-dawn raids on unsuspecting coastal villages had a high casualty rate. It was typical of Muslim raiders to kill off as many of the "non-Muslim" older men and women as possible so the preferred "booty" of only young women and children could be collected.

Young non-Muslim women were targeted because of their value as concubines in Islamic markets. Islamic law provides for the sexual interests of Muslim men by allowing them to take as many as four wives at one time and to have as many concubines as their fortunes allow.

Boys, as young as 9 or 10 years old, were often mutilated to create eunuchs who would bring higher prices in the slave markets of the Middle East. Muslim slave traders created "eunuch stations" along major African slave routes so the necessary surgery could be performed. It was estimated that only a small number of the boys subjected to the mutilation survived after the surgery.

When American colonists rebelled against British rule in 1776, American merchant ships lost Royal Navy protection. With no American Navy for protection, American ships were attacked and their Christian crews enslaved by Muslim pirates operating under the control of the "Dey of Algiers"--an Islamist warlord ruling Algeria.

Because American commerce in the Mediterranean was being destroyed by the pirates, the Continental Congress agreed in 1784 to negotiate treaties with the four Barbary States. Congress appointed a special commission consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to oversee the negotiations.

Lacking the ability to protect its merchant ships in the Mediterranean, the new America government tried to appease the Muslim slavers by agreeing to pay tribute and ransoms in order to retrieve seized American ships and buy the freedom of enslaved sailors.

Adams argued in favor of paying tribute as the cheapest way to get American commerce in the Mediterranean moving again. Jefferson was opposed. He believed there would be no end to the demands for tribute and wanted matters settled "through the medium of war." He proposed a league of trading nations to force an end to Muslim piracy.

In 1786, Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and Adams, then the American ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the "Dey of Algiers" ambassador to Britain.

The Americans wanted to negotiate a peace treaty based on Congress' vote to appease.

During the meeting Jefferson and Adams asked the Dey's ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.

In a later meeting with the American Congress, the two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

For the following 15 years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to 20 percent of United States government annual revenues in 1800.

Not long after Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, he dispatched a group of frigates to defend American interests in the Mediterranean, and informed Congress.

Declaring that America was going to spend "millions for defense but not one cent for tribute," Jefferson pressed the issue by deploying American Marines and many of America's best warships to the Muslim Barbary Coast.

The USS Constitution, USS Constellation, USS Philadelphia, USS Chesapeake, USS Argus, USS Syren and USS Intrepid all saw action.

In 1805, American Marines marched across the desert from Egypt into Tripolitania, forcing the surrender of Tripoli and the freeing of all American slaves.

During the Jefferson administration, the Muslim Barbary States, crumbling as a result of intense American naval bombardment and on shore raids by Marines, finally officially agreed to abandon slavery and piracy.

Jefferson's victory over the Muslims lives on today in the Marine Hymn, with the line, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea."

It wasn't until 1815 that the problem was fully settled by the total defeat of all the Muslim slave trading pirates.

Jefferson had been right. The "medium of war" was the only way to put and end to the Muslim problem. Mr. Ellison was right about Jefferson. He was a "visionary" wise enough to read and learn about the enemy from their own Muslim book of jihad.


The president's strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not terrorism because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror because terror is a state of mind and, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself or one's community."
-- May 26, 2010, John Brennan, Assistant to the President

Look at it this way 7th, they are just trying to clense their neighborhood, according to our doofus in chief this is a legitimate practice of their peaceful religion.

May God watch over you and protect you and may all your bullets run true and hit their mark! :salute:
You obviously have never been shot at by one of them...please continue with the talk of the peaceful nature of have my attention.

You realize that they are shooting at Christians occupying their country, right? Not exactly peaceful on the part of Christians.
Nothing wrong with the religion. It gets a bad name for the people who do bad things in the name of the religion.


Radical Islam = Radical Christianity

The KKK was a terrorist Christian group. The KKK is a joke now, because we are so wealthy nobody wants to throw their lives away on a cause driven by hate. Poor people around the world tend to have less to lose.

Basically I'm saying Christian people* in general are more peaceful because of their wealth, and not because of the teachings of their religion.

* Not to be confused with governments run by Christians
Jim Jones and David Koresh, just two examples of Christianity being twisted and drawing supporters from weaker minded individuals. Any religion can be perverted.

7th, you know I have mad love and respect for what you're doing. I'm curious, do you have contact with non-combatants and how do they treat you? Are they friendly or hostile? Do they show respect? Just honestly wondering what they are like and how they treat American soldiers.
Not really.

This is just false. Allah is the same god as the biblical god of the old testament. Yes, before the Prophet Mohammed most of the land was nomads and the Prophet Mohammed does come from that community that followed Jinn- one of the jinn had a name close to Allah. That is suspected to be where the Prophet Mohammed got the name for his god, but if you read the Quran you will see that the god of the old testament and the god of Islam are the same. You are talking about two different things- one a Jinn or genie and the other the "god all mighty," while they have similar names, they have different traditions. Allah is the same Almighty that is in the old testament.

If allah were the almighty he wouldn't relegate Jesus to simply being a prophet (even a lesser prophet than the madman muhammed) now would he deny the existence of a messiah as islam does but the God of the Jews and that of Christians do.

Well, I do get what you are saying and the Koran does allow for self defense only when it is your last resort; and this was after many Muslims were killed in the days of the Prophet Muhammad. Retaliation was against the religion and while their homes, children, and women were killed they did nothing. The Prophet Muhammad then declared that it was ok to retaliate only when it is the last resort!!! That is where the so called "Sword" verses come from in Surah 9:5 and on...

That is a laughable comment to make considering the history of islam.

All islamic scholars agree that the later verses in the qu'ran have more weight that the early verses.

When muhammed had few followers and was weak the early verses reflect a very consiliatory stance but as his numbers and power grew, the verses became increasingly truculent toward all who were no moslems.

Nothing wrong with the religion. It gets a bad name for the people who do bad things in the name of the religion.

You mean like following the example of Muhammed the perfect example for all moslems?

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Ramadan Bombathon
2012 Scorecard

Day 8 .................Terror Attacks ...Dead Bodies

In the name of
The Religion
of Peace .................76.................342

In the name of
All other
Religions ...................0.....................0


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2012.07.27 (Pattani, Thailand) - Militant Muslims fire on a young married couple, killing the 18-year-old woman.

2012.07.26 (Akka Khel, Pakistan) - Three people outside a mosque are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals.

2012.07.26 (Khar, Pakistan) - Religion of Peace militants detonate a shrapnel bomb at a crowded market, leaving eleven dead and two dozen more in agony.

2012.07.25 (Bara, Pakistan) - Islamists kidnap a 70-year-old man, slit his throat and then spray him with bullets.

2012.07.25 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Sharia fanatics attack an Indian-owned business and murder the owners.

2012.07.25 (Ad-Dawr, Iraq) - Four children under the age of 10 are dismantled along with their mother by Religion of Peace bombers.

Monthly Jihad Report
June, 2012

Jihad Attacks: 192

Countries: 24

Religions: 5

Dead Bodies: 1173

Critically Injured: 2266

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