Do I like the fact that Tennessee is in the shape it's in? Heck no. I've been old enough to watch Tennessee games since Hacksaw Reynolds, Chip Kell, and Dewy Warren played for them. Grandaddy played defense for the Vols in 1921, so I bleed orange. Unless you got a sure fire proven coach to take over and I can't think of many that will have an immediate impact in the Win column, best bet is to not let the losses dictate the program but the progress that has been made. This team is young and inexperienced (except for the O-Line and they were pretty bad 2 years ago) and from what I've seen, we've only been really whipped twice this year, Florida and Alabama. Is Dooley the man? Maybe not but I feel he deserves one more recruiting year. I saw a better team yesterday than I saw the previous week and so on in these boys wearing orange. The coach needs leadership on the field and other than a few that aren't in high visibility positions, Dooley has none.
Bottom line, we all want the same thing ... wins for Tennessee. I'm willing to see what another year does before I call for a head. Just my opinion and I know I'll be chastised but hey I've watched a lot of Vols games over the years and Lord willing, I'll watch a lot more, good and bad.
Using intelligence and logic is NOT allowed here on VN my friend.
Facts aren't allowed here either.
All the top SEC teams have 40 to 50 future NFL players on their roster and UT does NOT have that many..YET!
It takes 4 full recruiting classes to get 40 to 50 or more future NFL players on a college football roster and there's ONLY 2 recruiting classes that CDD put together on our team right now.
A few are JUCO players and a few are Juniors that CDD added to the laMe kiffScum recruiting class and the rest of the 18 to 20 future NFL players that CDD brought in are only Sophs and Freshmen that still haven't learned everything just yet especially on our new 3-4 D.
If people would THINK rather than to let emotions control all their thought processes they would see that we had no hope against Bama but in ALL the other losses we could have Won all of them if only 3 to 5 plays per game had gone differently.
The best team in America is alaBubba and for 2 years in a row their 3-4 D has been number 1 in the country by far BUT it takes 2 YEARS for everyone to learn everything in the 3-4 D and get it working well.
Defence wins Championship and if CDD had made the switch to the 3-4 D one year earlier then we would probably be a 1 loss team and ranked in the top 10 Nationally right now.
CDD said he would fix our running game and he DID that and you can bet by next season he and CSS will have our new 3-4 D working much better that they're doing this season when they're still learning all the basics of it.
I do NOT support CDD...I support my Tennessee football program and I wants lots of Wins every year.
Unless AD Hart has a BIG named, PROVEN Head Coach that is also a PROVEN top recruiter ready to sign the contract and start recruiting instantly then we would be better off to keep CDD and this staff for 1 more year and see if the D can get better and match what our O should be able to do every game.
Firing CDD just to hire another CDD type HC would be total ignorance and could set our UT football program back 8 to 10 more years.
I'd rather keep CDD 1 more year than to hire the wrong guy and set us back much farther.
We're really NOT that far away from competing with most of the best teams in the SEC.
I think we'll have to Win the SEC East a time or 2 before we'll get the really elite players so we can keep building and be able to beat alaBummer consistently.