I've never Known America to win a war post WWII

My mistake. Should have realized who started this thread. Go hang out with Ras and co. Your question is silly.
You came in like you knew what you were talking about. Don't quit and associate me with Ras.

Tell us what Middle East Counties are better.
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Israel. Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Omen, Turkey, Qatar, Algeria, Libya, Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajian, Tunisia or Kazakhastan?
Defeat the opposing force. Midway and Iwo Jima along with some nukes comes to mind.
Oh God I know I’m going to regret playing this stupid loaded game…

So when has the US military been defeated on the battlefield since WW2? I can indeed think of a couple of cases in Korea, some instances in Vietnam which might qualify, but other than that?
Dropped an Atomic bomb on Japanese cities. Now we import, manufacture, sell Japanese cars. Amazing how authority works and teaches people that we can work together along as you don't want to kill us.
The we have won every war we have fought with that definition. The problem is simply defeating the opposition on the battlefield doesn’t win a war these days.

Not once have I claimed that. Stalin won the eastern front and we dropped nukes on Japan.

Glad to see your boy ND40 Chimed in though.
Not once have I claimed that. Stalin won the eastern front and we dropped nukes on Japan.

Glad to see your boy ND40 Chimed in though.
And I’ll chime in again to point out you don’t even understand your own argument 🤡
Defeat the opposing force. Midway and Iwo Jima along with some nukes comes to mind.
Korean War
Vietnam War
Cold War
Clintons Kosovo war

All of those countries are the same or worse of after America showed up.

You seem extremely intelligent: Korea remains divided as intended, Soviet Union collapsed, the US didn’t lose a single major battle in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq. There is a huge difference between a military defeat and political bumbling by the US. Persian Gulf War? Kosovo wasn’t even remotely a war.

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