So, if I go with the rock crawler bumper above with two sets of LEDs, I assume I can wire one set to the fog lamp line, but I'll have to install a switch and line to the other? Is that a big job? What would I need to accomplish said feat?
Here's another question: what is the largest tire size that will fit on the Rubicon/Willys wheels without a lift? Anyone have experience installing spacers?
So, if I go with the rock crawler bumper above with two sets of LEDs, I assume I can wire one set to the fog lamp line, but I'll have to install a switch and line to the other? Is that a big job? What would I need to accomplish said feat?
Here's another question: what is the largest tire size that will fit on the Rubicon/Willys wheels without a lift? Anyone have experience installing spacers?
Thanks man. I'm still probably 10k from needing new ones but these mud terrains are $$$ and I wouldn't mind going a little larger. They are 255/75/17 I believe
Thanks man. I'm still probably 10k from needing new ones but these mud terrains are $$$ and I wouldn't mind going a little larger. They are 255/75/17 I believe
No worries. Wheel spacers are fine, right?
Anyone have any experience using a flash cal to offset the MPg difference once you go bigger on the tires?
I have never used a programmer before but the best way to regain your fuel mileage is to re-gear the Jeep. The programmer might help you gain some of your mileage back but I couldn't imagine it helping a ton. I could be wrong.
My '97 has 33x12.50 BFG Muds with a 4 liter and manual trans and the last two tanks of fuel got 16 miles to the gallon. It's not great but it could be much worse
Of course it is but let's be real, $150<<<<$1200 it would cost to regear. I'm more curious as to an actual opinion of if the flashcal is worth the 150-250 it costs, and what type of difference I could expect. If my only options are regear or nothing, right now it's gonna be nothing, as much as I would like to regear
What's the thought on buying a pre-modded Wrangler? I mean, I can obtain the list of parts used to judge the quality via some research, but the quality of work...
This is obviously a problem with any modified vehicle, not just Jeeps. A Wrangler just happens to be what I'm interested in.