Javonta Payton selling UT Ring

Yeah .... I wouldn't be judgmental of these things, unless it's someone like Dr. Benson Scott, who sold his 1998 National Championship ring .... He's an Orthopedic Surgeon. That was kinda weird.

That is kinda weird. And if he’s a person of means I would have thought it would have been done quietly and with an agreement that the purchaser kept quiet.
Why would Payton have it though? He wasn't on Tennessee's team in 2022.
That was my thinking. How does he have a ring from the orange bowl last year when his final season at UT was 2021.

Regardless, I hope everything works out for him. Tough times don’t last, tough people do. Wishing Javonta the best.
He in a bad situation financially and personally. It’s best to not comment if you are not aware of his situation. He is selling his practice helmets, UT team issue gear and more, just to get by. He’s having a really hard time right now.
People like to complain about NIL, but this was the reality for many players pre-NIL.

Sure, there's a lot of money flowing around, but I'd rather that money go to players / students rather than "fat cat" administrators and coaches.

Hope his situation improves.
Hope whatever is going on with his life is just a small speed bump. Last time heard about him it seemed he was playing well in the xfl. Prayers that his health is okay.
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Jesus dude. Another poster just said he’s hav a really hard time. Maybe he doesn’t have a job because he has cancer. Or is taking care of a sick loved one. Or has severe depression from football related head trauma. How about just offering a prayer for the man and going about your day?
Honestly we have many on here that are really young or blessed that they haven’t had to deal with much in life. We have too many posters that post complete ignorance and indifference towards others situations.
Oh , you don’t think he would get flamed by people for that too? These guys can’t win with some.
Well if the kid is really in some type of bad place because of a legit reason, I would hope not. But then again... you can't ever tell with this bunch.
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Disheartening to see the judgmental takes. Whenever I see a player selling their stuff, the only thing I think is that I hope they get what they want or need -- and it's regrettable that being a part of Tennessee's sports legacy wasn't enough to help them keep all their memorabilia.

Not to take away from individual responsibility, either. People make a lot of choices along the way, and money needs can sneak up on anyone, anytime, anywhere. Pro athletes selling their gear to cover expenses is not a new phenomenon. Just a regrettable situation.
It shouldn't mean much to him...he wasn't on that team..
On Pawn Stars a few years ago, somebody tried to sell a Boston Red Sox World Series ring. It wasn't a player's ring though. It was a front office ring -- worth maybe $100 while the players' rings are worth about $10,000.
Yeah .... I wouldn't be judgmental of these things, unless it's someone like Dr. Benson Scott, who sold his 1998 National Championship ring .... He's an Orthopedic Surgeon. That was kinda weird.

Its funny. I have a ring that was my great grandfather's that has an eyeclean, E color 5 carat diamond center and a 2 carat D color IF offset. The center stone was also a flawless stone when it was made but the story goes my grandfather had to sell it in tough times and then later bought a nice but not quite as nice stone to replace it. Clearly he was a man of means.

So when my father gave it to me, he made me promise never to sell it unless in dire need. Now, I have been in some dire need at times but I honestly cannot imagine what calamity could befall besides immanent death for my immediate family that would compel me to sell it.

Granted, that ring does not quite compare to Narya... but then that one is just on loan to me. ;)
There's been times in my own life that things got rough and I sold some things that I never thought I'd sell, and did stuff I never thought I'd do...as a man, you do what you gotta do to get the family fed and keep the wheels rolling. Life has a way of humbling you, especially if you begin to judge others without knowing their circumstances. I've been blessed to have good times, and to persevere through bad times. The bad times taught me to never take the good times for granted and gave me humility. There doesn't seem to be much of that left in the world today unfortunately.
Yeah .... I wouldn't be judgmental of these things, unless it's someone like Dr. Benson Scott, who sold his 1998 National Championship ring .... He's an Orthopedic Surgeon. That was kinda weird.
Some medical doctors get in way over their heads financially. It's not weird at all. If he sold his NC ring, he likely needed the money
While I agree with the general admonition that people have to man up and face life, the one thing I have learned is that you dont have any idea what is really happening in someone's life atm. Things can look great from the outside but then, if you really know them, they can be dealing with a ton of stuff.

My view of people's actions has remained steady over the years but I tend to judge people themselves less harshly than I used to, for we rarely know what is really going on with them.

Many years back, I remember things like trying to feed our first born who had to have very expensive formula and there never seemed to be any money. I remember thinking, as a father, I finally understood why people would steal to survive. I never took any but I remember the temptation was very strong sometimes because at that time, I saw no other way to feed my kid that day. And - I had a job.
Exactly why I don’t judge people or their situations. If I know you personally and you are cool to me, I’m cool back, regardless of anything else. Someone I don’t even know...I refuse to comment or judge.
While I agree with the general admonition that people have to man up and face life, the one thing I have learned is that you dont have any idea what is really happening in someone's life atm. Things can look great from the outside but then, if you really know them, they can be dealing with a ton of stuff.

My view of people's actions has remained steady over the years but I tend to judge people themselves less harshly than I used to, for we rarely know what is really going on with them.

Many years back, I remember things like trying to feed our first born who had to have very expensive formula and there never seemed to be any money. I remember thinking, as a father, I finally understood why people would steal to survive. I never took any but I remember the temptation was very strong sometimes because at that time, I saw no other way to feed my kid that day. And - I had a job.
Gandalf, you are a good dude, I don’t care what these maroons on this site say about you!

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