Israel vs Palestinians

Here is the solution... an easy and reasonable solution.
1. Let go of this BS Middle east policy. Cut them all loose. Bring our boys and girls home
2. Develope our own domestic energy and become less dependent on foreign instability
3. Defend our own borders and concern ourselves less with the borders of Israel and Ukraine and Kosovo
4. Conduct a special military operation at home to root out those here on our own soil that work for foreign interests and work to destroy our freedoms established by the US Constitution
4. Start to GAF about the needs of Americans instead of the needs of foreigners until we get our own house in order
Energy stuff will be hard to get done, but I agree Ras
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- Identify a Jew.
- Label them a “Zionist” based on nothing but the fact they’re Jewish.
- Harass and attack them with impunity

Nash & the Apologists will applaud you for fighting the power as super duper Pro-Palestinian protesters.

Israeli person, Israeli-branded restaurant raising funds for Israel?

“It’s because he’s Jewish”

Lol this wannabe race card is never going to work. Angry mobs directed at individuals isn’t great (seems like you’re flip flopping and agreeing with me on that now) but it’s not because of “Jewish”
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Energy stuff will be hard to get done, but I agree Ras
It's not just hard....... When you factor in that virtually every product we use in society today is made with oil products it's virtually impossible.

It's akin to a virtue signal completely at odds with reality.
Israeli person, Israeli-branded restaurant raising funds for Israel?

“It’s because he’s Jewish”

Lol this wannabe race card is never going to work. Angry mobs directed at individuals isn’t great (seems like you’re flip flopping and agreeing with me on that now) but it’s not because of “Jewish”
What is an Israeli-branded restaurant? They have a Jewish Star of David out front or something?
Israeli person, Israeli-branded restaurant raising funds for Israel?

“It’s because he’s Jewish”

Lol this wannabe race card is never going to work. Angry mobs directed at individuals isn’t great (seems like you’re flip flopping and agreeing with me on that now) but it’s not because of “Jewish”
So a Israeli establishment is targeted because it is supporting Israel...... But they weren't targeted because it or they are Jewish?

Is that your stance here or am I missing something?
People have such a hard time saying “Israeli” without dishonestly rewriting as “Jewish” lol
People have such a hard time saying “Israeli” without dishonestly rewriting as “Jewish” lol
Well they do make up virtually the entirety of the non Arab population in the country.

And they were yelling anti semetic slogans often directed towards Jews/Israeli's

The terms are interchangeable as you've shown in attempting to avoid the obvious racist intent.
lol. He’s not gonna like that. Gets big mad when you call him a she.

Weird, but that is really an odd thing to get all huffy about. 🤷‍♀️
Misgendering people is POS behavior, calling someone a woman as an insult also says a lot about how you view women. I’m sure you’ll keep acting confused though
Well they do make up virtually the entirety of the non Arab population in the country.

And they were yelling anti semetic slogans often directed towards Jews/Israeli's

The terms are interchangeable as you've shown in attempting to avoid the obvious racist intent.
Jew and Israeli being “interchangeable” is ridiculous lol, there are plenty of Jews that don’t support what Israel is doing and it doesn’t make them “anti-Jew” which should be obvious
Misgendering people is POS behavior, calling someone a woman as an insult also says a lot about how you view women. I’m sure you’ll keep acting confused though
Sounds like you have a deep seated anger over being called a “she”. You took it as an insult.

Says a lot about how you probably view women. But not surprising.
Sounds like you have a deep seated anger over being called a “she”. You took it as an insult.

Says a lot about how you probably view women. But not surprising.
“Deep seated anger” because I push back at all when he does it 10 times? Siding with someone calling people the wrong gender intentionally is POS behavior too, not sure even you can pretend otherwise
Jew and Israeli being “interchangeable” is ridiculous lol, there are plenty of Jews that don’t support what Israel is doing and it doesn’t make them “anti-Jew” which should be obvious
Many Israeli's don't support what Israel is doing either. Jews are roughly 72% of the population in Israel. The rest of them are Arab with a small contingent of "others". If we subtract the Arabs the rest are ethnic Jews.

Why was this establishment targeted though? Because it was a Jewish establishment that supports Jews in Israel at war with Palestinians of Arab descent.

If this was a group targeting a Palestinian establishment using slurs and slogan directed and specific to Palestinians it would be racist/ is this.
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Why was this establishment targeted though? Because it was an Israeli establishment sending money to Israel to support an initiative that has killed over 10K civilians.
FYP, lol. It’s not even difficult to understand, but people REALLY want to pull the race card in the same forum that constantly complains about the race card
Guy who can’t read an article without lying about what it says probably shouldn’t talk about stupidity.

Wow I managed to not randomly call you “she” like a POS, how difficult that was
You still haven’t figured out what you missed.
And you want to talk about stupid.

lol ok.
And who would have thought “she” for someone you thought identified as “she” was such an insult.

Are you insulted when I call you “she”
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