It's going to be a great season & here is why...2nd Year Thread

Speaking of which whatever happened to Sentimore. I heard Burger King drive thru.

Admittedly, Sentimore was dumb to leave early. Probably listened to the wrong people or had a "me too" moment on seeing the other early departing teammates. Or even worse had a misguided perception that CBJ would be another mess. Decided to cut his loses and run. Whatever, it was a dumb decision. BUT, it pains me that a so-called Vols fan would make fun of a former player who donned the orange and white and sweat through practices and games. I mock that player even if he was foolish to leave early just seems to indicate a lack of appreciation for our players. An we say we're the best fanbase in the USA? :banghead2:
I'm not going to crap on your thoughts. Instead I'll ask this:

Which of these defenses do you think Tennessee will suddenly be better than? I'm going to post the Top 20, as some teams will obviously get better or worse from year to year:

1. Alabama - 250.0 ypg
2. Florida St - 253.8 ypg
3. BYU - 266.1 ypg
4. Michigan St - 274.4 ypg
5. Florida - 286.7
6. Bowling Green - 296.6 ypg
7. Notre Dame - 305.5 ypg
8. LSU - 307.6 ypg
9. UConn - 309.9 ypg
10. Rutgers - 311.6 ypg
11. South Carolina - 315.5 ypg
12. Boise St - 315.6 ypg
13. Michigan - 320.0 ypg
14. Utah St - 322.1 ypg
15. Wisconsin - 322.6 ypg
16. TCU - 323.9 ypg
17. Pittsburgh - 330.5 ypg
18. Va Tech - 333.2 ypg
19. Vanderbilt - 333.9 ypg
20. Stanford - 336.2 ypg

As a reminder, Tennessee ranked #110 in total defense, giving up 471.3 yards per game. So if '13 roughly resembles '12, the Vols will have to shave off 159.7 ypg to make it to #10 in total defense.

Hell, no Dooley and no Sunseri shaves 100 yds and 14 pts off before we take the field. So there's that.....
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People who are expecting 8 or more wins won't get it. We don't have a DL rotation, no second string linebackers, or defensive backs. Our offense has no experience at any position but OL, and running back. Our OL is elite, but our backs are merely average. This is a 5-7 win year, but 7 is more likely. We need some development miracles to compete with everyone.
People who are expecting 8 or more wins won't get it. We don't have a DL rotation, no second string linebackers, or defensive backs. Our offense has no experience at any position but OL, and running back. Our OL is elite, but our backs are merely average. This is a 5-7 win year, but 7 is more likely. We need some development miracles to compete with everyone.

1) The reason I think we have a better shot is that most of the upperclassman that we have were recruited to play in a 4-3. It was only when Sal came along that we switched it up to a 3-4. So, the defense that these guys were recruited for is finally the one in which they are playing.

2) McCullers could be held by two guys in a 3-4, but that is going to be crazy hard to do in a 4-3.

3) Our backs are a lot better than you think.

4) Worley is inexperienced but has played well in some big games. Below are his numbers from 2011 and 2012.


2012 15 23 134 65.2 5.83 19 0 2 0 96.8
2011 48 87 604 55.2 6.94 50 1 3 3 110.4

5) We added some needed depth in some core places

6) Are Wrs are also better than you are giving credit for. Adding to this we added North who is a stud.
People who are expecting 8 or more wins won't get it. We don't have a DL rotation, no second string linebackers, or defensive backs. Our offense has no experience at any position but OL, and running back. Our OL is elite, but our backs are merely average. This is a 5-7 win year, but 7 is more likely. We need some development miracles to compete with everyone.

DISCLAIMER: This is all in jest, a bit of needling. Just so the hypersensitive know.

GOOD Vols fans all, of every sort,
Give ear unto my song;
And if you find it wondrous short,--
It cannot hold you long.

Among us there was a man,
Of whom the fanbase might say
That still a Vols fan he was and,--
Wore his orange and white each day.

A kind but doubting heart he had,
To comfort and dismay friends and foes;
More often he insisted on being sad,--
When he donned his team colored clothes.

And in that town a dog was found,
As many dogs there be,
Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound,
But this was Smokey, a hound of high pedigree.

The dog and man at first were friends;
But when a pique began,
The dog, due to Burger’s constant doubtings,
Went mad, and bit the man.

Around and around the Neyland Stadium seats;
The doubting Burger ran,
And swore the hound had lost their wits,
To bite him who was a really good fan..

The wound it seemed both sore and sad
To poor ole Burger’s eye;
And while he swore the dog was mad
He swore that he himself would die.

But soon a wonder came to light,
That showed the rogue he lied;
Burger recovered of the bite,
The dog it was that died.

--Apologies to Oliver Goldsmith--
It's actually easier to run away from a big DT when he's not playing the nose.

Yeah. But you can also use him as a herdsman. He herds the runaways toward other tacklers. A big DT's effectiveness isn't measured just in tackles.
Yeah. But you can also use him as a herdsman. He herds the runaways toward other tacklers. A big DT's effectiveness isn't measured just in tackles.

Agreed. But playing DT as opposed to NT requires more athleticism. That's why you see more 330+ lb NTs and smaller DTs. Not that McCullers isn't athletic and can't play both positions well.
Agreed. But playing DT as opposed to NT requires more athleticism. That's why you see more 330+ lb NTs and smaller DTs. Not that McCullers isn't athletic and can't play both positions well.

Too true. I do recall that in a few games last year, "McCull" chased plays way downfield and got n on some tackles down there as well. With less weight to haul around, he might do this more often and better. We'll know once the season is under way. Should be a good test of Butch's conditioning foci.
Too true. I do recall that in a few games last year, "McCull" chased plays way downfield and got n on some tackles down there as well. With less weight to haul around, he might do this more often and better. We'll know once the season is under way. Should be a good test of Butch's conditioning foci.

McCullers could plugged the center of the line eliminating handoff up the middle. This also frees up DEs to cover the sides.
Last year I posted this thread and it was stickied, but we did not live up to the hype. It is a new year and I have renewed hope. Here is why:

1) We had 99 problems last season, but Butch wasn't one

2) Mt McCullers is back

3) I am pulling my Three Wolves Moon shirt out of the closet. Please read the comments if you never have. HYSTERICAL!! The Mountain Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeve Tee: Clothing

4) A return to the 4-3

5) The best Oline in the NCAA

6) We are 4 deep with some stud young QBs

Please add any additional points which may contribute to our success. I'll hang up and listen to your comments.
The one thing missing from that list...and should actually be No.1, is having the biggest WR corps in UT history, and likely the biggest in the nation, this year.

Assuming both North and Harris can crack the starting lineup in 3-4WR sets. Those 2 and Croom make a trio of 6'4"+ WR's...and Blanc is 6'3." If they can stay healthy an contribute as much as we expect them to...that should be our trump card. It's why I think either Worley or Peterman should shine, and it should open up the running game a lot.

Why am I placing so much confidence in size? Cause it's tough enough to defend against one giant WR, but 3-4? Some receiver is going to paired up with a shrimp for a DB, and that shrimp will get picked on over and over and over....and he'll be on the losing end when it's a running play
I'm not going to crap on your thoughts. Instead I'll ask this:

Which of these defenses do you think Tennessee will suddenly be better than? I'm going to post the Top 20, as some teams will obviously get better or worse from year to year:

1. Alabama - 250.0 ypg
2. Florida St - 253.8 ypg
3. BYU - 266.1 ypg
4. Michigan St - 274.4 ypg
5. Florida - 286.7
6. Bowling Green - 296.6 ypg
7. Notre Dame - 305.5 ypg
8. LSU - 307.6 ypg
9. UConn - 309.9 ypg
10. Rutgers - 311.6 ypg
11. South Carolina - 315.5 ypg
12. Boise St - 315.6 ypg
13. Michigan - 320.0 ypg
14. Utah St - 322.1 ypg
15. Wisconsin - 322.6 ypg
16. TCU - 323.9 ypg
17. Pittsburgh - 330.5 ypg
18. Va Tech - 333.2 ypg
19. Vanderbilt - 333.9 ypg
20. Stanford - 336.2 ypg

As a reminder, Tennessee ranked #110 in total defense, giving up 471.3 yards per game. So if '13 roughly resembles '12, the Vols will have to shave off 159.7 ypg to make it to #10 in total defense.

With a new coaching staff, going back to a 4-3 from a failed 3-4, and talent that remembers how to play the 4-3, it's not impossible to think they would get better.

It's not just a matter of how much they shave off of those stats, it's a matter of what talent they have and coaching to get there. I think UT has the talent to place well.

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