Javonta Payton selling UT Ring

Well I would suggest to Mr. Payton... instead of selling all your stuff, why don't you reach out to Volnation for help? If it's that bad of a situation, there is no better resource than us! Just go ask ZZ.
Jesus dude. Another poster just said he’s hav a really hard time. Maybe he doesn’t have a job because he has cancer. Or is taking care of a sick loved one. Or has severe depression from football related head trauma. How about just offering a prayer for the man and going about your day?
Sounds like excuses. Life’s hard.
Yes folks are ,apparently, thinking worst on him for selling instead of asking themselves why he would need to. I was told assuming could possibly get you in trouble if you are wrong. Something about a set of letters contained in a word. I will pray for him as I/We don't know his situation.
While I agree with the general admonition that people have to man up and face life, the one thing I have learned is that you dont have any idea what is really happening in someone's life atm. Things can look great from the outside but then, if you really know them, they can be dealing with a ton of stuff.

My view of people's actions has remained steady over the years but I tend to judge people themselves less harshly than I used to, for we rarely know what is really going on with them.

Many years back, I remember things like trying to feed our first born who had to have very expensive formula and there never seemed to be any money. I remember thinking, as a father, I finally understood why people would steal to survive. I never took any but I remember the temptation was very strong sometimes because at that time, I saw no other way to feed my kid that day. And - I had a job.
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Well I would suggest to Mr. Payton... instead of selling all your stuff, why don't you reach out to Volnation for help? If it's that bad of a situation, there is no better resource than us! Just go ask ZZ.
Oh , you don’t think he would get flamed by people for that too? These guys can’t win with some.
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