Jalen Reeves-Maybin shot Sunday in Clarksville

an AK is still just a semi-auto rifle. Lots of rifles out there more accurate and powerful that you fail to mention. Just because it looks super scary to you doesn't mean it's any more dangerous than any other rifle.

your description of an AR is laughable. You still haven't explained why a small caliber, semi-auto weapon is so bad and dangerous to society. Is it simply because that's what you're being told to think by the media who wouldn't know an assault rifle from an Red Rider? What did your son in law say specifically? If he said there are an abundance of automatic AR's and AK's in the woods then he's telling you a whopper of a story.

signs are shot at by lots of different types of guns like 22's, shotguns, etc. Unless you are claiming to be able to tell the gun used by the bullet hole you viewed while driving past then that too is a useless observation.

you talk about being educated on the subject yet you seem to have no desire to do so. You take the word of one guy and form your opinion with that while ignoring the mounds of evidence to the contrary. But hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion I guess

Why don't we all Practice what we Preach?
You're heading for a breakdown. Why don't you pull yourself to pieces?

because I don't life my life in irrational fear of inanimate objects I have little understanding of? Guess I'm guilty
Why don't we all Practice what we Preach?

how do you mean? Being entitled to one doesn't mean it's free from criticism if you offer it up in public
A street party? I highly doubt there was a street party at 2:30 am on Lavendar Circle since it's a quiet residential neighborhood.

Just heard Brent Hubbs say on 104.5 in Nashville that JRM was a "totally innocent bystander, at a street party that got out of control"....
because I don't life my life in irrational fear of inanimate objects I have little understanding of? Guess I'm guilty

how do you mean? Being entitled to one doesn't mean it's free from criticism if you offer it up in public

Believe it or not, practicing what you preach has nothing to do with criticizing. It's relevant to following values and standards you claim to hold, though. But you knew that, right?

As for the living in the ridiculous fear of inanimate objects part, not sure how that applies to me. If you went back to my original post, you'd see that I'm not anti-gun or even anti-NRA. I'm just anti-stupidity. By the way, inanimate objects can hurt too. Just ask anyone who was hit by or fell on a rock. I'm not afraid of rocks myself but I won't deny their power to cause pain or death. That includes the rare meteorite that hits someone. :hi:

When you put on blinders and insist on seeing only what you want to see at the exclusion of all else that happens to not fit your fancy, well. . . not much anyone can do for you. What you're guilty of has nothing to do with the made up accusations you posted above. It does have to do with selective reading/hearing and preconceived ideas. Kind of like:

"Oh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while."
Believe it or not, practicing what you preach has nothing to do with criticizing. It's relevant to following values and standards you claim to hold, though. But you knew that, right?

I was simply responding to the part he highlighted chief. But you knew that, right?

As for the living in the ridiculous fear of inanimate objects part, not sure how that applies to me. If you went back to my original post, you'd see that I'm not anti-gun or even anti-NRA. I'm just anti-stupidity.

you're not anti-stupidity or else you wouldn't have claimed an AK or AR was only good to shoot mythical creatures.
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I was simply responding to the part he highlighted chief. But you knew that, right?

you're not anti-stupidity or else you wouldn't have claimed an AK or AR was only good to shoot mythical creatures.

The statement, kiddo, was a figurative expression.

It read:

You don't need an AK-47 or AR-15 to hunt. See, we don't have mythical creatures like zombies, Mars Attacks Aliens, or other movieland monsters.

You need to learn to read properly. Some would call it exaggeration, some would call it hyperbole, and some would call it innuendo. In all cases the statement is clearly understood to not be taken literally. But some people like you just don't know any better. :hi:
"Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse!" But since I don't, I'll leave all future stupidity on this thread to you cause your condition is incurable.
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Which one you taking Woodsman? Explain why as well please
The statement, kiddo, was a figurative expression.

It read:

You don't need an AK-47 or AR-15 to hunt. See, we don't have mythical creatures like zombies, Mars Attacks Aliens, or other movieland monsters.

You need to learn to read properly. Some would call it exaggeration, some would call it hyperbole, and some would call it innuendo. In all cases the statement is clearly understood to not be taken literally. But some people like you just don't know any better. :hi:
"Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse!" But since I don't, I'll leave all future stupidity on this thread to you cause your condition is incurable.

you did not post "You don't need an AK-47 or AR-15 to hunt." as an exaggeration, hyperbole or innuendo.

you also said
And if you indeed need such weapons to hunt, you shouldn't be hunting in the first place. Spraying bullets in an area occupied by other hunters, farmers, and residents in outlying areas shouldn't happen.

as if you understand the guns you're talking about. The more post you lay down the more you show you simply don't have a clue about those guns you specifically mentioned. But it's ok, there are plenty right there with you
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Which one you taking Woodsman? Explain why as well please

First, I'm going to risk trusting you. That you're asking this because you really want to know as opposed to flaunt your knowledge and play strawman to utvolpj. Now in answer to your question., the last one I will answer cause I'm abandoning the thread afterwards.

For hunting, I prefer neither gun you show above though I do have an old Remington springfield bolt action 30.06. On infrequent times I (as opposed to my son-in-law) hunt, I prefer something that is closer to what I think is traditional hunting. The shame for me is I'm not very good at archery so for me the below is the next best thing for REAL hunting. This is an alternate picture as mine is sent back for salvaging repairs, more likely a replacement after being driven over by a friend who will never again be allowed to borrow anything of mine. Truth is, I rarely hunt because I no longer live out west where I could stalk mule deer, antelope, pronghorn, and bison. Bye now.
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First, I'm going to risk trusting you. That you're asking this because you really want to know as opposed to flaunt your knowledge and play strawman to utvolpj. Now in answer to your question., the last one I will answer cause I'm abandoning the thread afterwards.

For hunting, I prefer neither gun you show above though I do have an old Remington springfield bolt action 30.06. On infrequent times I (as opposed to my son-in-law) hunt, I prefer something that is closer to what I think is traditional hunting. The shame for me is I'm not very good at archery so for me the below is the next best thing for REAL hunting. This is an alternate picture as mine is sent back for salvaging repairs, more likely a replacement after being driven over by a friend who will never again be allowed to borrow anything of mine. Truth is, I rarely hunt because I no longer live out west where I could stalk mule deer, antelope, pronghorn, and bison. Bye now.

I was just curious on your opinion for why one should be allowed and one should not be allowed. Not a loaded question at all.

If you honestly don't know, that's ok too. There's no shame in that. There are plenty of people around who can educate you on the subject. Have a good one.
Can we keep this thread on topic?
Guys, you need to take your gun rights debate to the politics forum.
Thanks and you're welcome, Freak.

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No true UT Vol Football fan would ever go to Pilot without his trusty Pellet Gun!


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I've been to several parties as well. (OK hundreds)
If you will remember, he was in his neighborhood, 2 houses down from his own house. I wish that there weren't neighborhoods like this, and I hope a college education will allow him and his family to get out of "places like that". Of course, I don't know much about Clarksville, so I may be speaking out of turn about "places like that".
I don't know enough about the situation or area to blame anyone or defend anyone, I'm just glad that he is OK.

That in a nut shell should be everyone of our sentiments on here.
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Jeez. What is that lumpy thing below her breasteses and above her private area? Ugh.

She is actually not very fat. That's her Keg suit.
Many of you can smuggle a Flask into a game, but she can take a Pony Keg.
Who is gonna frisk her?

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