Israel vs Palestinians

The protest dispersed. Then an Israeli sniper shot a 9-year-old Palestinian boy in the head
Glad they let this little boy know they were gonna blow his brains out ahead of time...oh wait
Lol. Cherry picking an incident and extrapolating that as the basis for the whole current situation. You’re clueless.

Now extrapolate how the IDF told the AP “hey you idiots since you media types are housing Hamas leadership and won’t do anything about it we’re gonna level this building. I’d leave if I were you.”

Womp womp 🤡
Lol. Cherry picking an incident and extrapolating that as the basis for the whole current situation. You’re clueless.

Now extrapolate how the IDF told the AP “hey you idiots since you media types are housing Hamas leadership and won’t do anything about it we’re gonna level this building. I’d leave if I were you.”

Womp womp 🤡
That’s happened thousands of times over. Doesn’t compare to a few random rockets landing in Israel. Both are awful but the Israelis are far worse about it
The IDF called each household and told them we’re gonna blow up your block and the parents were like “yeah no that’s cool. We’ll just chill here”. Seems legit 🕵🏻‍♂️
So... they didn’t notify the people in the manner you approve of so it’s their fault. You’re clueless 🤡

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