Its like Trumpsters have no idea of the basics of the Republic

So once again…….can you give me the name of a “centrist” Democrat who could win nomination? Still waiting…….
and as to “threats” against centrist Republicans, you have a few crazy hot head quotes against Pence. With Sienna, her own party actually follows her into the restroom and records her there (along with several innocent bystanders). And in terms of actual violence, it was a Bernie bro shooting Republican representatives at a Congressional baseball practice wasn’t it? Or do I have that wrong?

No, I really can't right now. Wish I could. For both parties.
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I notice nobody wants to defend Flynn's comments.
How about this. We don’t have a singular national religion on purpose and religion needs to stay out of policy and execution of government so if he said something like that he was wrong. How’s that. However I’ll admit I have absolutely zero idea what he said or why he said it and since it’s coming from LG he could have said “it’s Sunday and I’m heading to church” and he ran here to make this thread ? 🤷‍♂️
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How about this. We don’t have a singular national religion on purpose and religion needs to stay out of policy and execution of government so if he said something like that he was wrong. How’s that. However I’ll admit I have absolutely zero idea what he said or why he said it and since it’s coming from LG he could have said “it’s Sunday and I’m heading to church” and he ran here to make this thread ? 🤷‍♂️
That's a reasonable take.
How about this. We don’t have a singular national religion on purpose and religion needs to stay out of policy and execution of government so if he said something like that he was wrong. How’s that. However I’ll admit I have absolutely zero idea what he said or why he said it and since it’s coming from LG he could have said “it’s Sunday and I’m heading to church” and he ran here to make this thread ? 🤷‍♂️

I asked for a link to the article on the 1st page about the comment .... but never got one.
The most astonishing thing I heard all week was when “Peppermint Patty” Psaki basically said that high gas prices were good because it was pushing people toward clean energy. This administration, that actually LAUGHS about high energy prices (see Energy Secretary’s interview last week) actually celebrates the fact that you now spend somewhere between 2 and 3 times as much for a fill up as you did back when Trump has our nation in a state of actual energy independence. That is pure EVIL folks.

Of course they do. Biden told us when he was running that it was his intent. How else can they make the economics work for their green energy socialism? Only by making the gas prices high enough do many alternative energy methods currently make sense. Their position is to make that happen, then by having enough volume in manufacturing, eventually the new methods will reduce the cost while providing clean air and water. All built on a house of dreams - you and I just need to live the nightmare first.
I hope Biden doesn't run again and whoever the Dems nominate is a centrist that affirmatively says the time has come to jettison the super progressives. All spending plans must be paid for with new taxes or tax changes. Things of that nature.

Can we get a Republican coming at the same spot from the other angle? Jettison the loons. Spending must be paid for, including tax cuts.

Let the voters decide which they prefer.
Trump was the best Democrat you guys had since JFK and you ran him out of town.

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