Israel vs Palestinians

The problem this time is that Israel gave them more freedom than they had ever allowed before while “managing” the situation. And the response to that freedom was an attack. They were supposed to be building infrastructure so they could be more self sufficient. They did the opposite. Can you imagine attacking the people who provide your energy and water when you were supposed to be developing your own.

Honestly my response would have been to turn everything off and leave it off until the Palestinian people brought me the leaders of Hamas, my hostages and/or intelligence on where Hamas was hiding. That’s where the bombs would fall.
Food water and a place to live for anyone with good intelligence.
what is the timeline on this freedom? Last meaningful change I know of was back under Clinton. and this is not the first attack since then either. Hamas took over in 2007 and pretty quickly followed that up with a lot larger of an offensive against Israel.
So you believe nothing good that is said of Isreal then??? Because it wasnt just Isreal saying that...
It wasn’t?

Israel coordinated airdrops of humanitarian aid into Gaza with five countries, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on February 28.

“Coordinating” something that requires zero input from them is essentially patting themselves on the back for not shooting down planes with aid. Most articles about these airdrops don’t mention Israel at all
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And yet people are less tolerant of an opposing view. False information is almost to the point that even stories from major news sources can be faked and AI is just getting started.
We have people on here who still believe that the Russian dossier was real.
You’ve lost your mind if you think we’re better informed now.
We’re better indoctrinated with the information we want to believe but we’re not better educated in facts.
We are better informed now than we were in 1995. People need to think and filter but that's always been true.
There is a lot of propaganda out there from both sides but there's also more complete valid information available from different sources.
We see a lot of that 'what we want to believe' on here and most of that's what our MSM has been feeding folks for years.
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the Gaza war was worse. Hamas attacked with, depending on your source, anywhere from 10k to 20k troops, included at least 1100 MILITARY and 900 CIVILIAN Israeli deaths. I doubt mass rapes, and abductions were lacking there.

There were also several other wars against their Arab neighbors that involved far more troops. easily could have been the death of all/most Jews in Israel had it gone differently.

it may have been the most effective SINGLE attack, but it was no where close to the worst thing Israel has experienced since the Holocaust. and all of those stats you listed wouldn't have occured on a single day, you are having to condense the events of at least a week to make the single day more than it was.
The Gaza War? An entire war? We’re talking about a singular event here with 10/7.

Nothing you want to hype up compares to what unfolded over those 24-48 hours.

Israel says it was the worst.
ADF says it was the worst.
Jews say it was the worst.

Who are you to say otherwise?

What’s your motive for downplaying 10/7? To classify Israel’s response as “disproportionate”?
We are better informed now that we were in 1995. People need to think and filter but that's always been true.
There is a lot of propaganda out there from both sides but there's also more complete valid information available from different sources.
We see a lot of that 'what we want to believe' on here and most of that's what our MSM has been feeding folks for years.

I wouldn’t say we are better informed now than in 1995. Most people aren’t looking to be informed, they are looking for affirmation for what they already believe.
I wouldn’t say we are better informed now than in 1995. Most people aren’t looking to be informed, they are looking for affirmation for what they already believe.
It's much easier for people to be better informed today. You're right though, many or most just look for validation of their existing views.
Jokes about death all day here, but then if anyone calls that behavior strange or bloodthirsty it’s “we’ve been called names before.” At a certain point, calling that behavior what it is isn’t “calling names” for people to turn around and play the victim
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what is the timeline on this freedom? Last meaningful change I know of was back under Clinton. and this is not the first attack since then either. Hamas took over in 2007 and pretty quickly followed that up with a lot larger of an offensive against Israel.
I believe the draw down started in 18. (Going from memory and too lazy to look it up.) gradually Israel became less and less involved in the day to day. This appeared to be working as it had been…3 years since any dust ups. Maybe only 2-1/2. Anyway that was a false flag approach by Hamas. Just waiting on Israel to get comfortable and complacent. Which they did. Someone at the defense level should have been fired….but that’s a different conversation. During that time when Hamas was supposed to be building infrastructure to become self sufficient they were building tunnels and rockets.

In my mind that’s the end of the trust extended to Hamas. And this is the reaction they get. Like I said earlier, I’d likely take a different approach but nobody would be happy with that either.
If they want to act like a military and conduct a scaled attack on foreign soil......well they better be ready for more than a turkey shoot.
Of course if the Bible is anywhere near true, then the bottom line is that Israel is being upheld by the almighty and omnipotent God of all creation, so matter how well equipped your military is, you are in deep trouble. In fact, if the sections on the Battle Of Armageddon are literal, then eventually the entire world will gang up and attack Israel in Southern Lebanon with the most advanced militaries ever and get absolutely destroyed. The countries around Israel think they are fighting against a small group of surrounded people. What if they are in fact picking a fight with the Supreme Power of all creation? They gonna lose.
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And there's the 'what we want to believe' thing.
so there wasn’t a constant state of unrest from ww1 on?

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