Jason Shay resigned at ETSU

Im not sure if he lost the team, or they just werent actually that good, but thats beside the point. As someone who thinks the kneeling stuff is dumb I dont hate the decision, I just wonder what the cost is going to be? Right now its cool to be woke, and im sure the media will be all over ETSU for awhile. Sometimes you just have to play the game.
I don’t know if you’re from the area or not...I was born and lived there for 45 years. ETSU supporters WON’T “play the game”. Despite the fact it’s a “college town”, Washington, Carter and Sullivan counties are incredibly conservative, even by East Tennessee standards. Shay is young—and now his mommy is defending him—he was in a no-win situation. Steve Forbes could do no wrong in JC...but he would have (IMO) put the kibosh on the virtue kneeling—-even he wouldn’t have survived that display.
I don’t know if you’re from the area or not...I was born and lived there for 45 years. ETSU supporters WON’T “play the game”. Despite the fact it’s a “college town”, Washington, Carter and Sullivan counties are incredibly conservative, even by East Tennessee standards. Shay is young—and now his mommy is defending him—he was in a no-win situation. Steve Forbes could do no wrong in JC...but he would have (IMO) put the kibosh on the virtue kneeling—-even he wouldn’t have survived that display.
Lol no he wouldn't. Name one coach in any NCAA sport whose doing that?
This is all so stupid and juvenile. Imagine doing something like this in your workplace. Go kneel at your bosses door to bring attention to your favorite cause. He’d think you were a moron. And after awhile, he’d probably get tired of you and fire you.
Not much different here. These kids are morons.
Negative. This has everything to do with the team kneeling for the Anthem and the locals pitching a fit over it.

Funny thing, they had been kneeling at AWAY games, and no media reported it. Only when they went to Chattanooga and kneeled, a local TV station was there to report it...
This is all so stupid and juvenile. Imagine doing something like this in your workplace. Go kneel at your bosses door to bring attention to your favorite cause. He’d think you were a moron. And after awhile, he’d probably get tired of you and fire you.
Not much different here. These kids are morons.
Lol you don't get it at all. The boss is successful bc of the players. They own his ass.
I don’t know if you’re from the area or not...I was born and lived there for 45 years. ETSU supporters WON’T “play the game”. Despite the fact it’s a “college town”, Washington, Carter and Sullivan counties are incredibly conservative, even by East Tennessee standards. Shay is young—and now his mommy is defending him—he was in a no-win situation. Steve Forbes could do no wrong in JC...but he would have (IMO) put the kibosh on the virtue kneeling—-even he wouldn’t have survived that display.
I do live in the area, I understand the feelings of the locals, again I understand why theyre upset. I just am afraid ETSU is about to get labeled a racist school and is going to pay for it in the long run. Short term locals and donors are happy, long term team cant get talent and wonders in the wilderness like TN football for the next decade because of how theyve been labeled.
So you are chips in with slander bc you don't like his opinion. Way to be a giant a hole
I said that before I knew what happened and apologized after I did, so keep doing what I did and jump to conclusions. So glad this is in the politics forum, now instead of in the BBF, because I stay away from here and u crazy mfers
I said that before I knew what happened and apologized after I did, so keep doing what I did and jump to conclusions. So glad this is in the politics forum, now instead of in the BBF, because I stay away from here and u crazy mfers
LOL. The PF thanks you for your patronage.
This is all so stupid and juvenile. Imagine doing something like this in your workplace. Go kneel at your bosses door to bring attention to your favorite cause. He’d think you were a moron. And after awhile, he’d probably get tired of you and fire you.
Not much different here. These kids are morons.

Nailing it.

That is one of my biggest complaints. None of these coaches are educating these kids. They are acting like the parent that allows their child to throw a fit at the grocery store because they wouldnt buy them a candy bar. Then, they cave and buy the candy bar.
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Nailing it.

That is one of my biggest complaints. None of these coaches are educating these kids. They are acting like the parent that allows their child to throw a fit at the grocery store because they wouldnt buy them a candy bar. Then, they cave and buy the candy bar.

Can't really blame the coaches. Coaches have to win or they're out of a job, to win they have to get the best players available and sadly in most cases the best players available are the least disciplined or immature. That's one of the reasons I sincerely wish the NBA and NFL would develop their own farm system so players have an alternative to college.
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Can't really blame the coaches. Coaches have to win or they're out of a job, to win they have to get the best players available and sadly in most cases the best players available are the least disciplined or immature. That's one of the reasons I sincerely wish the NBA and NFL would develop their own farm system so players have an alternative to college.

The coaches are in a pickle. To sabotage your own career of making 6-7 figures coaching a sport is not something many would do. That said, if you had great relationships with your players then you should have the ability to educate them.
I do live in the area, I understand the feelings of the locals, again I understand why theyre upset. I just am afraid ETSU is about to get labeled a racist school and is going to pay for it in the long run. Short term locals and donors are happy, long term team cant get talent and wonders in the wilderness like TN football for the next decade because of how theyve been labeled.


It’s sad when purported racism and what is determined to be patriotism intermingle to the point of confusion and finger-pointing. The young lads who play a game will go where they will...and the $$ from the supporters will find its way to the university...or elsewhere. If I were in my 30-40’s, I’d be all up in the air about it. My enthusiasm for college sports, up until about five years ago, was a 8/9 on a scale of 10. Today: a 2 or 3. Renewing my UT season tickets today...for the 35th consecutive year. And it was no easy decision. I recall, not too long ago, it was an exciting day. Time for me to be quiet and observe...and let the ‘young guns’ sort it all out.
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The coaches are in a pickle. To sabotage your own career of making 6-7 figures coaching a sport is not something many would do. That said, if you had great relationships with your players then you should have the ability to educate them.

He should have been able to explain why they shouldn't kneel and he shouldn't have kneeled. He should have known how his supporters would act.
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Players can protest at anytime of their choosing. It is their right. However, why do they choose to do it when the National Anthem is playing? Why alienate half or more than half of your fan base?
Players can protest at anytime of their choosing. It is their right. However, why do they choose to do it when the National Anthem is playing? Why alienate half or more than half of your fan base?
Because literally none of them are there for any of you.

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