Jalen Reeves-Maybin shot Sunday in Clarksville

Just trying to gain some street cred for the draft in a couple of years. Should be a lock in for the Titans now. In all seriousness though, glad he's good. I've been to a couple of parties myself in that same neighborhood. It's not the best but far from the worst in Clarksville.
Evan Woodbery ‏@TennesseeBeat 2m
Butch Jones says Jalen Reeves-Maybin is back in Knoxville, attending class. "It was just an abrasion. He didn't even need stitches."

"Tis but a scratch!"
"Just a flesh wound."


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As bad as it sounds, this is a good sign IMO. When we were winning our players had a little "street" creed besides just having the measurables. We've been way too nice for too long a la McCullers, Jacques Smith etc. If either of those guys had some "g" in them with their physical gifts, they would have been unstoppable. I miss the old days when we were worrying about our players getting into a little trouble, not worrying if we would make a bowl game. Flame away.
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Makes me wonder the crowd he runs with. I have been to several parties in my life and not one time was the crowd shot at. Hope this is a wake up call for the young man and a sign to stay away from these people and places.
As bad as it sounds, this is a good sign IMO. When we were winning our players had a little "street" creed besides just having the measurables. We've been way too nice for too long a la McCullers, Jacques Smith etc. If either of those guys had some "g" in them with their physical gifts, they would have been unstoppable. I miss the old days when we were worrying about our players getting into a little trouble, not worrying if we would make a bowl game. Flame away.

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we get these players outta the ghetto and people act like they come from lyons view

You've obviously never been to the area he was from. It's not even close to a ghetto. St. Bethlehem/Tiny Town is 97% good peeps. So, maybe you should actually try and do a little research first. I live about 7 mins from where it happened. It's not a terrible neighborhood like you're insinuating
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Thankful he is OK.

I just wish the right to bear arms did not apply to idiots.

Unfortunately, too many gun owners/possessors are idiots and it cuts across the entire socio-economic spectrum. Humans just aren't known for long term common sense and far too often lack common sense entirely. Especially when it comes to acts of a destructive or self-destructive nature. History is our witness.
JONES: Every opportunity is a teaching opportunity. Jalen Reeves-Maybin is fine. He was working out today in Knoxville
Makes me wonder the crowd he runs with. I have been to several parties in my life and not one time was the crowd shot at. Hope this is a wake up call for the young man and a sign to stay away from these people and places.
It really depends what your cultural background is..
It really depends what your cultural background is..

I suppose so. If you're going to throw the "culture" card out, which we know is a substitute for something else, even it up. Given incidents of vehicular murders in Mississippi. Speeding up instead of slowing or stopping when minority people are in crosswalks. Walking up to the same in certain exclusive bastions, displaying a gun and patting it them pointing at the target with your finger and making a shooting motion. Even when it's a delivery person helping your neighbor unload lumber he ordered. Humans exhibit spiteful and disgusting behavior towards one another---period. So evil-hearted and putrid are humans that terrifying as it is to be a target of God's wrath, David feared the sheer level of man's capacity for evil even more. 1 Chronicles 21:1-13

As a final note, the greatest cultivators, distributors, and sellers of marijuana plus meth have not been who the media portrays. They are the highly skilled growers and processors who dwell in the "cultural" bastions of the Appalachians and communities adjacent to state and national parks and forests. Some locations you run the risk of death by boobytraps if you hike or backpack in certain areas. So I guess it is culture as you say. Just don't whitewash it. far as I'm concerned, no culture is innocent when it comes to poisoning communities, institutions, and worse of all, kids. And the subsequent violence bred by the whole mess.
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good lord. talk about wrong place wrong time.

Get well soon JRM!!

Sorry that I can't go thru entire thread, and this may have already been said........but he was out late about 2 houses down from his home.
He was lifting weights yesterday. He's fine.
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