Jewish is actually one of the 12 tribes. Judah. It’s not clear why Nazis latched onto the term Jewish for all Hebrews. Maybe it was because of Judaism…. The religion of the Hebrews…..who knows. But Jewish has become the term everyone uses to describe the Hebrews. Occasionally I would point that out, like in the Bible threads, but honestly most times it’s not worth the effort as it’s now accepted terminology.
Occasionally I’ll refer to myself as “Jew-ish” in regards to that concept
While it is still mixed on "why" the Nazis hated Jews. A lot of it seems to be tied to Jews being blamed as the factor for Germany's surrender in World War 1 and tying Jews to Communism (I think Karl Marx was a Jew, correct me if I am wrong).
It was ignorant so it is hard for people that are NOT Nazis to explained it but I have watched a lot of documentaries about it. Anti-Semitism was also very common prior to WW1 and even the Kaiser's regime had it someone in place although they didn't pursue any persecutions about it, it was more subtle racism. Vienna, where Hitler grew up, was also a haven for anti-semitism.
The trigger point seems to be the end of WW1, however. Nazism came together due to a boiling point of various issues and was a continued escalation. The Holocaust, for example, was never the initial plan as the focus was getting Jews to willingly leave Germany (there was also an idea of sending them to Madagascar).
The perfect storm that created Nazi Germany was the following:
1. Defeat in World War 1
2. Hitler/Nazi persistence, collection of characters from various backgrounds, and oratory ability. The Nazis were evil and did make some critical mistakes but they were also brilliant. Think Palpatine/Star Wars kind of comparison. Herman Goering, for example, was a major war hero and was the second greatest fighter ace for Germany after the Red Baron. He would have been equivalent in Germany to Tom Brady or Michael Jordan in the USA from a popularity standpoint.
3. The political violence in the 1920s Weimar Republic
4. Great Depression
5. The old militaristic Prussian Mentality that was left with nothing to do after war
6. The supposed success of Mussolini and Fascism in Italy
7. The breakup of Austria-Hungary and power vacuum in Eastern Europe/Balkans
8. Festering Anti-Semitism that was amplified as Jews got associated with bankers (See Great Depression) and Communism. Nazism was both anti-Capitalists and anti-Communists
9. The rise of Evolutionary teaching and decline of religious teachings. Specific Eugenics and selective breeding of animals. Nazisms philosophy of the superior race was basically an amplified version of selective breeding used on animals but amplified to human beings. Nazism basically took selective breeding and applied to humanity and came up with idea that Germans have better right to live and are more important than other human beings they identified as inferior (Jews, Slavs, Gypsies/Roma, etc.)
10. The economic philosophy emerging in Germany regarding the limitation of land holding the German people back.
11. The Nazis provided a sense of community and purpose to the German people that other parties did NOT provide
I sometimes think it is great to review these type of subjects and study neutrally because it helps you watch out for trends that could lead us down that dangerous path. The next "Nazis" won't look anything like the "Nazis" in my opinion because part of what made the "Nazis" so successful in German politics was that they had NOT been seen prior to that era.