I've never Known America to win a war post WWII

I've gotten lit up with responses.

Not one that I've seen talks about where we won and were I'm wrong.

Most are attacks and S*** talking

I'm always open to talking about this, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow.
I've gotten lit up with responses.

Not one that I've seen talks about where we won and were I'm wrong.

Most are attacks and S*** talking

I'm always open to talking about this, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow.
Multiple people have pointed out exactly where you were wrong using your own provided definition. But yeah I agree sobering up and trying a mulligan is probably a solid plan
I've gotten lit up with responses.

Not one that I've seen talks about where we won and were I'm wrong.

Most are attacks and S*** talking

I'm always open to talking about this, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow.
This is the VN political forum. Maybe don't post a thread if you're too thin-skinned to handle some smack talking.
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Might be because, we just love fighting, so avoid totally vanquishing opponents. Killing as a pastime, apparently, is more fun. We enjoy it so much that now, we're evening at war with ourselves. Even our children have gone from pretending to the real thing. We literally train to be killers. War is fun, peace isn't welcome, and we have barely begun. We don't war to win, we just war to kill.

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By your logic Germany didn’t defeat a single nation in WW1 or 2, Japan didn’t steamroll Eastern China and the Philippines, and Russia didn’t raze Berlin to the ground because millions died of starvation post war. The Civil War was a loss for the Union because the South lumbered for decades post war. Revolutionary War wasn’t really a victory because just a handful of years later a group of farmers nearly overthrew the government and the economy labored for nearly a century.

I think this pretty much says it. ^^^^^^^
You seem extremely intelligent: Korea remains divided as intended, Soviet Union collapsed, the US didn’t lose a single major battle in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq. There is a huge difference between a military defeat and political bumbling by the US. Persian Gulf War? Kosovo wasn’t even remotely a war.
As intended? That is some revisionist history right there.
You seem extremely intelligent: Korea remains divided as intended, Soviet Union collapsed, the US didn’t lose a single major battle in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq. There is a huge difference between a military defeat and political bumbling by the US. Persian Gulf War? Kosovo wasn’t even remotely a war.

Yeah, I don't know how you get that the Cold War was a loss and Kosovo was a conflict,and not much of what I'd consider a war. The first Persian Gulf War was a win as already mentioned because it completed the objective that was required. That was driving Saddam's forces out of Kuwait.
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Oh God I know I’m going to regret playing this stupid loaded game…

So when has the US military been defeated on the battlefield since WW2? I can indeed think of a couple of cases in Korea, some instances in Vietnam which might qualify, but other than that?
A few COPs were overran in Afghanistan. I'd say thats a L
Korean War
Vietnam War
Cold War
Clintons Kosovo war

All of those countries are the same or worse of after America showed up.
Is this the US "winning" in Iraq? Instead of Iraq moving towards the US, they are gradually cooperating with Iran. I'm pretty certain that wasn't the political objectives the neocons wanted in 2003.

Iran, Iraq Sign Agreement For Expanded Energy Ties, Despite US Sanctions | ZeroHedge

Upon arriving in the Iraqi capital, Owji was received by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and discussed with him “the overall cooperation between Iraq and Iran, and ways to develop them,” as well as the ability to jointly confront “global economic challenges.”

As a result of US economic hegemony, Iraq is one of the many regional countries considering the path of de-dollarization and fiscal independence from the west.
I've gotten lit up with responses.

Not one that I've seen talks about where we won and were I'm wrong.

Most are attacks and S*** talking

I'm always open to talking about this, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow.

Hey douche douche chicken****, go back and read the thread. Plenty of people have responded to your definition. Sorry it wasn't in a sense that soothes your obviously weak ego. The cold war was won. The wall was torn down and a republic, albeit faulty began.
Korea and Vietnam involved the US post bomb drop, and we weren't doing that again.
Kuwait is not part of Iraq.
And the same **$holes you vote for, whether left or right, botched Afghanistan and Iraq, not my brothers and sisters. We whipped as$ all over there.
Weak politicians are our issue, not weak military.
And the same **$holes you vote for, whether left or right, botched Afghanistan and Iraq, not my brothers and sisters.
Nobody is blaming the people fighting. It is clearly the responsibility of the leadership for getting us in those wars to begin with.

We whipped as$ all over there.
Yeah, you all did kick azz. You all beat a bunch of goatherders with AKs and sandals. They had no formal air defense or heavy artillery to speak of. They were insurgents with mostly rifles and IEDs. Not saying that they didn't have ANY of those weapons, but certainly not in the same quantities or capabilities. It was basically Iron Mike beating up the 8th grade bully.

Weak politicians are our issue, not weak military.
Weak politicians create a weak military.

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