Israel vs Palestinians

The events of 1948 and after happened in modern times. People have deeds and international law theoretically applies.
The events of 1948 and later? You mean like the Arab attacks in Israel in 1967 and 1973? The 1972 Munich massacre? The numerous bloody intifadas since 2005? The October 7 murders of over 2000 Israeli civilians in cold blood? THISE modern events?
The events of 1948 and later? You mean like the Arab attacks in Israel in 1967 and 1973? The 1972 Munich massacre? The numerous bloody intifadas since 2005? The October 7 murders of over 2000 Israeli civilians in cold blood? THISE modern events?
Yes the 1967 and 1973 wars and the intifadas are part of those events. You might want to check your sources since Israel was the attacker in 67 and the toll from October 7 was not near 2,000.
Yes the 1967 and 1973 wars and the intifadas are part of those events. You might want to check your sources since Israel was the attacker in 67 and the toll from October 7 was not near 2,000.

It is pointless trying to have a discussion with someone determined to ignore the truth
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Would you care to form and express a coherent thought?
I will try to help you understand. Your friend Ras talks about the land covenant ending in 70 AD and then you turn around and call the Palestinians the rightful owners of the land. Do you care to explain how the Palestinians are the rightful owners?
No I don't agree that Israel 'pulled completely out' because that didn't happen as much as you want it as a talking point. They kept a lot of control, which ain't 'pulling out'.
Did you miss the part where Israel helped prop up hamas?
direct copy of Hamas propaganda talking points
I will try to help you understand. Your friend Ras talks about the land covenant ending in 70 AD and then you turn around and call the Palestinians the rightful owners of the land. Do you care to explain how the Palestinians are the rightful owners?
Yes, presenting coherent statements does help, thank you. Speaking of individuals, they had title to the property that they were run off of in 1948 and what's been seized since then. Speaking of the region, they were around 90% of the population before the settlers started arriving and around 70% when Israel declared its establishment.
I will try to help you understand. Your friend Ras talks about the land covenant ending in 70 AD and then you turn around and call the Palestinians the rightful owners of the land. Do you care to explain how the Palestinians are the rightful owners?
This book may help them in their efforts 😂
So you're not interested in reality, but just an agenda. Up to you.
Reality is what I deal in. It is you who makes up facts to bolster your fantasy world view.
The 1967 war started because Egypt blockaded Israel and its access to the Suez Canal in the ongoing Arab effort to destroy Israel (after Egypt kicked out UN Peacekeepers). The actual first shots were fired by Syria in April 1967 when they attacked an Israeli tractor.
Since 1948, the surrounding Arab States have been streadfast and explicit in their desire to destroy Israel. Egypt under Saddat actually saw the light and decided to make peace, which ended up getting Saddat assassinated by the hard liners for his trouble
Reality is what I deal in. It is you who makes up facts to bolster your fantasy world view.
The 1967 war started because Egypt blockaded Israel and its access to the Suez Canal in the ongoing Arab effort to destroy Israel (after Egypt kicked out UN Peacekeepers). The actual first shots were fired by Syria in April 1967 when they attacked an Israeli tractor.
Since 1948, the surrounding Arab States have been streadfast and explicit in their desire to destroy Israel. Egypt under Saddat actually saw the light and decided to make peace, which ended up getting Saddat assassinated by the hard liners for his trouble
That must have been some tractor. What day was that?
So you're not interested in reality, but just an agenda. Up to you.
Reality is that a Jewish State existed in that region beginning in about 1400 BC or about 3400 years ago. King David and King Solomon are established historical fact. Jude’s and Samaria are well documented in contemporaneous accounts from neighboring countries. Josephus clearly describes the Jewish inhabitation of the region under the Romans. No serious authority questions the ancient and uncontested Jewish history in the Levant.
1948 was a clear and explicit acknowledgment by the entire World community of that claim and the State of Israel was reborn under International law. But the Arabs couldn’t stand the thought of SHARING the land and have fought tooth and nail to expel the Jews in a new genocide. The ironic thing is that every time they resort to arms to accomplish this goal, they get their behinds handed to them and lose even MORE territory. Because the Israelis have the most powerful ally imaginable, and I don’t mean the United States. The omnipotent Ruler of all creation has decreed their status and their claims. And anyone who tries to prevent that claim is not picking a fight with man; but with Almighty God Himself. That is a fight that is totally unwinable and foolish in the extreme.
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Reality is that a Jewish State existed in that region beginning in about 1400 BC or about 3400 years ago. King David and King Solomon are established historical fact. Jude’s and Samaria are well documented in contemporaneous accounts from neighboring countries. Josephus clearly describes the Jewish inhabitation of the region under the Romans. No serious authority questions the ancient and uncontested Jewish history in the Levant.
1948 was a clear and explicit acknowledgment by the entire World community of that claim and the State of Israel was reborn under International law. But the Arabs couldn’t stand the thought of SHARING the land and have fought tooth and nail to expel the Jews in a new genocide. The ironic thing is that every time they resort to arms to accomplish this goal, they get their behinds handed to them and lose even MORE territory. Because the Israelis have the most powerful ally imaginable, and I don’t mean the United States. The omnipotent Ruler of all creation has decreed their status and their claims. And anyone who tries to prevent that claim is not picking a fight with man; but with Almighty God Himself. That is a fight that is totally unwinable and foolish in the extreme.
Like I said...

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