Israel vs Palestinians

Enlighten me Pastor.
This should be entertaining.
It’s a metaphor for gifts from god (especially love). The first two cherished the gifts and shared them so their lives were prosperous. They shared love with others and in return more love filled their lives’. The other servant was scared to accept these gifts from God and hid them/ignored them. He was a miserable creature who gained nothing
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As a Christian such as yourself:

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"If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

The nation is like a mighty lion;
When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it.
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

I mean we could go on.
Israel, in its current iteration, didn’t exist back then. Christ would be disgusted with what his people have become. You and many others would nail him up to a cross again
It’s a metaphor for gifts from god (especially love). The first two cherished the gifts and shared them so their lives were prosperous. They shared love with others and in return more love filled their lives’. The other servant was scared to accept these gifts from God and hid them/ignored them. He was a miserable creature who gained nothing does this apply to generations of welfare families today.
If you do not use the gifts/opportunities given you, you deserve no more/nothing be given to you.
You got the front end of the parable correct. Swing and a miss on player #3. does this apply to generations of welfare families today.
If you do not use the gifts/opportunities given you, you deserve no more/nothing be given to you.
You got the front end of the parable correct. Swing and a miss on player #3.
Have you not spent much time around the salt of the earth? Many are lovely people that do share what little gifts they have.
It’s an excuse they use to shoot children
I still see the irony. They are the only group of people that Telegraph ahead of time exactly when and where they are going to strike and make it clear they mean it and you idiots STILL condemn them when they follow thru on those telegraphed threats.
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Israel, in its current iteration, didn’t exist back then. Christ would be disgusted with what his people have become. You and many others would nail him up to a cross again

What you dont get , is Israel is and has always been in a very precarious position for it's existence. So yes, I will cut them slack considering they have been proescuted and experienced genocide for centuries.
Now to your "I would nail Christ to the Cross"..No, that was the religious leaders who were complict with the gov and subsequent Roman rule. You obviously are not of Judeo-Christian value.

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