It's Coming



It takes wisdom to understand wisdom.
May 12, 2010
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section
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Maybe you should go back into your cocoon. Hot heads have been attending football games as long as football has existed. Open carry laws will have no effect on this.

It ain't the laws as much as it is the jackasses who strut around with the guns and think they're Bat Masterson or Wyatt Earp.
I wonder what they said to him.

"You sure do look purdy in that blue...Ma'am!"

So, I have a gun, but not a carry permit, therefore I haven't paid a bunch of attention to the laws on it. If you have a permit, that doesn't allow you to carry in large gatherings like sporting events and concerts, does it? If so, I won't be yelling 'down in front!' And the OP's concerns might be legit.
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section

I agree these gun laws are absurd. Our country just seems very hostile with each other. Whether it’s politics, religion or even something as simple as a sport. Let’s all calm down and realize we are not enemies.
Watched the video, kid likely deserved it. Take them out of the stadium… who cares?
Have you ever seen anyone other than law enforcement carrying a gun at a football game? The little green men that you are seeing do not exist.

I hope you're right. All the same, experience has taught me to never underestimate either human stupidity, human nature, nor human insanity. It has already happen but we ain't seen nothing yet. And again, I hope I'm dead wrong, but as of now, I doubt it.

1. Alabama fan arrested for allegedly shooting Auburn fan over Iron Bowl argument
2. Witness: Fatal shooting was over Bama loss
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section

I hope you're right. All the same, experience has taught me to never underestimate either human stupidity, human nature, nor human insanity. It has already happen but we ain't seen nothing yet. And again, I hope I'm dead wrong, but as of now, I doubt it.

1. Alabama fan arrested for allegedly shooting Auburn fan over Iron Bowl argument
2. Witness: Fatal shooting was over Bama loss

Both articles you cited are examples of the type of gun violence taking place in large cities all over the country every day. Neither happened at a football stadium. In both cases, irresponsible and sensational headlines in the media (surprise!) connected the crimes to a college football game. The first happened outside a motel in Mobile. The second case involved fans of the same team and the shooters attorney chocked it up to a misunderstanding and said it had nothing to do with the outcome of the game.

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