Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

The funny part is that people are latching on to them to prove the guilt of the clintons and others.
so far I have seen of 4 different sources claim the Clintons are involved. only this latest ONE source was recanted. 2 of the other ones held up in court and are on the record with their names. the last is a no name victim, so not much there.

you are conflating two very different set of statements into one. unless you can dismiss evidence that held up in a criminal court case you (the Clintons) have a problem.
Nothing about defending pedos is funny. Jail them like we would be jailed if we did what they did.

This a stupid statement. Y'all like to use a statement to prove one thing against democrats while dismissing it when it's used against Republicans. I never defended a pedophile.
so far I have seen of 4 different sources claim the Clintons are involved. only this latest ONE source was recanted. 2 of the other ones held up in court and are on the record with their names. the last is a no name victim, so not much there.

you are conflating two very different set of statements into one. unless you can dismiss evidence that held up in a criminal court case you (the Clintons) have a problem.

The gangster was pals with Epstein--that is not in dispute. It's also not in dispute that the gangster has assaulted--and raped--women.
The gangster was pals with Epstein--that is not in dispute. It's also not in dispute that the gangster has assaulted--and raped--women.
yeah. hundreds if not thousands of people were pals with Epstein and either road his plane, visited one his like 6 houses, or had meetings with him. including a good number of people in office at this moment.

not everyone that knew Epstein is a pedo.
not everyone on that list is a pedo.
Those women who were assaulted by Trump should press charges and get their day in court.
I still think its going to be the money side of Epstein's crimes that are going to bring more people down. Trump could easily be one of them.

as of this moment the only testimony from the Epstein documentation, that held up in a CRIMINAL court, said that Trump wasn't part of THIS sexual wrong doing. that is the discussion in this tread.
This a stupid statement. Y'all like to use a statement to prove one thing against democrats while dismissing it when it's used against Republicans. I never defended a pedophile.
you also haven't called out the Democrats and only want to try and draw attention to Trump.

and I really want to see this "a statement" being used to BOTH clear Trump and condemn democrats. Because I am about 99% you are being hyperbolic. There were 900 some odd pages in the first dump, more have been released. As of yet I have not seen any one document that did both things you are claiming. There are many separate documents. most of them are individually identifying the various people's in question relation to Epstein.
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All they are doing is putting Trumps and Epsteins name together..cause regardless of context thier moronic hughley educated lemmings will not read further..because orange man bad
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Swing and a miss.
considering we already have multiple documents with Trumps actual, un-redacted, name on it, I am not sure how this is a win for them.

its always funny that they just skim the top of the information, so that they can raise some questions about Trump. the whole time ignoring that the same piece of information actually fills in those questions and at least to date doesn't show any wrongdoing on Trump's behalf.

Desantis is going to get Clintoned.

Desantis is going to get Clintoned.
I'm no expert but that mark on his throat tells me it was not a hanging.
Definitely wasn’t a sheet that did that. Some people say that this pic is not Epstein though but Anthony Bourdain. Mrs Gandalf has friends who keep up with the latest conspiracy theories.
Not sure about Bourdain.. Looking at the teeth both have a similar look.
No matter whom the picture, it does not look like a hanging death.

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