Israel vs Palestinians

How the Biden Team is Planning for a Postwar Gaza Strip​

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may not like the ideas, but he also may not get a say.

Biden administration officials have spent weeks quietly drafting a multiphase postwar game plan that envisions a revamped Palestinian Authority ultimately taking over the Gaza Strip.


How the Biden Team is Planning for a Postwar Gaza Strip​

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may not like the ideas, but he also may not get a say.

Biden administration officials have spent weeks quietly drafting a multiphase postwar game plan that envisions a revamped Palestinian Authority ultimately taking over the Gaza Strip.

We need to stay out and let Israel decide how they want to finish up with Gaza. Nobody else stepped in to tone down Hamas or to stop their attacks on Israel. It's not the same as "to the victors go the spoils", but when you are the only one addressing a problem, then you have earned the right to do it your way. The rest of the world had opportunity to address a problem and passed, so the rest of the world including the US should STFU now.

How the Biden Team is Planning for a Postwar Gaza Strip​

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may not like the ideas, but he also may not get a say.

Biden administration officials have spent weeks quietly drafting a multiphase postwar game plan that envisions a revamped Palestinian Authority ultimately taking over the Gaza Strip.

Hell of a signal to send…

“I know that everybody is racing forward right now to try to establish a Palestinian state. For the people of Israel, they don’t even understand that because we just suffered the equivalent of 20 9/11s,” he said. “And I think the last thing you want to do is send a message to any terror group that the way you’re going to achieve some sort of aim is to perpetrate a massive terror attack.
Energy stuff will be hard to get done, but I agree Ras
As of now, we are still a net energy exporter. And instead of exporting our natural gas to Europe as expensive LNG, Europe needs to go back to the cheap Russian pipeline gas and we can begin to make the necessary investments in utilizng our domestic natural gas instead of this solar/wind mill/EV nonsense.
They are saying as a % of the population.

Don’t know if it’s accurate to say ‘20x’ - but 1200 is a lot for Israel. But you know this.
So they are being intentionally misleading and 20 9/11s is where they end up, and Americans are cheerleading that because that's how far up Israel's behind we are now
If, say, Rashida Tlaib compared anything to 20 9/11s people here would never stop talking about it. Israel does it and we get this "you know this, I mean obviously it's 20 9/11s" ass kissing hahaha
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So they are being intentionally misleading and 20 9/11s is where they end up, and Americans are cheerleading that because that's how far up Israel's behind we are now
3,000 Americans died on 9/11, out of ~285M
1,200 Israelis died on 10/7, out of ~9M

Looks like it’s closer to 12x. Would you feel better with that? Would that be less misleading?
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3,000 Americans died on 9/11, out of ~285M
1,200 Israelis died on 10/7, out of ~9M

Looks like it’s closer to 12x. Would you feel better with that? Would that be less misleading?
Rewriting as percentage of population when literally no one ever does that, in an effort to play up the magnitude compared to 9/11 is something you should already recognize as an insane thing to do. If you prefer to suspend all common sense and act like that's normal, disregarding the fact that Israel has now inflicted 288 9/11s by this very stupid measure is also an insane thing to do
So they are being intentionally misleading and 20 9/11s is where they end up, and Americans are cheerleading that because that's how far up Israel's behind we are now
Is anyone worried that those who support what happened to the Israleis been doxxed? That's most important.
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Is anyone worried that those who support what happened to the Israleis been doxxed? That's most important.
You and the 4 people who find this funny are more than welcome to spam it everywhere, but replying to all of my posts with it is stupid and harassment
Rewriting as percentage of population when literally no one ever does that, in an effort to play up the magnitude (compared to 9/11) is something you should already recognize as an insane thing to do. If you prefer to suspend all common sense and act like that's normal, disregarding the fact that Israel has now inflicted 288 9/11s by this very stupid measure is also an insane thing to do
9/11 was a specific terror attack, the largest in US History.
10/7 was a specific terror attack, the largest in Israeli History.

Barbaric, singular attacks. Carried out by murderers. With nothing but deliberate murder on their minds.

But by all means, get mad about them comparing the scope.
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9/11 was a specific terror attack, the largest in US History.
10/7 was a specific terror attack, the largest in Israeli History.

Barbaric, singular attacks. Carried out by murderers. With nothing but deliberate murder on their minds.

But by all means, get mad about them comparing the scope.
Might as well not quote my post if you're going to respond to none of it and give your own speech

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