It's An Historic Day In History - Trump Implicated In Campaign Finance Violations

Thirty years of investigations and baseless accusations with nothing to show for it. Sad Red Hats.
Womp womp.
You sure about that?

Did you mean to infer that he is transsexual?
If so why?

He like many on the left resort to name calling because he has no facts to win an argument.

He and many others also parrot whatever the MSM talking heads spew no matter how obviously biased and unfair the opinions/news/commentary are.

Russian collusion and interference in the 2016 election was the reason for this special counsel investigation. Mueller has delivered zero evidence of Russian collusion or any other criminal activity by the Trump campaign.

It's fascinating to see how so many on the left are actually feeling vindicated about yesterday's verdicts affecting Trump because they only know what their favorite news outlets tell them.

Mockingbird media is real.

The CIA & The Media: 50 facts The World Should Know
That is why I asked.
Just FYI that is also what they call a young man who is transitioning to a girl.
The vast majority of my friends (males included) use the term boi, and I don't know of any of them that are transitioning. I've never heard that term used to describe someone in transition. I wasn't trying to be an ass, it is just interchangeable with boy among my age/social group.
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The vast majority of my friends (males included) use the term boi, and I don't know of any of them that are transitioning. I've never heard that term used to describe someone in transition. I wasn't trying to be an ass, it is just interchangeable with boy among my age/social group.

I didn’t think Martin would have even one socialist, much less a group of y’all.

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