It's Coming

A persons fear don’t trump my 2nd Amendment Right to possess as many guns as I’d like or carry a gun with me. But, just like the “no shoes, no shirt, no service” policy, businesses, stadiums, etc…. have the right to determine if they’ll allowed concealed or open carry in their establishment. Likewise, I also have the right to not patronize that establishment for their fear based decision.

As a wise man once said, “Those who are willing to give up essential liberty for a little security deserve neither liberty nor security”.

You probably should read the Second Amendment a little more closely.
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section
Dramatic much? 🙄
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I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section
Please reference second independent clause of first sentence. You should be more worried about the siege on 2a.
If the laws allow a jackass to carry a firearm without any training, oversight or regulation isn’t that kind of a problem?
There are still laws and training programs for firearm safety. I grew up with guns and was taught to respect them for what they are. Flash forward to my time as a paratrooper all it taught me was how to more efficiently use the tool to maximize its potential. It really comes down to the moral compass of the individual and the government can’t be dad or mom. It’s on us to raise our children to do the right thing and teach them the appropriate way to use a gun as well as making them understand it’s a last resort and de-escalation should always be the priority.
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Just a guess here…more than likely king alcohol bears most of the blame here…just a guess mind you!
But if people are the problem and guns are made available to unreasonable people then We have a gun problem.

So our background checks are allowing unreasonable people to obtain a firearm? Since when? You have to be a law abiding citizen to own a firearm.
So our background checks are allowing unreasonable people to obtain a firearm? Since when? You have to be a law abiding citizen to own a firearm.
You apparently don’t live in Tennessee or don’t read the news very much. Anyone 21 and up can carry without training, license or background check.
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LOL, you’ve watched way too many cowboy movies. Shootouts weren’t as common as the movies make them out to be but you can live in fear if you’d like.
Oh I don’t live in fear. I just find it comical when someone throws something out there about their views of the founding fathers. The guns rights people are against voting rights and the voting rights people are against gun rights. Just comical to me that people think this division is what the founding fathers wanted.
Remember that if your not in a militia then you can’t carry a firearm. Thus, you don’t have a fundamental individual right. If you’re going to read it literally then do so.

You apparently didn’t read the most recent SCOTUS ruling when the gun grabbers challenged the intent of the 2nd Amendment. What do you think a militia is? It’s common folks having the ability to form together should the government ever become tyrannical. You know, they taught this stuff in Civics years ago. I understand they no longer teach Civics which is why many folks aren’t familiar with the intent of our Bill of Rights and can’t even identify the branches of the government and their rolls. It’s truly sad.
Oh I don’t live in fear. I just find it comical when someone throws something out there about their views of the founding fathers. The guns rights people are against voting rights and the voting rights people are against gun rights. Just comical to me that people think this division is what the founding fathers wanted.

LOL, Who is against voting rights? You must be referring to the thought of providing an ID to vote which apparently to some is to be against voting rights. Yet a person has to show an ID to buy alcohol, tobacco, enter a club, fly on commercial aircraft, and so many other activities yet to show it to vote is inappropriate.
You apparently didn’t read the most recent SCOTUS ruling when the gun grabbers challenged the intent of the 2nd Amendment. What do you think a militia is? It’s common folks having the ability to form together should the government ever become tyrannical. You know, they taught this stuff in Civics years ago. I understand they no longer teach Civics which is why many folks aren’t familiar with the intent of our Bill of Rights and can’t even identify the branches of the government and their rolls. It’s truly sad.
I quite familiar with laws …. It’s my job. If you are a true constructionist then you can’t believe there is an inherent individual right to carry firearms under the 2nd Amendment.

Speaking of a tyrannical government how do you think the 2nd Amendment protects you against tanks, bombs, airplanes, etc. it is clear the framers never considered that a tyrannical government would have anything other than black powder and muskets. So one has to read into the 2nd Amendment to get to an individual right to carry a firearm for strictly personal reasons.
There are still laws and training programs for firearm safety. I grew up with guns and was taught to respect them for what they are. Flash forward to my time as a paratrooper all it taught me was how to more efficiently use the tool to maximize its potential. It really comes down to the moral compass of the individual and the government can’t be dad or mom. It’s on us to raise our children to do the right thing and teach them the appropriate way to use a gun as well as making them understand it’s a last resort and de-escalation should always be the priority.

Incorrect. Not just anyone. And honestly they should have lowered it to 18
It takes away background checks for mentally defective individuals, if you think that is ok then we will just have to agree to disagree. If you have to have a license to operate a car one would think you would need it for a firearm. If you have to take a parenting class to get a divorce probably should have some oversight for a gun.
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section
Bro, that’s been happening for years

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