It's An Historic Day In History - Trump Implicated In Campaign Finance Violations



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Cohen says he broke campaign finance law 'at direction of candidate'


Let the impeachment begin! Down will go the lying, racist, offensive, narcissistic, misogynistic ass that is Donald Trump.
Some people are trying to figure out which basket they belong and since they haven't figured it out yet, the other two are already filled up.
Not a big deal. Nothing compared to what John Edwards did.

Libs need to be mentally prepared for a big letdown. Otherwise they might take to the streets and hurt somebody.
Not a big deal. Nothing compared to what John Edwards did.

Libs need to be mentally prepared for a big letdown. Otherwise they might take to the streets and hurt somebody.

This will end the same way the Clinton investigation did.
Clinton impeached that really meant not a damn thing.
Not a big deal. Nothing compared to what John Edwards did.

Libs need to be mentally prepared for a big letdown. Otherwise they might take to the streets and hurt somebody.


Have you seen those ****ies get curb stomped every time they raise a ruckus?
Not a big deal. Nothing compared to what John Edwards did.

Libs need to be mentally prepared for a big letdown. Otherwise they might take to the streets and hurt somebody.

This is a HUGE deal! This has surpassed Watergate level. Even with Watergate the president couldn't be tied directly to it but as history dictates it was more than enough to take down Nixon.
This is a HUGE deal! This has surpassed Watergate level. Even with Watergate the president couldn't be tied directly to it but as history dictates it was more than enough to take down Nixon.

That's "YUGE" for you sir.
This is a HUGE deal! This has surpassed Watergate level. Even with Watergate the president couldn't be tied directly to it but as history dictates it was more than enough to take down Nixon.

A measly campaign finance violation compared to Watergate? You're joking right?

Oh wait, you're dead serious. Lulz.
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The documents [appear to] reference Trump as “individual-1,” saying that the person began a presidential campaign “on or about June 16, 2015.”

who could that be?

Who Who who?

Hm. Escapes me. Who hoo hoo?

Google what happened to Bill Clinton was impeached.
Bill Clinton was impeached. His trial did not convict him of a crime, therefore, he was not removed from office. Richard Nixon faced the prospect of being impeached, but rather than be impeached, convicted of a significant crime, and removed from office, he chose to resign.

Trump is a criminal. He gone.
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