I've never Known America to win a war post WWII

You seem extremely intelligent: Korea remains divided as intended, Soviet Union collapsed, the US didn’t lose a single major battle in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq. There is a huge difference between a military defeat and political bumbling by the US. Persian Gulf War? Kosovo wasn’t even remotely a war.
US let Irag and Afghanistan worse than they found it and donated a lot of stuff as they flaked out Afghanistan.
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You came in like you knew what you were talking about. Don't quit and associate me with Ras.

Tell us what Middle East Counties are better.
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Israel. Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Omen, Turkey, Qatar, Algeria, Libya, Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajian, Tunisia or Kazakhastan?

When did that become the definition of winning? Your made up definition is irrelevant, by your logic no one has ever won a war dating back to the beginning of time
US let Irag and Afghanistan worse than they found it and donated a lot of stuff as they flaked out Afghanistan.
So now convert that to the US military getting defeated on the battle field. Or to use your own words the US military defeated the opposing force in both instances.
All you have is talking ****. You think you own this forum and I'm glad you do. You couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.
Well wet paper bag I’ve shown you twice in here that you can’t even stay on point in your own argument. And why you so mad, sis?
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Not one person has defined or discussed anything in the original post. It's all shot fired.

20 years in Afghanistan and flew out like some weak clowns.
Korean War
Vietnam War
Cold War
Clintons Kosovo war

All of those countries are the same or worse of after America showed up.
Surely you know we won the Cold War. Do you think Eastern Europe is worse off today than when they were in the Soviet Bloc?
We won the Kosovo thing too; they're more independent and less genocided than they would have been.
We kicked Grenada's and Panama's asses too FWIW.
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Not one person has defined or discussed anything in the original post. It's all shot fired.

20 years in Afghanistan and flew out like some weak clowns.
You gave us your own working definition here
Defeat the opposing force. Midway and Iwo Jima along with some nukes comes to mind.
By that definition I told you I can only think of a couple of battles in Korea and maybe Vietnam we lost but our military won every campaign.

Hey it’s not our fault you can’t sell your own premise maybe learn to make better arguments in the future?
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The only real conversation in this thread is the people who have acknowledged that baharin and the uae have succeeded due to the US post 1996 policy.
Not one person has defined or discussed anything in the original post. It's all shot fired.

20 years in Afghanistan and flew out like some weak clowns.

By your logic Germany didn’t defeat a single nation in WW1 or 2, Japan didn’t steamroll Eastern China and the Philippines, and Russia didn’t raze Berlin to the ground because millions died of starvation post war. The Civil War was a loss for the Union because the South lumbered for decades post war. Revolutionary War wasn’t really a victory because just a handful of years later a group of farmers nearly overthrew the government and the economy labored for nearly a century.

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