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Excellent Post! In my post when I mentioned "the crowd he runs with" was not in any way targeting a specific "culture" and you hit the nail on the head. No matter the race there are bad seeds that reap evil deedsI suppose so. If you're going to throw the "culture" card out, which we know is a substitute for something else, even it up. Given incidents of vehicular murders in Mississippi. Speeding up instead of slowing or stopping when minority people are in crosswalks. Walking up to the same in certain exclusive bastions, displaying a gun and patting it them pointing at the target with your finger and making a shooting motion. Even when it's a delivery person helping your neighbor unload lumber he ordered. Humans exhibit spiteful and disgusting behavior towards one another---period. So evil-hearted and putrid are humans that terrifying as it is to be a target of God's wrath, David feared the sheer level of man's capacity for evil even more. 1 Chronicles 21:1-13
As a final note, the greatest cultivators, distributors, and sellers of marijuana plus meth have not been who the media portrays. They are the highly skilled growers and processors who dwell in the "cultural" bastions of the Appalachians and communities adjacent to state and national parks and forests. Some locations you run the risk of death by boobytraps if you hike or backpack in certain areas. So I guess it is culture as you say. Just don't whitewash it. far as I'm concerned, no culture is innocent when it comes to poisoning communities, institutions, and worse of all, kids. And the subsequent violence bred by the whole mess.
Guns in our culture--soooo stupid. NRA freaks probably wonder why JRM didn't have a piece of his own--he could have fired back in the direction of the first gunshot and "protected" himself.
Guns in our culture--soooo stupid. NRA freaks probably wonder why JRM didn't have a piece of his own--he could have fired back in the direction of the first gunshot and "protected" himself.
I guess your one of them take the guns away from law abiding people and hope the bad ones turn them in. I am a gun owner and a NRA member and a law abiding citizen, and there are many more TAKE UP GUN FREAKS that don't have a clue than NRA freaks. GO VOLS!!
I'm not a NRA supporter. In what may be viewed as an oxymoron, I'm also not opposed to the NRA for the most part. I am opposed to stupidity. You don't need an AK-47 or AR-15 to hunt. See, we don't have mythical creatures like zombies, Mars Attacks Aliens, or other movieland monsters. And if you indeed need such weapons to hunt, you shouldn't be hunting in the first place. Spraying bullets in an area occupied by other hunters, farmers, and residents in outlying areas shouldn't happen.
you could have just said you don't know much about guns and ended it there. There is nothing wrong with using a semi-auto rifle to hunt. You're clearly the victim of worthless propaganda against the evil, black rifle
Ahh! The little Indian that thinks he's chief has spoken.
Whatever you say, kemo sabe.
All those fancy words bouncing around in your head and you respond with useless insults instead of refuting the point I made? Come on, give me 5 paragraphs on why a small caliber semiautomatic rifle is useless for hunting
A already did. All you have to do is ready the post about those weapons spraying bullets in an area with other hunters and residents who have homes in those areas. I have family members who hunt. They and their friends more than once have cut short trips and come back cussing the (unfit to print comments) acting like Machine Gun Kelly. And one of the guys with my son-in-law had two bullet holes in his car to back up what they said. Then you have the usual jackasses who think shooting up stop signs and other road signs is fun. Only with a semi- and fully automatic some of those bullets miss and go elsewhere. It less the guns that are the trouble than it is the proven stupidity of the gun owners. And you talk about small caliber semiautomatic rifles. I laugh, nay, guffaw because of the guns I've seen firsthand hauled out to hunting trips by braggarts, yep I said braggarts who want to show off what they're packing. Small caliber my azz.
What a load of crap. Not one person you've ever met has seen a person hunting in the woods with an automatic weapon. Not only are they illegal for most to own they're also pretty difficult to getA already did. All you have to do is ready the post about those weapons spraying bullets in an area with other hunters and residents who have homes in those areas. I have family members who hunt. They and their friends more than once have cut short trips and come back cussing the (unfit to print comments) acting like Machine Gun Kelly. And one of the guys with my son-in-law had two bullet holes in his car to back up what they said. Then you have the usual jackasses who think shooting up stop signs and other road signs is fun. Only with a semi- and fully automatic some of those bullets miss and go elsewhere. It less the guns that are the trouble than it is the proven stupidity of the gun owners. And you talk about small caliber semiautomatic rifles. I laugh, nay, guffaw because of the guns I've seen firsthand hauled out to hunting trips by braggarts, yep I said braggarts who want to show off what they're packing. Small caliber my azz.
What a load of crap. Not one person you've ever met has seen a person hunting in the woods with an automatic weapon. Not only are they illegal for most to own they're also pretty difficult to get
You specifically mentioned an AR in your post and followed it up with saying it had no place in hunting. That shows you have a very limited knowledge on the subject yet hope to hide it behind a wall of words.
The load of crap belongs to you. Since when have humans as a collective behaved legally? Many of them do but just as many don't. That includes hunting activity.
Now, here's where we're different Mr. Lord of All Things. I can admit you are right when it comes to my limited knowledge on what military type gun is what. I do know an AK-47, which you interestingly choose to not mention in your tirade at me. I have an idea what an AR-15 looks like and the guns I've seen when present with the braggarts I mentioned looked like them. Also my son-in-law mentioned them to me. I'd trust him before I trusted you. You also interestingly fail to mention the spraying of road signs with such gunfire which can be seen in many outlying areas and sometimes even on highways. I was present a few times when some showoffs did it.
Makes me wonder the crowd he runs with. I have been to several parties in my life and not one time was the crowd shot at. Hope this is a wake up call for the young man and a sign to stay away from these people and places.
an AK is still just a semi-auto rifle. Lots of rifles out there more accurate and powerful that you fail to mention. Just because it looks super scary to you doesn't mean it's any more dangerous than any other rifle.
your description of an AR is laughable. You still haven't explained why a small caliber, semi-auto weapon is so bad and dangerous to society. Is it simply because that's what you're being told to think by the media who wouldn't know an assault rifle from an Red Rider? What did your son in law say specifically? If he said there are an abundance of automatic AR's and AK's in the woods then he's telling you a whopper of a story.
signs are shot at by lots of different types of guns like 22's, shotguns, etc. Unless you are claiming to be able to tell the gun used by the bullet hole you viewed while driving past then that too is a useless observation.
you talk about being educated on the subject yet you seem to have no desire to do so. You take the word of one guy and form your opinion with that while ignoring the mounds of evidence to the contrary. But hey, everyone is entitled to an opinion I guess