Israel vs Palestinians

I've been thinking recently about the current situation in Israel. The distrust between Israel and the UN is a real problem. And I had just started to convince myself that maybe some of Israel's distrust was unwarranted. That the UN workers being involved directly or indirectly in the Oct 7 the attacks was overstated.......

Then I read a line in a story that actually blew my mind, I had to research it because I couldn't believe it. Turns out the UN wouldn't condemn the Oct 7th attacks. The reason for the incursion into Gaza. The cause of the current conflict there.......... And they wouldn't condemn it.

The UN is a joke of an institution.......... For multiple reasons. It's an embarrassment for that building to exist on US soil, and not just for the reason stated above.
I'd like Trump to send the UN back to Brussels, buy the property and turn it into a driving range.
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An example why you make it painful to screw with our citizens or military

"'US soldiers, who carry the blood of our soldiers and thousands of Palestinians on their hands, cannot defile our country."

Our inaction breeds more of this.
What exactly would you do there?
What exactly would you do there?
Yeah, that's a difficult question. Erdogan has certainly fanned the flames in regards to resentment of the West in the past few years.

He's just appeasing the people during difficult times though. Interactions like these aren't uncommon at all. They happen regularly.
From the article:

Asked Monday whether Netanyahu was doing enough to reach an agreement, Biden said simply: “No.”

A senior Israeli source criticized Biden’s statement, saying: “It is remarkable that President Biden is trying to pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu, who agreed to both the president’s proposal on May 31 and to the American bridging proposal on August 16, and not Hamas’ leader Sinwar, who continues to oppose any deal.”

“The president’s statement is also dangerous because it comes days after Hamas executed 6 hostages, including an American citizen.”

The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.
It takes a totally depraved degree of evil to murder hostages in cold blood right before they are about to be rescued. And make them film videos right before the execution to make their families suffer while watching.
And you have a large number of people, mostly liberals, who think these are the GOOD guys??????
I hear that they are adding a 10th circle to hell; just for Hamas.
The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.
You do realize that it is HAMAS who has turned down every single cease fire proposal, yes?
And let’s never forget the wisdom of Golds Mier….
The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.
In reading the Israeli administrations response they are confused as they have agreed to the American led framework for ceasefire and others proposals and it has been Hamas that has refused the terms.

Blame the guys who agreed to the terms for not doing enough?
You do realize that it is HAMAS who has turned down every single cease fire proposal, yes?
And let’s never forget the wisdom of Golds Mier….
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If you ask the Palestinians they will say that is why they cannot reach a deal -- because Israel wants to kill them.

I'm not saying they are right. I'm saying that the anti-Muslim, anti-Arabic theme of all of this is now driving the bus for a lot of people in the US of A.
If you ask the Palestinians they will say that is why they cannot reach a deal -- because Israel wants to kill them.

I'm not saying they are right. I'm saying that the anti-Muslim, anti-Arabic theme of all of this is now driving the bus for a lot of people in the US of A.
Only one side and one side only deliberately provokes war and murders innocent civilians. The very fact that so many people cannot (or will not) see clear and unabashed EVIL for what it is; but somehow wishes to paint totally unjustified equivalences is one of the reasons I fear the human race will never make it to a rational and just future. Barbarism is first excused and is now celebrated.
The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.
I criticize Harris/Biden bc they have allowed US citizens to be held hostage for almost a year now. And have done squat to get them out. Hell they rarely even mention that there are US citizens being held. Weak ass approach
If you ask the Palestinians they will say that is why they cannot reach a deal -- because Israel wants to kill them.

I'm not saying they are right. I'm saying that the anti-Muslim, anti-Arabic theme of all of this is now driving the bus for a lot of people in the US of A.

It's this simple, both sides say it's them or us. Israel has owned the means to destroy Palestinians completely for decades. Israel isn't innocent in this........ But the Palestinians will and have done everything within their power to kill every innocent man woman or child they possibly could. And took hostages for insurance........... As bad as it is to say the Israeli response in not allowing Hamas to dictate terms with these hostages is the right move. You try to get them back but you do not get away with no consequence and become a hero for Palestinians to celebrate in exile.

Israel isn't letting them win. Israel is forcing them to pay the price. Right or wrong it's obvious this is their strategy.
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The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.

When Hamas is executing citizens on video, that sounds like the time you should be supporting whatever Netanyahu does.

Instead they play an ignorant game of moral relativism
I criticize Harris/Biden bc they have allowed US citizens to be held hostage for almost a year now. And have done squat to get them out. Hell they rarely even mention that there are US citizens being held. Weak ass approach
Seriously. We needed to treat Hamas like we did the Barabary Pirates back in the day
It takes a totally depraved degree of evil to murder hostages in cold blood right before they are about to be rescued. And make them film videos right before the execution to make their families suffer while watching.
And you have a large number of people, mostly liberals, who think these are the GOOD guys??????
I hear that they are adding a 10th circle to hell; just for Hamas.

That's just false. No one claims that Hamas and those executing hostages are "the good guys."

You are equating those who advocate for a reasonable solution and return of the hostages, to "supporting Hamas," and the two are not the same. Are the tens of thousands of Jews in Israel who marched last weekend in favor of Netanyahu making a deal pro-Hamas? No, of course not.

But I get that you want to paint this extremely complicated situation into the broadest, simplest, least accurate approach as possible, so you can accuse all Dems or all liberals as anti-semitic if they want to see a deal struck.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the Israelis taking a hard line on this. Understand that. I think Netanyahu doesn't have much choice but to continue the path he is on. But I recognize that for many Israelis there is a sense of desperation to make a deal and get back as many hostages as possible now and take hard lines later. I cannot say that their wishes are due to be ignored. I cannot say they are wrong, even though I might disagree.

Just wish you and the Trump crowd would stop oversimplifying this in such a misleading way.
The GOP and others claim that Biden and Harris are anti-Israel because they are pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict, but there are protests in Israel, of tens of thousands of Jews, who are also pressuring Netanyahu to reach an agreement on the hostages and the conflict.

The premise of the criticisms appears to be that if you do not simply support whatever Netanyahu does (or doesn't do), then you are entirely anti-Israel.
I am far less interested in what Israel is doing to get home its Jewish hostages, than I am what the United States is doing to get home its American hostages.

Biden-Harris have done less than jack sh!t about the Americans being held hostage.

Palestinian Terrorists just executed an American with a bullet to the back of the head - and I fully expect Biden-Harris to do jack sh!t about that too.
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I am far less interested in what Israel is doing to get home its Jewish hostages, than I am what the United States is doing to get home its American hostages.

Biden-Harris have done less than jack sh!t about the Americans being held hostage.

Palestinian Terrorists just executed an American with a bullet to the back of the head - and I fully expect Biden-Harris to do jack sh!t about that too.

You want American troops carrying out military operations in Gaza?
It takes a totally depraved degree of evil to murder hostages in cold blood right before they are about to be rescued. And make them film videos right before the execution to make their families suffer while watching.
And you have a large number of people, mostly liberals, who think these are the GOOD guys??????
I hear that they are adding a 10th circle to hell; just for Hamas.
Where is this large number of people who think hamas are the good guys?
In reading the Israeli administrations response they are confused as they have agreed to the American led framework for ceasefire and others proposals and it has been Hamas that has refused the terms.

Blame the guys who agreed to the terms for not doing enough?
I suppose it depends on which source is quoted. The Palestinians say they agree with the terms proposed by Biden. They and some US news reports say Netanyahu is adding conditions which is delaying or blocking agreement.

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