Israel vs Palestinians

Exactly. I feel zero sorrow for the Al Jazeera or Terrorist Monthly alleged reporters that fraternize with known terrorists that rape and murder innocent women and children...proudly. They are simply the terrorists PR team. They glorify heinous acts against civilians that are war crimes if done by anyone else. To Hell with all of them. I hope they die right next to their terrorist buddies who honestly believe they get 4 dozen perfectly innocent "virgins" to do with as they please for being "martyrs" and strapping a bomb to their chest only to detonate it in busy marketplaces full of innocent families. Youve gotta be pretty stupid to believe that nonsense. So 46 girls lived pure lives, never had sex saving themselves for marriage....and you can be a rotten goathumper your entire life of sin...but if you strap a bomb to yourself and blow up innocent people, your god is gonna take those 46 good girls and sentence them eternally to serve your rotten arse? Thats their reward for living pure lives? 46 of them huh? For each idiot? Why would any girl/woman ever be a muslim then? Lol. So if they stay pure and live clean they can be an eternal concubine with 1/46th of a rotten POS whose best "contribution" to life was blowing up innocent women and children in a crowded market? What about the fact that there simply arent 46 women who die so young that they are virgins for each "martyr" ? How many girls yall know that died virgins?

I hope if the muslim "journalists" wearing press vests ever invade Israel or other unsuspecting places again shoulder to shoulder with their terrorist buddies, that they get mowed down right beside them. Theres no such thing as a "casual observer" of women and children being drug from inside their homes and brutally raped, sexually mutilated, and murdered. You are either fighting to save the victims of those heinous acts, or you are complicit by watching the horror take place and doing nothing to stop it. Any decent man could never stand by and film while horrific things are done to women and children. Nobody needs to be told that is wrong and disgusting. Act like animals and get put down like animals.
Who would wear a press vest while in their own homes? (Aside from Joe and Minka when kink is involved, and of course, Hannity when he is preening for himself in front of a mirror.)

Of course, if you were press, and you were harboring combatants and shooting footage of those combatants while in your home, you would probably wear your vest. In which case you arguably should have known your home would turn into a combat target.

And, once your home is a combat target, why keep your kids there? That just seems to be someone asking to be martyred.

It also seems noteworthy to me that the press were wearing their vests while with the October 7th attackers as they infiltrated the border between Gaza and Israel. Why wear vests? Because you are going someplace where dangerous, life-threatening actions are being taken.

All the outrage over dead "press" also assumes, of course, that everyone wearing a "press" vest is actually press, and not an enemy combatant who is using subterfuge to trick their enemy into not shooting at them.

This war is bloody enough, tragic enough, and horrible enough for me to wish it would come to a conclusive end soon, without me having to worry about crocodile tears over the precious "press."
Shot at and homes bombed are two different scenarios. Sorry you didn't pick up on the obvious.
It takes some effort to make up reasons to target them apart from them being able to shed light on what's happening. Keep carrying that water.

^^^ relevant. Little history lesson in there too, for the delusional leftists here always claiming Israel doesnt belong in...Israel. Yet they concurrently believe in a fictional place called "Palestine" that has never been a country historically and still isn't today. What Leftist Jew haters like to refer to as "Palestine" today is a part of the country of Jordan. Those Marxists who can actually read, and which bothered to attend and actually participate in World History know these facts. They just hate the Jews so they feign ignorance or lie. The Temple at Jerusalem was the center of Jewdom thousands and thousands of years ago. To deny the Jews their homeland is stupid, hateful, and looks like sheit on anyone who tries...and yet here we are. Again.
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Well, I was wrong
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Ah man, IDF took out another one of the Hamas “super-moderate peace brokers”.
He looks great in his updated photo in the article btw.

You're being very flippant about this. Please remember that this is a very difficult day for some of the posters in this thread.
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You're being very flippant about this. Please remember that this is a very difficult day for some of the posters in this thread.
Chances for ceasefire fall with the loss of yet another Hamas Dove.

The prospect of peace cratering like Sinwar’s front left forehead.

A solemn day indeed. My condolences to those in mourning.
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