Its like Trumpsters have no idea of the basics of the Republic

What you're saying is Biden totally fooled you? If so, at what point during the campaign did you feel he was in charge? He is surrounded by radical clowns.

A "centralist"? Hell it will take a strong conservative just to get things back to normal because it has swung so far left. No need to mention every single thing this administration has failed on because that would be every single thing.

Big difference is that I never thought Biden would be a great president. You still believe that trump was.
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Flynn said the US should have ONE religion. What an idiotic statement. Singular religion is a key reason people came to the continent to begin with 350 years ago.

I sincerely hope no one here espouses such an idea.

Yet your party has no problems banning Christianity in all aspects of public life while pushing Islam on our kids. You want a good country, make Christianity America's religion again. The reason people left England was because of their false, anti-Biblical religion.
Oh, bs. He took over a growing economy and then spent more money than the dems were doing and kept the economy rolling by exploding the debt. He was not a good president.

He wasn't a bad president either and the vast majority of the exploding spending began with Covid. Trumps biggest contribution to the economy was that people were not afraid of "what stupid ****" is he going to do next. He didn't have a jobs/industry killing agenda like the current POTUS or his predecessor had.
I hope Biden doesn't run again and whoever the Dems nominate is a centrist that affirmatively says the time has come to jettison the super progressives. All spending plans must be paid for with new taxes or tax changes. Things of that nature.

Can we get a Republican coming at the same spot from the other angle? Jettison the loons. Spending must be paid for, including tax cuts.

Let the voters decide which they prefer.

Harris/Buttigage is your ticket
He wasn't a bad president either and the vast majority of the exploding spending began with Covid. Trumps biggest contribution to the economy was that people were not afraid of "what stupid ****" is he going to do next. He didn't have a jobs/industry killing agenda like the current POTUS or his predecessor had.

He was exploding the debt faster than Obama pre covid. He took a good economy and instead of contracting government spending... he spent like a drunken sailor on leave.
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He was exploding the debt faster than Obama pre covid. He took a good economy and instead of contracting government spending... he spent like a drunken sailor on leave.

The making of a Presidency is more
Than a single topic. He compromised the social budget to get his military spending
All true. Texting while driving is illegal, the same with drinking and driving. There comes a point when society realizes that many are too stupid and selfish to act appropriately and they are forced to enact an otherwise unnecessary law. It is beyond comprehension that the mask issue rises to this level. Stupid and selfish people make it a worse world for the rest of us.

shocking that you didn't score higher on the authoritarianism axis of the Political Compass
All true. Texting while driving is illegal, the same with drinking and driving. There comes a point when society realizes that many are too stupid and selfish to act appropriately and they are forced to enact an otherwise unnecessary law. It is beyond comprehension that the mask issue rises to this level. Stupid and selfish people make it a worse world for the rest of us.
Ballgags have been proven just as effective as masks when worn properly, perhaps there should be a mandate for those.
Oh, bs. He took over a growing economy and then spent more money than the dems were doing and kept the economy rolling by exploding the debt. He was not a good president.

If you’re correct, the adjective for the current one would be what?
shocking that you didn't score higher on the authoritarianism axis of the Political Compass
Not really. I'm all for as few laws as possible. But I also realize that the only way for a society to achieve this objective is for its members to not be stupid and selfish.
That's why I'm so adamantly opposed to stupidity and selfishness.
It's actually a pretty consistent position.
Who will carry on the Bernie Sanders legacy for the democrats? Will he go down as a democrat party influencer in the history books the spring protege's in The Squad?
Biden would be over 80 if he ran again. Hell, he's done now as it is. His brain is hamburger meat.
Now now now….hamburger meat is white Suprematist, planet hating, greenhouse gassing, racist, sexist, speciesist, toxic masculinity on a bun don’t you know? I think you meant to say that his brain is “impossible burger” 😉
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Not really. I'm all for as few laws as possible. But I also realize that the only way for a society to achieve this objective is for its members to not be stupid and selfish.
That's why I'm so adamantly opposed to stupidity and selfishness.
It's actually a pretty consistent position.

you have a broad list of stupidity and selfishness which you seek to control by law.
I notice nobody wants to defend Flynn's comments.
When he runs for office or becomes someone more than an insignificant footnote to history, we can discuss. Why don’t we find some random person from Peoria to defend or attack? It would be just as good a use of time.
And in case you didn’t notice, the Democrats have already instituted a de facto single state religion called “Wokeism”. It catechism is CRT, it’s saints are a George Floyd and Michael Brown, and it’s three sacraments are abortion, gay marriage, and gender reassignment surgery. Heresy from people with traditional beliefs is punished MOST severely.
He wasn't a bad president either and the vast majority of the exploding spending began with Covid. Trumps biggest contribution to the economy was that people were not afraid of "what stupid ****" is he going to do next. He didn't have a jobs/industry killing agenda like the current POTUS or his predecessor had.

Your math skills are severely lacking:

Jobs Added/Lost:

Obama Added 11,500,000
Trump Lost 3,000,000
Biden Added 4,200,000

Before you start whining about the pandemic in Trump's last year; comparing apples to apples, Obama still added more jobs (8,100,000) in his last three years than Trump did (6,100,000) in his first three years.

If you go back to Truman, Republican Presidents get slaughtered in every economic metric: jobs created, stock market, unemployment and GDP. It's not even close. I would post them all but I don't want to embarrass you any further.
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In your estimation, do you believe that all democrats are liberal/progressive but only republican's are capable of being moderate?
Not HISTORICALLY. At least through the Clinton years, the Democrats had a strong and healthy center. Heck, I even VOTED for Bill twice. But the last decade or so, the left wing of the party controls the funding, agenda, and think tanks. And they brook no dissent.
And yes, I feel the average Republican/Conservative is a moderate (almost by definition) as the whole conservative world view is to adhere to the status quo and traditional values and only make changes carefully and with wide consensus. Republicans as a whole do not want to “fundamentally transform” and as such are clearly “moderate”
Your math skills are severely lacking:

Jobs Added/Lost:

Obama Added 11,500,000
Trump Lost 3,000,000
Biden Added 4,200,000

Before you start whining about the pandemic in Trump's last year; comparing apples to apples, Obama still added more jobs (8,100,000) in his last three years than Trump did (6,100,000) in his first three years.

If you go back to Truman, Republican Presidents get slaughtered in every economic metric: jobs created, stock market, unemployment and GDP. It's not even close. I would post them all but I don't want to embarrass you any further.
Man Presidents are soooooooo powerful. Post like yours are the reason face palms memes are so over used.

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