I can't and they have a horrendous track record for reliability and power. The only redeeming quality other than looks for the Jeep is it has a good resale value because Jeep owners belong to a brain washed cult that believes its crappyness makes it unique. My wife suckered me into test driving a four door one a few years back and the engine quit during the test drive with a 38k price taglol:
Looking at front end options. Stubby recover bumper vs brush guard/light mount. If I go the recovery route, will prob put lights by the windshield just inside the rearview mirrors. Thoughts?
I'm going the opposite direction of kiddiedoc - I'm getting ready to sell mine to go back to a traditional convertible.
Really? Why the change of heart?
Out of curiosity, do you tend to change cars frequently?
I went Jeep as a way to have convert that I could take my dog with and as an occasional off road vehicle. Turns out, my truck works better for the dog and is capable enough for any offroad I might do.
So while I like the Jeep, it's not really doing that much for me and a convertible would yield more excitement/driving fun.
Nerd, I do change vehicles with alarming frequency.
Currently I have a sedan, 4x4 truck and Jeep. The Jeep is expendable.
Have you given consideration to leasing? My dad had a tendency to trade cars every 2-3 years. After a couple times he just switched to leasing and hasn't looked back.
Depends on the manufacturer. Most I think may be .30 a mile. But since it would be his 3rd car I couldn't imagine him going over 15,000 a year.
Funny you ask - I just did my first lease this month. I dumped the S4 and leased a BMW 3 series.
This might explain me car habits - I've avoided leases because they keep me in a car too long...
I've owned cars as short as 2 months. My truck is currently the leader in the club house at just over 2 years. Longest recently held car was my old e30 BMW convertible that I had for almost 10 years.
Given I typically have 3 vehicles that I use in regular rotation, a lease for 10K miles annually was no issue.
The subsidized lease allowed me to put the BMW and the future Miata? in the garage for what I was paying for the S4.
That makes sense. If I didn't tend to hold on to cars for a long time. I would certainly lease.
I honestly wish more people would lease. Most folks tend to keep their cars well less than the 60 months that an average auto loan term. People get really upset when they realize they are upside down when it's time to trade.
As a salesperson I'm actually speaking against my own interest as leases tend to be less profitable. But I feel like there are a lot of people out there who should give real consideration to a lease.
For me, a lease makes sense IF it is subsidized (high residual and/or low MF) and you are going to change cars. Otherwise it's a wash.
A nice feature with BMW leases is you can buy down the MF with multiple security deposits. Translates to about an 11 - 15% annual rate of return on your money if you let BMW hold it instead of your bank.