I would distinguish between atonement and punishment. Those who wish to atone deserve all the chances they need to do so, possibly across multiple lives.You are resurrected to a judgement. Some to life and some to death. Nowhere in scripture does G-d ever say anyone is resurrected to life in torment. It’s a complete joke to suggest that life in torment is death. That second death is to be remembered no more by G-d. If G-d remembers you no more you never really existed. If that’s not punishment/reward enough for the definition of “just” then we clearly have a communication problem.
I would recommend that everyone stop trying to impose their beliefs and definitions on the Creator of all things and instead try to read what He says of himself and take his word for it. My not liking it isn’t relevant to the actions of that creator.
After all he’s the creator and I am at his mercy regardless of my opinions
Edit: I do not believe in predestination. I am an extreme free will guy. I just understand the function of time and it’s relativity.
For those who are completely unrepentant, who believe that a "might makes right/do what thou wilt" philosophy is the true good, then is hell really punishment? By process of moral inversion hell is kind of heaven for evil people.