It's An Historic Day In History - Trump Implicated In Campaign Finance Violations

Let me know when you convict the President on 1 charge there smart guy

Looking forward to it!

Maybe it will take those final actions, that level of obstruction of justice, to rouse Republicans from their disastrous inaction. Maybe it will take an indictment of the president by some brave soul at the Justice Department or by Mueller, himself. Or maybe not. The continuing defense of Trump by Republicans in the House and Senate has become increasingly untethered from law or fact, and in that sense, it mirrors the delusions from which Trump suffers. It’s no way to run a legislature, much less a country, but here we are, in the dog days of August, led by a man who, if he weren’t sworn into high office would be fighting in court to remain free on bail.
Yep, He supposedly was telling the truth for a year and now all of a sudden that's not truth and this is..

Fox wasn’t the one saying this and what was said about Cohen, came from the special Counsel.
Conspiracy to defraud the US know setting up meetings with Russians to get dirt on HRC. Lying about it, lying about it, lying about it, and then said yeah we met with the what, everyone does it. You know if you have to lie, you are hiding something.

How exactly was the US Government defrauded?
How exactly was the US Government defrauded?

You're going tonreally do this. The conspiracy was election meddling. Noatter what I say, you will hunker down and deny it. If you want to be willfully ignorant, that's fine. Continue to whistle past the graveyard.
At some point we will have to just list the crimes the Trump Family didn't commit, for brevity.

At some point ( Soon) you are going to have to PROVE those crimes they are accused of and not just wish them proven . I think that’s the major hole in the case lol
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You're going tonreally do this. The conspiracy was election meddling. Noatter what I say, you will hunker down and deny it. If you want to be willfully ignorant, that's fine. Continue to whistle past the graveyard.

It’s not a grave yard if there are no bodies in it , just an empty lot 😉
You're going tonreally do this. The conspiracy was election meddling. Noatter what I say, you will hunker down and deny it. If you want to be willfully ignorant, that's fine. Continue to whistle past the graveyard.

Define "election meddling"? What exactly are you accusing the Trump campaign of doing?
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Deceitful Donnie Dotard tells another lie. I know, shocker. They just can't seem to keep all their lies straight. Imagine that.

Weren't you recently admonishing people on this board for using words with tard in them? I thought you and Braindead were one on this.
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So let me see.....

Hillary uses substantial amount of money to fund a fake dossier to affect the outcome of the's not a crime..... Trump tells his attorney to pay a couple of whores and then reimburses him and it's a crime?...... because the payments were made in attempt to affect the election?
What if Trump had gotten a hair transplant or liposuction or something else designed to improve his appearance in order to make him more attractive to voters? Is improving one's appearance not trying to affect the election?
So let me see.....

Hillary uses substantial amount of money to fund a fake dossier to affect the outcome of the's not a crime..... Trump tells his attorney to pay a couple of whores and then reimburses him and it's a crime?...... because the payments were made in attempt to affect the election?
What if Trump had gotten a hair transplant or liposuction or something else designed to improve his appearance in order to make him more attractive to voters? Is improving one's appearance not trying to affect the election?
Hillary tried to hide her seizures and bad health from the public. Also affected the election...
So let me see.....

Hillary uses substantial amount of money to fund a fake dossier to affect the outcome of the's not a crime..... Trump tells his attorney to pay a couple of whores and then reimburses him and it's a crime?...... because the payments were made in attempt to affect the election?
What if Trump had gotten a hair transplant or liposuction or something else designed to improve his appearance in order to make him more attractive to voters? Is improving one's appearance not trying to affect the election?

I don't think that's accurate.

DNC payed Fusion GPS who used Steele as a source. I don't think it was ever used to affect the election, though. Other than that, I couldn't tell you if Hillary had anything to do with the dossier ending up with the FBI or Justice Department, although I've never heard anyone say she did.
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So let me see.....

Hillary uses substantial amount of money to fund a fake dossier to affect the outcome of the's not a crime..... Trump tells his attorney to pay a couple of whores and then reimburses him and it's a crime?...... because the payments were made in attempt to affect the election?
What if Trump had gotten a hair transplant or liposuction or something else designed to improve his appearance in order to make him more attractive to voters? Is improving one's appearance not trying to affect the election?

Liberals just can't get it. They are making all the cases on what is a crime. Once Bruce Ohr testifies, and Strzok, Page, and the rest are unraveled and Huber completes his investigation, it's going to be simple to say they tried to affect the outcome of an election. The DIMs will have nowhere to go with that since they have accused Trump of the same thing on much less evidence.
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I don't think that's accurate.

DNC payed Fusion GPS who used Steele as a source. I don't think it was ever used to affect the election, though. Other than that, I couldn't tell you if Hillary had anything to do with the dossier ending up with the FBI or Justice Department, although I've never heard anyone say she did.
Creating a fake dossier to get a FISA Warrant to investigate Trump is Election Meddling and much worse. Clinton was involved but she may have cover because they have been playing this game for a long time. Others will go down in her place.
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I don't think that's accurate.

DNC payed Fusion GPS who used Steele as a source. I don't think it was ever used to affect the election, though. Other than that, I couldn't tell you if Hillary had anything to do with the dossier ending up with the FBI or Justice Department, although I've never heard anyone say she did.

If you don’t think she was neck deep in it, I have a tropical island in Russia I need to sell.
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