Israel vs Palestinians

Well that's very convenient. At any rate most of them left or converted to other faiths, and other people moved in, all long long ago. It's not copacetic to abandon land for a thousand years and then claim it and clear out the rightful inhabitants.
If you get up to speed on your history you'll notice that it wasn't so much the Palestinians who couldn't live in peace as it was the European settlers.
Well that's very convenient. At any rate most of them left or converted to other faiths, and other people moved in, all long long ago. It's not copacetic to abandon land for a thousand years and then claim it and clear out the rightful inhabitants.
If you get up to speed on your history you'll notice that it wasn't so much the Palestinians who couldn't live in peace as it was the European settlers.
Are you of the belief that all lands should return to thier orginal owners whomever that may be???
Well that's very convenient. At any rate most of them left or converted to other faiths, and other people moved in, all long long ago. It's not copacetic to abandon land for a thousand years and then claim it and clear out the rightful inhabitants.
If you get up to speed on your history you'll notice that it wasn't so much the Palestinians who couldn't live in peace as it was the European settlers.
You've done it now...
And that land covenant effectively ended in 69-70 AD.
Your story is as confused as Eastern's. But, for the sake of argument, let's suppose you are correct. Reconcile this statement in context of this thread......."Russia can and will take what part of Ukraine that it wants".
And that land covenant effectively ended in 69-70 AD.
Not quite. The Bible predicted that Israel would be scattered (which did happen post 70 AD) but that God would gather them from the 4 winds back to their homeland in the last days.
And like everything else God promised, it came to pass.
And the book of Revelation tells us that no one will ever dislodge them ever again. And then the entire world will gather against them in The Valley of Armageddon in which history comes to a close, with Israel still standing and the entire world ruled from Jerusalem by a risen Jewish carpenter.
I understand that but you have referenced several times that Isreal took over that have I've always been curious by people who view land that way.
The events of 1948 and after happened in modern times. People have deeds and international law theoretically applies.
Well that's very convenient. At any rate most of them left or converted to other faiths, and other people moved in, all long long ago. It's not copacetic to abandon land for a thousand years and then claim it and clear out the rightful inhabitants.
If you get up to speed on your history you'll notice that it wasn't so much the Palestinians who couldn't live in peace as it was the European settlers.

And that land covenant effectively ended in 69-70 AD.

I see you're easily amused. Can you prove the 'original owner' of anywhere?
Apparently you can.

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