Israel vs Palestinians

Do you think that if the question is asked over and over that the answer will change? I know you're a bammer and thus at a disadvantage but we've been through that a few times before and the answer's still the same.
Yep, I'm a bammer and have terrible comprehension. Do me a favor and answer again. "Yes" or "No" would certainly have taken up less of your time and energy than this screed.
Do you ever post any original thoughts? It seems like you just repeat someone else's earlier posts.
What post did I repeat? You're deflecting from the topic being discussed because what I posted was 100% true.
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Yep, I'm a bammer and have terrible comprehension. Do me a favor and answer again. "Yes" or "No" would certainly have taken up less of your time and energy than this screed.
They killed the guy that is likely to surrender, and spared the guy on purpose that won't surrender so they can keep killing innocent people. I can't believe you don't know this.
They killed the guy that is likely to surrender, and spared the guy on purpose that won't surrender so they can keep killing innocent people. I can't believe you don't know this.

To be clear, one reason why we are in this mess is Netanyahu funneled $ to help Hamas rise to power to create chaos in Palestine. This is an indisputable fact. This is who we are aligned with. He likes chaos in Palestine. He likes evil in Palestine. He wants to have justification for ****ing them up. I don't think he wants to kill innocents. I doubt that's what's driving him. But he wants chaos because it keeps Palestine down. IDK if this result is on purpose, but it might be a good bet that Netanyahu is glad Palestinians won't surrender.
To be clear, one reason why we are in this mess is Netanyahu funneled $ to help Hamas rise to power to create chaos in Palestine. This is an indisputable fact. This is who we are aligned with. He likes chaos in Palestine. He likes evil in Palestine. He wants to have justification for ****ing them up. I don't think he wants to kill innocents. I doubt that's what's driving him. But he wants chaos because it keeps Palestine down. IDK if this result is on purpose, but it might be a good bet that Netanyahu is glad Palestinians won't surrender.
Is there any issue, circumstance, or condition in Gaza / Palestine that isn't the fault of Jews?
You mean Israel? Nothing is entirely their fault and at the same time it'd be hard to find something they don't share blame in.

To be 100% clear, of course this is about a state government.
Before your edit.....are you saying that is your take, or the consensus of this thread?
To be clear, one reason why we are in this mess is Netanyahu funneled $ to help Hamas rise to power to create chaos in Palestine. This is an indisputable fact. This is who we are aligned with. He likes chaos in Palestine. He likes evil in Palestine. He wants to have justification for ****ing them up. I don't think he wants to kill innocents. I doubt that's what's driving him. But he wants chaos because it keeps Palestine down. IDK if this result is on purpose, but it might be a good bet that Netanyahu is glad Palestinians won't surrender.
So you’re saying they’re enemies and there no way they will ever get along no matter how much we want them too?
You mean Israel? Nothing is entirely their fault and at the same time it'd be hard to find something they don't share blame in.

To be 100% clear, of course this is about a state government.
It feels less antisemitic-ish to use "israel" instead of "jews".

I was prodding you a bit with my question. Not in a mean spirited way. Luther reminded me of the 'thanks obama' meme today and I carried that over to this thread with you.
I can't even remember what I initially said, but usually my edits involve softening the message (or grammatical issues).
You did. It wasn't a big issue and I don't remember the exact wording, but essentially you were clarifying that in your mind it wasn't related to Jewish religion or have religious ties. I do feel like it does to some posters in this thread, not you specifically.
Maybe that's their plan, who knows?
Good plan and would fit their doctrine.

If I'm Israel, barring unconditional surrender, every member of Hamas leadership starting at the rank of Captain is a dead man walking. Turn yourself in or your life is forfeit.

Sergeants and other notable militants would be decided on a case by case basis.
What you or anyone else has been calling for is beside the point. Saying 'let's let them fight without our help' is very disingenuous given the help we've already given to one side.
I haven't written anything on here that an honest person would say makes me look like a moron.
I think Egypt is 2nd or 3rd in foreign aid received since WW2. I realize Isreal and Egypt's aid aren't equivalent as Israel has received about 2x more aid than Egypt.

Egypt is presently a major player in the ceasefire negotiations. Security forces for the Philadelphi Corridor are a major sticking point in the negotiations.

Egypt has a valid point that Isreal security forces remaining in the corridor would violate their 1973 peace agreement.
Isreal has a valid point not to entrust Egypt after Oct 11th...
UN security forces? They've been doing such a fine job with Resolution 1701 on the Lebanon border.....

Realistically speaking, US or UK forces might be the only compromise Isreal and Egypt would both accept.
Let's let every party involved end the war without our help.
What you or anyone else has been calling for is beside the point. Saying 'let's let them fight without our help' is very disingenuous given the help we've already given to one side.
I haven't written anything on here that an honest person would say makes me look like a moron.
We should say we are going to strategically assasinate all of your leaders until every US citizen is retuned. And if you hide in a hospital then that's on you. We will pause on giving Israel advice until we have ours. Hamas? Expect lots of death.
We should say we are going to strategically assasinate all of your leaders until every US citizen is retuned. And if you hide in a hospital then that's on you. We will pause on giving Israel advice until we have ours. Hamas? Expect lots of death.
That's fast thinking to come up with that in only 11 months.
Is there a connection between that and someone saying 'let them fight it out without our help' in bad faith?

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