Jaylen McCollough arrested

The police report given by the impaired guy that just got punched in the mouth? Seems like shaky ground to be planting a stake in.
The police report given by the impaired guy that just got punched in the mouth? Seems like shaky ground to be planting a stake in.

That depends on what stake you’re planting. The police report is not just a statement given by an impaired guy.

Drunk guy has a swollen face, missing teeth, and there’s blood on the stairs, all of which is exactly consistent with impaired guy’s story. Whatever happened, McCollough left the scene and wasn’t the one to call the police. But they were still able to associate him with the apartment and the incident, somehow so there’s some unclear evidence involved in that. And when he comes back his hand is bandaged.

That’s a pretty decent case for the prosecution. It’s not insurmountable proof, but its definitely enough to get a conviction if his story isn’t pretty damn good.
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That depends on what stake you’re planting. The police report is not just a statement given by an impaired guy.

Drunk guy has a swollen face, missing teeth, and there’s blood on the stairs, all of which is exactly consistent with impaired guy’s story. Whatever happened, McCollough left the scene and wasn’t the one to call the police. But they were still able to associate him with the apartment and the incident, somehow so there’s some unclear evidence involved in that. And when he comes back his hand is bandaged.

That’s a pretty decent case for the prosecution. It’s not insurmountable proof, but its definitely enough to get a conviction if his story isn’t pretty damn good.

To the boldened that was apparently Ryan Castlin who, per the police report, is JM's girlfriend.
To the boldened that was apparently Ryan Castlin who, per the police report, is JM's girlfriend.
Yeah from what I remember, the police report says she called him back to the apartment. But the police had to go from the point of drunk guy with a broken mouth to the point of her calling McCullough, specifically, back. That probably isn’t super complicated but it likely involves some statements from her that have evidentiary value.
That depends on what stake you’re planting.
I'm planting my stake on either both should have been arrested, or neither or just Zion since he confessed to being inebriated. going to the wrong building and wrong apartment and being involved in a scuffle. That's three strikes in just about any other circumstance if you are dealing with cops usually.

And just because he got his azz whipped, that doesn't make them the innocent party.
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Yeah from what I remember, the police report says she called him back to the apartment. But the police had to go from the point of drunk guy with a broken mouth to the point of her calling McCullough, specifically, back. That probably isn’t super complicated but it likely involves some statements from her that have evidentiary value.

Agreed. I've no idea what was actually stated by her but given her involvement (she was one of two people that apparently aided Spencer after getting clocked) there's no way she wouldn't be considered a material witness to at least some of what occurred.
That's several what if's and maybes. I'm going from the police report and until it's been proven otherwise it's all we have to go on. What if's and maybes don't quite cut it in court.
You mean that police report from the very credible drunk witness? The guy that a few minutes before went to the wrong building? Going out on a limb with more ifs and maybes, but if he couldn't find the correct building, how credible are his details about the sequence of events?

Again, think about this if you are the two arresting officers at that moment... not someone right now that may have a bit more info several days later. But at that moment in time, you have a drunk guy that went to the wrong building and another guy that isn't saying anything. They both got in a fight with each other over something. How in the world, based on that police report, do they determine that Zion can be let go, but Jaylen belongs in jail?

Either arrest both and sort it out at the jail or you arrest neither and let both guys walk away with a lesson learned.
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Yeah from what I remember, the police report says she called him back to the apartment. But the police had to go from the point of drunk guy with a broken mouth to the point of her calling McCullough, specifically, back. That probably isn’t super complicated but it likely involves some statements from her that have evidentiary value.
Shh some here don’t believe this happened
That depends on what stake you’re planting. The police report is not just a statement given by an impaired guy.

Drunk guy has a swollen face, missing teeth, and there’s blood on the stairs, all of which is exactly consistent with impaired guy’s story. Whatever happened, McCollough left the scene and wasn’t the one to call the police. But they were still able to associate him with the apartment and the incident, somehow so there’s some unclear evidence involved in that. And when he comes back his hand is bandaged.

That’s a pretty decent case for the prosecution. It’s not insurmountable proof, but its definitely enough to get a conviction if his story isn’t pretty damn good.
Night before last I tripped in my yard over a rock and scraped my nose, when I walked inside, my wife thought I'd been punched in the nose. Accidents happen that can look like something else. Drunks fall down stair all the time.
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Night before last I tripped in my yard over a rock and scraped my nose, when I walked inside, my wife thought I'd been punched in the nose. Accidents happen that can look like something else. Drunks fall down stair all the time.
He needs a better story than that.

How many drunks fall and then call the police to spin a yarn about accidentally going into someone’s apartment to claim they’ve been punched by a guy that is able to be called back to the scene for police to observe that he has a bandaged hand?

That kind of reasoning is not going to persuade a single objective person. It just makes you feel better as a Tennessee fan.
He needs a better story than that.

How many drunks fall and then call the police to spin a yarn about accidentally going into someone’s apartment to claim they’ve been punched by a guy that is able to be called back to the scene for police to observe that he has a bandaged hand?

That kind of reasoning is not going to persuade a single objective person. It just makes you feel better as a Tennessee fan.
The level of mental gymnastics that some of these guys will go through is truly staggering.
He needs a better story than that.

How many drunks fall and then call the police to spin a yarn about accidentally going into someone’s apartment to claim they’ve been punched by a guy that is able to be called back to the scene for police to observe that he has a bandaged hand?

That kind of reasoning is not going to persuade a single objective person. It just makes you feel better as a Tennessee fan.
And you totally missed the point he was making. There are at least two reasons why Zion could have been punched in the face. Either it was unprovoked or it could have been self-defense on the part of Jaylen.
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And you totally missed the point he was making. There are at least two reasons why Zion could have been punched in the face. Either it was unprovoked or it could have been self-defense on the part of Jaylen.
I don’t think that was the point of the post I responded to. I concede that there are a number of potential explanations for his conduct that could escape criminal responsibility. I think I’ve said that at least three times. Has absolutely no bearing on the validity of the arrest, though.
I don’t think that was the point of the post I responded to. I concede that there are a number of potential explanations for his conduct that could escape criminal responsibility. I think I’ve said that at least three times. Has absolutely no bearing on the validity of the arrest, though.
It raises questions as to why a drunk guy's testimony about being drunk and going to the wrong building has more credence and leads to the arrest of another man that was minding his own business and in his residence when an intruder came in.
It raises questions as to why a drunk guy's testimony about being drunk and going to the wrong building has more credence and leads to the arrest of another man that was minding his own business and in his residence when an intruder came in.

No it doesn’t. 1. There was corroborating evidence for the drunk guy’s story so that’s why it gets credence and 2. There’s nothing for that story to have “more credende” than. Its uncontested at this point.
That depends on what stake you’re planting. The police report is not just a statement given by an impaired guy.

Drunk guy has a swollen face, missing teeth, and there’s blood on the stairs, all of which is exactly consistent with impaired guy’s story. Whatever happened, McCollough left the scene and wasn’t the one to call the police. But they were still able to associate him with the apartment and the incident, somehow so there’s some unclear evidence involved in that. And when he comes back his hand is bandaged.

That’s a pretty decent case for the prosecution. It’s not insurmountable proof, but its definitely enough to get a conviction if his story isn’t pretty damn good.

Maybe JM did the smart thing and called a real attorney ( not someone who plays an attorney on VN) and was advised not to speak with the police about what happened.

Maybe the drunk idiot threw the first punch or escalated the situation.

I’m sure a real attorney can convince 1 of 12 to vote not guilty based on the fact that JM was sitting at his home minding his own business when some drunk idiot breaks into his place.
Yeah from what I remember, the police report says she called him back to the apartment. But the police had to go from the point of drunk guy with a broken mouth to the point of her calling McCullough, specifically, back. That probably isn’t super complicated but it likely involves some statements from her that have evidentiary value.

Didn’t he come back with a bandaged hand? So that’s probably the reason why he left.

Maybe he called his attorney? His attorney probably told him not to speak to the police.

Could the cops have told her to call him back? Maybe the cops threatened to arrest her if she didn’t call him to come back.

What we really know is that some drunk idiot broke into JMs apartment.
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Didn’t he come back with a bandaged hand? So that’s probably the reason why he left.

Maybe he called his attorney? His attorney probably told him not to speak to the police.

Could the cops have told her to call him back? Maybe the cops threatened to arrest her if she didn’t call him to come back.

What we really know is that some drunk idiot broke into JMs apartment.

Maybe JM did the smart thing and called a real attorney ( not someone who plays an attorney on VN) and was advised not to speak with the police about what happened.

Maybe the drunk idiot threw the first punch or escalated the situation.

I’m sure a real attorney can convince 1 of 12 to vote not guilty based on the fact that JM was sitting at his home minding his own business when some drunk idiot breaks into his place.

Do you want me to go back and copy and paste from my previous posts where I already addressed most of this, or are you capable of reading them yourself?
You mean that police report from the very credible drunk witness? The guy that a few minutes before went to the wrong building? Going out on a limb with more ifs and maybes, but if he couldn't find the correct building, how credible are his details about the sequence of events?

Again, think about this if you are the two arresting officers at that moment... not someone right now that may have a bit more info several days later. But at that moment in time, you have a drunk guy that went to the wrong building and another guy that isn't saying anything. They both got in a fight with each other over something. How in the world, based on that police report, do they determine that Zion can be let go, but Jaylen belongs in jail?

Either arrest both and sort it out at the jail or you arrest neither and let both guys walk away with a lesson learned.

Isn't there some stupid rule that if the cops are called for a domestic disturbance then they have to arrest someone? I could be wrong here....idk.
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