It's Coming

Shouldn't this be in politics?

You'd be surprised with how many guns are being carried around you, everywhere you go - legally and illegally.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

If you have to have a permit, it no longer becomes a right, but just a privilege no better than a driver's license. I, for one, will not stand for politicians clearly violating the Bill of Rights. No rights clearly defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can ever be deemed illegal. The illegality comes when restrictions are placed upon them.
So, I have a gun, but not a carry permit, therefore I haven't paid a bunch of attention to the laws on it. If you have a permit, that doesn't allow you to carry in large gatherings like sporting events and concerts, does it? If so, I won't be yelling 'down in front!' And the OP's concerns might be legit.

Conceal carry and open carry is mostly prohibited at sporting events due to privately owned arenas or being on campuses.

Gonna be something a little different in about every state but I think that's pretty basic everywhere.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

If you have to have a permit, it no longer becomes a right, but just a privilege no better than a driver's license. I, for one, will not stand for politicians clearly violating the Bill of Rights. No rights clearly defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can ever be deemed illegal. The illegality comes when restrictions are placed upon them.
So a convicted felon of violent crimes should maintain the right to carry a firearm?

Good grief, this should be in politics forum. Bringing down a good football Saturday with politics talk.
So a convicted felon of violent crimes should maintain the right to carry a firearm?

Good grief, this should be in politics forum. Bringing down a good football Saturday with politics talk.

Felons forfeit their rights as an American citizen when they choose to violate the social contract.
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Thinning the Hurd is just nature, don’t confuse that with our right to protect ourselves.
I'm hoping it never happens, and I'm just suffering a case of senseless paranoia. Yet, I fear with widespread open and concealed carry laws combined with the increasing recklessness and hate-fueled idiocy of too many people these days, the worst is headed our way. It's only a matter of time before we see some drunken or emotionally charged nitwit wreak havoc at a football game. We'll find ourselves having to pass through airport-like screening lines as a result. I'm so certain, I'd bet money on it if there was a legal betting source.

Things got nuts Friday night at Lane Stadium when a UNC dad became unhinged and went after a specific target in the Virginia Tech student, but dad clearly didn’t mind taking on the entire section as he was the only baby blue launching himself into a sea of orange.

Source: Fed up UNC dad attacks Virginia Tech student section
Take this horse crap to politics
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I agree these gun laws are absurd. Our country just seems very hostile with each other. Whether it’s politics, religion or even something as simple as a sport. Let’s all calm down and realize we are not enemies.

A persons fear don’t trump my 2nd Amendment Right to possess as many guns as I’d like or carry a gun with me. But, just like the “no shoes, no shirt, no service” policy, businesses, stadiums, etc…. have the right to determine if they’ll allowed concealed or open carry in their establishment. Likewise, I also have the right to not patronize that establishment for their fear based decision.

As a wise man once said, “Those who are willing to give up essential liberty for a little security deserve neither liberty nor security”.
More guns in society. I love it. I don’t fear seeing our citizenry carrying guns. My thoughts are more along the lines of “They’re finally getting it. This is exactly what our founders intended”.
Yes, it will be super fun when everyone has holsters and we can go back to the days of the Wild West shoot outs…that’s exactly what the founders intended.
Is it stated in the Bill of Rights that felons can't carry?

Good point. There is no provision in the Bill of Rights. However, given felons lose their right to vote in the Constitution, the most fundamental right of all, it is implied they lose all other rights afforded to law-abiding citizens too. However, it could be successfully argued that that clause doesn't apply to the 2nd amendment, or any other god-given right. Given this, I really see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to carry as well. Thanks for changing my mind on this issue.
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Felons forfeit their rights as an American citizen when they choose to violate the social contract.

And yet it's amazing how many gun crimes are committed by convicted felons who were already breaking the law just by carrying a firearm -- even before they shot anyone with it. Funny thing about criminals, they tend to ignore the laws. But hey, alcohol and drug prohibition were wildly successful, so maybe we should take away the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. What's the worst that could happen?
Yes, it will be super fun when everyone has holsters and we can go back to the days of the Wild West shoot outs…that’s exactly what the founders intended.

LOL, you’ve watched way too many cowboy movies. Shootouts weren’t as common as the movies make them out to be but you can live in fear if you’d like.
Arm everybody, send them to a football game along with alcohol they purchase on site and/or sneak in. Then have some fun, lots of fun, bluish smoke, and the smell of it. By all means bam, blam, and boom. It's great fun, and it won't matter who won the game or how many points were scored, how well the defense played, or even the QB no good. The most important thing is to have Paladin the event. Why not? It's gonna happen anyway. Now, strike up the van, it just wouldn't be as much fun without the music.

Seriously, this went way beyond my original post intent. Which was, given the rise in shootings and human behavior becoming progressively worse, it's only a matter of time before a shooting happens at a game.

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