Islamic student for another Holocaust.

You seem to know what I'm thinking

I say Jihadist, you say Jihadists mean all muslims

You are saying all muslims are jihadists, not me!!

Stop being LG and putting words in peoples mouths.

Show me the post where I said to kill all muslims

Show me!
outside of this last page, you referenced jihadists three times. The others were ALL referencing muslims.
i guess you didn't say that directly... you have said kill all terrorists all while saying muslims are terrorists.
i guess you didn't say that directly... you have said kill all terrorists all while saying muslims are terrorists.

There, unfortunately, has been a strong correlation between the two as of late, no?

Well, except for those blame facist tea-partyers.

Other than in The Sum of All Fears, I really can't think of one instance off the top of my head in the last few years.
what's your point. terrorists did something crazy. you'd be correct.

We are not the only country dealing with Jihadists. This is not going to end with a handshake at a table.

Me and you can argue and in the end, we will go our own way. Thats because we have been raised that way. We dont believe that you blow up innocent people to prove a point.

Jihadists are not like us Cash, no matter how much you wont to believe that. Are all muslims jihadists, no!!

You cannot reason with them. They are taught from a young age that dying for Allah and killing infidels is the greatest honor that can be bestowed on them and their families. No rational thinking person straps a bomb to themselves and walks into a market and kills innocent people.
All of the muslim terrorists that claim responsibility for terrorist attacks across the world joyfully proclaim it was done in the name of their religion.
We are not the only country dealing with Jihadists. This is not going to end with a handshake at a table.

Me and you can argue and in the end, we will go our own way. Thats because we have been raised that way. We dont believe that you blow up innocent people to prove a point.

Jihadists are not like us Cash, no matter how much you wont to believe that. Are all muslims jihadists, no!!

You cannot reason with them. They are taught from a young age that dying for Allah and killing infidels is the greatest honor that can be bestowed on them and their families. No rational thinking person straps a bomb to themselves and walks into a market and kills innocent people.
OK, fair point. I've never studied jiahadist. never met one. i just thought you were referring to muslims.
All of the muslim terrorists that claim responsibility for terrorist attacks across the world joyfully proclaim it was done in the name of their religion.
there's not much doubt that has happened.

but sadly, with ALL religions, that has happened throughout history. There are just crazy people out there, that just need an excuse (and often use religion as that excuse) to kill people
hitler=white. comment?

so now we need to target all white people.

Hitler was in league with the world of islam, they were a probably his most passionate supporters.



Atlas Shrugs: Auschwitz Blueprints: The Mufti of Jerusalem

So gsvol, have you ever known a muslim?

I have been acquainted with a few.

Look at it this way, when you talk about individual muslims you are talking about trees in a forest, if islam is the forest.

I am asking you to look at the bigger picture.

Do be like you can't see the forest for the trees in other words.

of course he hasn't. if he did, he would be dead. duh!!!

That's about stupid.

Again, please explain ten million Christians slaughered in genocides during the twentieth century in the name of islamic jihad if islam is a peaceful religion.

You can't because islam is and always has been a religion that promotes war to gain supremacy.

this whole board has been talking about muslims

No, some of us have been talking about islam and the nature of islam and what it's so-called holy book teaches.
if he is indeed muslim, again, shouldn't we all be dead??

Tell that to the dead Armenians (2m), Assyrians (1m), Tutsis (1m), Christians of southern Sudan (2m) and a few million more who weren't interested in converting to islam during the twentieth century.

There are five stages of islamization of a country, in the initial stages it is permissable for muslims to break their own laws to 'do in Rome what the Romans do', such as consuming alcohol and having Christian or infidel friends, in the final stage it is not permisssable for a muslim to associate with a nonmuslim.

This is what islam teaches.

Wait, I thought you said you lived with a muslim once... I could be off on that.

The conversation went something like,

Somebody: Have you ever even known a Muslim?

gsvol: I lived with one.

Here is how the conversation went; I said I roomed with a Serbocroation linguist for a year.

(He happened to be a Christian btw.)

I did mention that he had owned a 75 year old anti-social parrot who knew every curse word in the Urdu language and couldn't be taken out in public (at least where people could understand Urdu) because he (the parrot) had the habit of insulting muhammed in a most profane and vulgar way. :)

targeting people with turbans

Not that many muslims wear turbans really.
no you're hitler because you're saying all muslims want to kill us and somehow we are better than them. kind of like, hitler.

Islam teaches it's followers that all nonmuslims should either be killed or submit to islam by either becoming a muslim or paying a special tax at their (islam's) discretion for as long as they may care.

That doctrine is in their religious texts and is taught in the mosques and in prisons here in America and practised throughout the world where islam prevails.

You keep calling people hitler with little if any knowledge of what you are talking about.


Top muslim with top nazi.

Many top nazis were tried, convicted and punished for war crimes at the end of WWII, not so with any muslim I know of and they were guilty of plenty of war crimes.

As a matter of fact they have kept up the same teachings which are the found today to be the political philosophys of the muslim brotherhood, hamas, hezbollah and al qaeda.

Islam has been responsible for the deaths of at least 270 million deaths since it's inception and currently is still waring it's holy war.

"This compendium shows that Islamic jihad has for fourteen centuries meant exactly what bin Laden, Zaraqawi, and every other so-called "Islamic fundamentalist" says it means: a war to compel the whole world to embrace Islam, die, or live under intolerant, humiliating restrictions"

sorry, beecher, others before you on here (GS and Count) were essentially saying all muslims were bad. shouldn't assume you were thinking the same thing.

No, that's one more place you are wrong.

I am not judging muslims individually, what I am telling you is that islam is evil itself and is not compatible with a peaceful coexistance with democratic societies.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it."

Winston Churchill.

So, do you think we should be concentrating on Buddhist Monks?

We should really watch out for those Mennonites, I hear they are pretty dangerous. :)


Suspenders can be a lethal weapon in trained hands.

we should be concentrating on terrorists. how many times do i have to say that??

but in your twisted mind a terrorists= muslim. so because of that, it's OK to target muslims even when they're completely innocent.

Statistically terrorist = muslim is a fair statement, 99% of all terrorist activity is connected to islam.

i don't have an easy answer to this, not with the system set up by law. but bothering innocent people because they're muslim isn't the answer.

But you do think we should gather intelligence about what is going on in muslim communities and muslim countries??
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We must profile Muslims both before and after terrorist attacks. I should be clear what I mean by the term profile and to what degree it should be employed. Our current system (as I understand it) relies on lists which are ever changing and sometimes easily skirted with false names and ID. I believe we should continue our more vigorous screenings while including men and women from Muslim nations across the world. I am not saying we should stop them and detain them at every opportunity, this is simply not practical and probably wouldn't accomplish very much to begin with.

Make no mistake that Islamic terrorists are using the very freedom and tolerance of our nation, and other nations who embrace similar ideals, against us. These ideals make this nation strong but at the same time they leave open an obvious vulnerability that extremists can take advantage of.

Islam has a perception issue in this day and age and it simply must try harder shake it. I do not believe that all Muslims are terrorists, I do believe that way too many Muslims identify with the extremists to some extent. There are many nations throughout the middle east who have cast their lot with the extremists for various reasons, much of the populace may not believe in the radicalized version of their religion but they tolerate it and in many ways enable it. Funds donated to many if not most charities find their way to militant hands and are used to kill or persecute those who do not believe as they do.

I hear you say many Muslims do not buy into the extremists views and I agree with statement, I do however believe they do not do enough to marginalize those they disagree with. I can understand why so many are reluctant to do this or feel helpless to stop it, after all if they do speak out they can be and are subjected to the same treatment the extremists would deal out to infidels. At the end of the day the fight for the hearts and minds of the civilized world is the moderates to fight, to date they have failed and fanatical Islamists are winning, until moderate followers of Islam will punish and marginalize extremists they are losing and leave the world with the current perception.
We must profile Muslims both before and after terrorist attacks. I should be clear what I mean by the term profile and to what degree it should be employed. Our current system (as I understand it) relies on lists which are ever changing and sometimes easily skirted with false names and ID. I believe we should continue our more vigorous screenings while including men and women from Muslim nations across the world. I am not saying we should stop them and detain them at every opportunity, this is simply not practical and probably wouldn't accomplish very much to begin with.

Make no mistake that Islamic terrorists are using the very freedom and tolerance of our nation, and other nations who embrace similar ideals, against us. These ideals make this nation strong but at the same time they leave open an obvious vulnerability that extremists can take advantage of.

Islam has a perception issue in this day and age and it simply must try harder shake it. I do not believe that all Muslims are terrorists, I do believe that way too many Muslims identify with the extremists to some extent. There are many nations throughout the middle east who have cast their lot with the extremists for various reasons, much of the populace may not believe in the radicalized version of their religion but they tolerate it and in many ways enable it. Funds donated to many if not most charities find their way to militant hands and are used to kill or persecute those who do not believe as they do.

I hear you say many Muslims do not buy into the extremists views and I agree with statement, I do however believe they do not do enough to marginalize those they disagree with. I can understand why so many are reluctant to do this or feel helpless to stop it, after all if they do speak out they can be and are subjected to the same treatment the extremists would deal out to infidels. At the end of the day the fight for the hearts and minds of the civilized world is the moderates to fight, to date they have failed and fanatical Islamists are winning, until moderate followers of Islam will punish and marginalize extremists they are losing and leave the world with the current perception.

Well said!!
We must profile Muslims both before and after terrorist attacks. I should be clear what I mean by the term profile and to what degree it should be employed. Our current system (as I understand it) relies on lists which are ever changing and sometimes easily skirted with false names and ID. I believe we should continue our more vigorous screenings while including men and women from Muslim nations across the world. I am not saying we should stop them and detain them at every opportunity, this is simply not practical and probably wouldn't accomplish very much to begin with.

Make no mistake that Islamic terrorists are using the very freedom and tolerance of our nation, and other nations who embrace similar ideals, against us. These ideals make this nation strong but at the same time they leave open an obvious vulnerability that extremists can take advantage of.

Islam has a perception issue in this day and age and it simply must try harder shake it. I do not believe that all Muslims are terrorists, I do believe that way too many Muslims identify with the extremists to some extent. There are many nations throughout the middle east who have cast their lot with the extremists for various reasons, much of the populace may not believe in the radicalized version of their religion but they tolerate it and in many ways enable it. Funds donated to many if not most charities find their way to militant hands and are used to kill or persecute those who do not believe as they do.

I hear you say many Muslims do not buy into the extremists views and I agree with statement, I do however believe they do not do enough to marginalize those they disagree with. I can understand why so many are reluctant to do this or feel helpless to stop it, after all if they do speak out they can be and are subjected to the same treatment the extremists would deal out to infidels. At the end of the day the fight for the hearts and minds of the civilized world is the moderates to fight, to date they have failed and fanatical Islamists are winning, until moderate followers of Islam will punish and marginalize extremists they are losing and leave the world with the current perception.

Absolutely. While it is not true for every Muslim, this is a huge problem in the Muslim PR department.
there are millions upon millions of Muslims that prove it wrong every day. Unless you're claiming they don't know their own religion as well as the OP does

My point being that everyone has different interpretations of "holy" books. Note that Billy Graham and David Koresh both used the same book as the basis for their beliefs.
My point being that everyone has different interpretations of "holy" books. Note that Billy Graham and David Koresh both used the same book as the basis for their beliefs.

not completely, david koresh's beliefs were based on what an old woman told him.

also the Bible doesnt specifically say to kill non believers as does the koran
i should have specified, the basis of Christianity does not call for the killing of non believers. (the new testament)
thats catholocism, thats man intervening and making their own rules in the bible, where in the new testement does it call for a "pope?"

i do agree with the popes ruleing the world, i mean the catholic church is the most corrupt organization in the history of mankind.

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