Israel vs Palestinians

You mean RPGs and F tier missiles? They’re nothing compared to the laser precision, Uncle Sam donated missiles. There’s no way anyone could really think it’s one sided in Hamas’ favor. Outright denial of reality.

To put it in perspective:

View attachment 368021
Maybe the Jordanians should stop selling their land to Jews
You are some special. 18% of Israeli citizens are Muslim. Typical lib logic always using demographics as an alternative to reality.

The Muslims in Israel, and the Christians too for that matter, live like 2nd class citizens.

and we wonder why they sometimes fight back
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If everyone feels so sorry for the Palestinians why hasn’t any of the numerous Arab countries offered to assist them? Nobody over there gives a damn about them..... they just hate the Jews.
They hate the 'Palestinians" as well but they are stupid enough to think otherwise and fight the Muzzie proxy war. Golf claps in the rest of the muslim world for the martyrs. LOL
Libs love Israel as much or more than Reps dumb dumb

Pelosi said Washington could be ablaze and the US’s first priority would still be Israel lol

Seeing American politicians like trump and pelosi suck up to nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia is amazing. It’s like watching two ants pull an elephant.
Have you or known anyone who has? It’s well documented that they’re second class citizens. They’re constantly harassed and have their businesses destroyed
Ya I’ve been there.
some of my family lives there. Many are Messianic Jews which the state considers Christian. They employ “Arab citizens“ that’s what the locals call Palestinians who join Israel. Non of them are treated as 2nd class citizens. Actually there are more than a few “Arab citizens“ who do very well.

all theses things are common knowledge about me on this board.
Have you or known anyone who has? It’s well documented that they’re second class citizens. They’re constantly harassed and have their businesses destroyed
I can’t tell if you are anti-Semitic or just spewing off misinformation.
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