It's An Historic Day In History - Trump Implicated In Campaign Finance Violations

Thirty years of investigations and baseless accusations with nothing to show for it. Sad Red Hats.
Womp womp.

Serious question .. if Trump opened an unsecured email at one of his golf resorts and used it to pass along top secret info to Jared , the Russian hack it stealing that info .... would mueller add that as one of the things to try and charge him with ? Would the Dems say no there was no intent ?
Serious question .. if Trump opened an unsecured email at one of his golf resorts and used it to pass along top secret info to Jared , the Russian hack it stealing that info .... would mueller add that as one of the things to try and charge him with ? Would the Dems say no there was no intent ?
The Hillary server stuff is played out. She was cleared. Create a new conspiracy.
Serious question .. if Trump opened an unsecured email at one of his golf resorts and used it to pass along top secret info to Jared , the Russian hack it stealing that info .... would mueller add that as one of the things to try and charge him with ? Would the Dems say no there was no intent ?

Top Secret? That'd get a lot of attention.
The Hillary server stuff is played out. She was cleared. Create a new conspiracy.

Except she wasn’t cleared. Comey all but threw her sorry ass in jail when he laid out the case in that early July presser.

The deep state has taken y’all hostage, you’re just too dumb to see it. If you don’t believe the deep state exists, pick up a history book.

The machine protects itself. Trump is not a component of that machine.

One day, even at the expense of becoming Madurostan, liberals will realize how damn wrong they were.
Except she wasn’t cleared. Comey all but threw her sorry ass in jail when he laid out the case in that early July presser.

The deep state has taken y’all hostage, you’re just too dumb to see it. If you don’t believe the deep state exists, pick up a history book.

The machine protects itself. Trump is not a component of that machine.

One day, even at the expense of becoming Madurostan, liberals will realize how damn wrong they were.

If that's true, most Americans will realize how wrong we were.

Is there a Deep State?

How you define it makes all the difference.
Here is an interesting question: Does Pence pardon Trump once he takes office or does he let Trump go down as the first President in history to go to jail?
Here is an interesting question: Does Pence pardon Trump once he takes office or does he let Trump go down as the first President in history to go to jail?
Pence pardons Trump
Pence appoints him VP
Pence resigns

Liberal heads across the nation explode in a wonderfully spectacular emo rage fest!!
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Here is an interesting question: Does Pence pardon Trump once he takes office or does he let Trump go down as the first President in history to go to jail?

A better question is “are you really this stupid or just play that here”?
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