Islamic Billboards in Minneapolis

I am sure that they are being monitored and if there were any evidence of anything like actual plans to commit any sort of terrorist act, all of the attendees would quickly find themselves on the business end of a set of handcuffs.

Prior to 9/11 it seems like there was some passiveness in our approach to such things. No way any government official is going to let something like that go on his watch because it'd be his skin if it went south.

I agree for the most part, I certainly believe there are sleepers in the country right now who have been trained and await orders and resources to commit an attack of some kind. It is just as likely that intelligence agencies are watching their every move confident they have a handle on them and can stop any attack they feel is eminent.
I agree for the most part, I certainly believe there are sleepers in the country right now who have been trained and await orders and resources to commit an attack of some kind. It is just as likely that intelligence agencies are watching their every move confident they have a handle on them and can stop any attack they feel is eminent.

Out of 350 million people its hard to imagine that there aren't a few people who have either been sent over here, or, more likely, were already here and have become involved with terrorist organizations on their own. The former seem logically to be more threatening as they presumably trained both to be here and survive and then to do something really awful. The latter? I dunno.' Every time you hear about one of these folks who got himself wrapped up with foreign terrorists it seems like a combination of general wack job and not very bright. They don't seem particularly adept at hiding, do they?
What good is freedom in America or fighting for freedom when we start deciding who can or cannot practice certain religions here?

I saw post # 105 and again, I am not defending Islam or any terrorism. I am simply defending their right to put up a billboard as long as they are peaceful and follow the law. They have that freedom here and I understand that Christians are not tolerated in parts of the middle east but that just proves to me how great our country really is. The terrorist would love for us to ban Islam here. They would love to see America lose some freedom and to create an all out religious war. They hate the fact that we are so tolerant of all people here.



In what world do you exist??

Ideals are very nice as far as they go but at some point for those who can maintain their sanity, reality must be faced.

There is no creating an all out religious war, the tenets of islam dictate all muslims to be at war with us until we surrender or submit, unfortunately we are doing just that.

From Prime minister Erdogan of Turkey, who Obama describes as his 'personal friend.'

“Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers.”

PM Erdogan: (Obama's personal friend)

The Term 'Moderate Islam' Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam,"

He certainly isn't the only muslim head of state to utter such proclamations, another of Obama's family friends, Moamar Qadaffi of Libya claims Europe is already conquered and America has a Muslim president but who listens other than other muslims???

The Algerian ambassador to the UN is currently warning the world to not speak ill of islam, otherwise there will be widespread terrorist activity to hush tongues.

Idealistic dreams are nice but there will be those who sleepwalk right into a nightmare, I hope you're not one of them. :peace:
Out of 350 million people its hard to imagine that there aren't a few people who have either been sent over here, or, more likely, were already here and have become involved with terrorist organizations on their own. The former seem logically to be more threatening as they presumably trained both to be here and survive and then to do something really awful. The latter? I dunno.' Every time you hear about one of these folks who got himself wrapped up with foreign terrorists it seems like a combination of general wack job and not very bright. They don't seem particularly adept at hiding, do they?

No, at least not those whack jobs that join anyway. Think about this though, the "not so bright" guys who are already here seem to be the ones that get caught, could they simply be decoys or used as a tool to gather intelligence and learn from them?

It is very likely that any real attack that would do great amounts of damage would be carried out by well trained and very disciplined operatives. They would have to be planted here and given enough time to blend in and lay low, find a place where they could train in private and let enough time pass so that any intelligence agency would grow tired and disinterested after watching them some time. This process would likely take years to accomplish, even then their chances of success without someone being alerted to the plan would be far from certain, this could be where all those less valuable operatives, like the ones you mentioned come into play. They would divert attention to some extent and provide more valuable operatives with valuable information based on the response of police, intelligence and government agencies response.

I'm not saying this is what the people in these suspected camps are doing but it is certainly plausible.
1) There is just as much "God sanctioned" violence and murder in the Bible as there is Allah sanctioned in the Quoran.

2) If there is an actual terrorist training camp in the U.S. and we know about it, the notion that the intelligence agencies would look the other way because of fears over political correctness is absurd. I realize that does not jibe with your Obama is a Secret Agent Muslim man nonsense, but you have ZERO evidence that the U.S. is tolerating people training to commit such acts.

3) The sad irony is that the much larger peace-loving Muslim community is reaching out to Christians in the U.S. to dispel so many of these prejudices and they are greeted by allegedly patriotic people who say they don't even want them to be allowed to speak, which is somewhat of a problem in light of that pesky First Amendment. In fact, it amuses me to no end that religious or political conservatives often wrap themselves in the American flag or Constitution or plain old "Americanism" and then want to intimidate or outright legislate away the other side's right to be heard. Amazing.

Reread your second point, have you ever heard of the Ft. Hood shooter? Or are you like the media and your pres that are still looking for a motive?

Bin Laden and the terrorist who follow him and carry out his will are good Muslims, they are doing what they are taught and what they are supposed to do. But I would not expect you to know that since you probably won't get that info on MSNBC
Reread your second point, have you ever heard of the Ft. Hood shooter? Or are you like the media and your pres that are still looking for a motive?

Bin Laden and the terrorist who follow him and carry out his will are good Muslims, they are doing what they are taught and what they are supposed to do. But I would not expect you to know that since you probably won't get that info on MSNBC

If this is the case then why are there not many more acts of violence perpetrated by muslims? There are many followers of Islam in the US, yet very few attacks. The simple truth of the matter is there is a much larger portion of the muslim community that believe acts like those the terrorists commit are not in keeping with their faith.

You paint with too broad a brush.
1) There is just as much "God sanctioned" violence and murder in the Bible as there is Allah sanctioned in the Quoran.

2) If there is an actual terrorist training camp in the U.S. and we know about it, the notion that the intelligence agencies would look the other way because of fears over political correctness is absurd. I realize that does not jibe with your Obama is a Secret Agent Muslim man nonsense, but you have ZERO evidence that the U.S. is tolerating people training to commit such acts.

3) The sad irony is that the much larger peace-loving Muslim community is reaching out to Christians in the U.S. to dispel so many of these prejudices and they are greeted by allegedly patriotic people who say they don't even want them to be allowed to speak, which is somewhat of a problem in light of that pesky First Amendment. In fact, it amuses me to no end that religious or political conservatives often wrap themselves in the American flag or Constitution or plain old "Americanism" and then want to intimidate or outright legislate away the other side's right to be heard. Amazing.

If this is the case then why are there not many more acts of violence perpetrated by muslims? There are many followers of Islam in the US, yet very few attacks. The simple truth of the matter is there is a much larger portion of the muslim community that believe acts like those the terrorists commit are not in keeping with their faith.

You paint with too broad a brush.

You've been watching way too much msnbc. The truth is only told by Glen Beck.
There is one is Middle Tennessee, I can't remember exactly where, Gallatin I think it is, but not 100% sure. If the FBI would try to raid them they would sue under freedom of religion I can almost guarantee it. The ACLU would be there in 5 minutes to back them.

Dover, Tennessee.

More on the topic, don't expect to get information from the media, that wouldn't be PC you know.

Actually there was one located for a brief time in Hickman county also. A proactive sheriff encouraged them to move on and they did.

Who knows how many exist?

Nationwide there are a minimum of 38 under the tuteledge of only one Pakistani muslim cleric.

As far as the blind faithful such as LG go, I don't share his faith in AG Erik Holder et al.

Holder seems to be more interested in protecting the rights of muslim jihadists than looking out for the likes people such as you and me, who foolishly cling to our guns and our religion.


Here is more on Holder and the sorry sorry SOB BHO hand picked to run the CIA.

Others just whine, obfuscate, engage in hypocrisy, and settle scores. Then, they pretend like they did something.

Sound familiar??? :unsure:
If this is the case then why are there not many more acts of violence perpetrated by muslims? There are many followers of Islam in the US, yet very few attacks. The simple truth of the matter is there is a much larger portion of the muslim community that believe acts like those the terrorists commit are not in keeping with their faith.

You paint with too broad a brush.

How man 'see Rock City' barns have done lately???

Where do we find this 'larger portion?'

Furthermore how would you have any inkling of what they think??

Guessing you aren't a muslim yourself, how can you read the koran and say that it isn't in keeping with the teachings of the illiterate pagan muhammad himself??

FBI Ordered to “Back Off” Investigations into Black Muslim Converts.

While most of the media, elected officials, and Commander-in-Chief Obama have ignored this terrorist attack in Arkansas, the rally participants will show their respect for our military and will mourn the loss of soldier Pvt. William Long, .............................

Several weeks ago, STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

As Commander-in-Chief, he and his administration, including the Secretary of the Defense and the Attorney General have remained mute and failed to both condemn this act or to comfort the families, friends, and comrades of the victims or to express concern for the severely wounded soldier.

Why would the Obama administration order the FBI and other law enforcement organizations to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts?

Why did the Department of Homeland Security issue a document labeling conservatives, pro- constitution, Pro-bill of rights, veterans, as "right-wing" extremists and potential domestic terrorists?
If this is the case then why are there not many more acts of violence perpetrated by muslims? There are many followers of Islam in the US, yet very few attacks. The simple truth of the matter is there is a much larger portion of the muslim community that believe acts like those the terrorists commit are not in keeping with their faith.

You paint with too broad a brush.

And you simply don't understand Islam
If this is the case then why are there not many more acts of violence perpetrated by muslims? There are many followers of Islam in the US, yet very few attacks. The simple truth of the matter is there is a much larger portion of the muslim community that believe acts like those the terrorists commit are not in keeping with their faith.

You paint with too broad a brush.

I guess the former muslim in the link below uses a brush to broad for your liking as well. Since I know you wont read the entire interview, he says he left Islam over 25 years ago. His reasoning, he finally read the Qur'an instead of listening to his Mullah. He discovered the hate and violence that Islam was teaching.

A Former Muslim Speaks About the Fort Hood Massacre - New English Review

I could post you some pictures of the victims that show those in the larger portion of the muslim community that adhere to the true teaching of Islam. That would be against board rules.
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And you simply don't understand Islam

Using the process of elimination method, it might be less time consuming to start from the other end as I seem to see many things he doesn't understand.

On the other hand we could list what he does understand.

You're going to have to go first, I don't know of anything I can say he does understand. :ermm:
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he wasn't practicing Stealth Jihad. :ninja:

Well he was pulled over in a routine traffic stop just before the event and didn't tell the officer he was fixing to kill some people, so he was in stealth mode you must admit.

Likewise in the latest Seattle attack, the guy didn't phone in to the coffee shop and say; "Hey, I'm coming over to kill some policemen!"

Not you but someone or someones who have been prominent in this discussion:


Mediocrity is Lamer's salient characteristic, yet the word "mediocre" seems inadequate to fully encompass the crushing dullness of his personality. Not one of his utterances demonstrates the faintest insight on any topic, no glimmer of wit or humor brightens his conversation, nor does stone ignorance of the subject at hand discourage him from sharing his views.

He isn't even obnoxious enough to justify banning him from the forum. He's a very weak Warrior in the conventional sense, but not even the most stalwart opponent can withstand prolonged contact with this truly fearsome Warrior.
Using the process of elimination method, it might be less time consuming to start from the other end as I seem to see many things he doesn't understand.

On the other hand we could list what he does understand.

You're going to have to go first, I don't know of anything I can say he does understand. :ermm:

I got nothing, sorry
It IS obvious......because YOU said so. :good!:

So what do you say islam teaches??

Oh little town of Bethlehem.

Since it's beginning islam has been a plague on mankind, like a cancer that may lie dormant for a generation but then advancing rapidly again when it can find those unaware of it's real purpose.

Funny how for eight years during the Bush administration according to the liberals Dubya could do no right, everthing he said was a lie, except of course when he made the statement, 'islam is a religion of peace.'

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