Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

As long as the economy is good, it's not crazy to think people will vote for Trump. Take your politics out of it and think of what truly motivates the average citizen, their own well-being. Not everyone is a political loon leaning one way or the other.
I've always chosen to believe most people realize that goodness and decency were at least close to equally important. (that percentage is not as high as I had hoped and believed)
There is truly nothing more important to an individual's well being than living in a country that is good and decent.
I view the election as a referendum on the character and consciousness of the nation.
America is perilously close to throwing away its status as a world leader and a country to which others should aspire.
But hey, if it puts $5 more dollars in my pocket every week for the short term......................
I've always chosen to believe most people realize that goodness and decency were at least close to equally important. (that percentage is not as high as I had hoped and believed)
There is truly nothing more important to an individual's well being than living in a country that is good and decent.
I view the election as a referendum on the character and consciousness of the nation.
America is perilously close to throwing away its status as a world leader and a country to which others should aspire.
But hey, if it puts $5 more dollars in my pocket every week for the short term......................

I’m ok with not being a world leader . I believe it’s past time others step up into that role if they want one . I’m big on taking care of your own and helping your neighbors , simple but effective concepts that makes for good solid foundations and peaceful coexistence . Other countries don’t want to be led by the US they want they want our military support , trade and money .
I’m ok with not being a world leader . I believe it’s last time other step up into that role if they want one . I’m big on taking care of your own and helping your neighbors , simple but effective concepts that makes for good solid foundations and peaceful coexistence . Other countries don’t want to be led by the US they want they want our military support , trade and money .
I was speaking more to the moral side. The respect we received because we were good and decent, not the respect that comes from being rich and powerful.

I'm 100% with you on the bolded; on a personal, community, and national level. (I think that is where Trump is a complete failure)
Actually Republicans are pretty boisterous and want to tell someone what they think about polls and dems.
or maybe Russians messed with our elections. He won with a few votes in the right place and electoral college.

My conspiracy theory is better than most I'm reading on here.
Actually Republicans are pretty boisterous and want to tell someone what they think.

It’s the cornering effect , keep pushing people back into a corner and you’ll have that . I’ve never understood that about the Dems , most conservatives I know are mostly reserved ( hence the name conservative ) but they are also people you don’t want to corner or keep pushing because when they have had enough , they really have had enough . I think 2016 was a sampling of one group being fed up . Doubling down on what got us here will not fix anything .
I was speaking more to the moral side. The respect we received because we were good and decent, not the respect that comes from being rich and powerful.

I'm 100% with you on the bolded; on a personal, community, and national level. (I think that is where Trump is a complete failure)

If we were honest with ourselves we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be seen as a leader of other counties based solely on our morals . That being said very few countries would qualify for that role .

Edit : to clarify I’m talking about the dark secret things countries do behind the scenes vs the public , all smiles face they put on in front of the cameras .
It’s the cornering effect , keep pushing people back into a corner and you’ll have that . I’ve never understood that about the Dems , most conservatives I know are mostly reserved ( hence the name conservative ) but they are also people you don’t want to corner or keep pushing because when they have had enough , they really have had enough . I think 2016 was a sampling of one group being fed up . Doubling down on what got us here will not fix anything .
I just don't understand what it was they were fed up with or even more how they viewed Trump as any kind of reasonable answer. (but I have my guesses)
It’s the cornering effect , keep pushing people back into a corner and you’ll have that . I’ve never understood that about the Dems , most conservatives I know are mostly reserved ( hence the name conservative ) but they are also people you don’t want to corner or keep pushing because when they have had enough , they really have had enough . I think 2016 was a sampling of one group being fed up . Doubling down on what got us here will not fix anything .
I said Republicans not "conservatives" which is derived from Fiscal conservatism and we know they are FOS. It has never meant meek.
or maybe Russians messed with our elections. He won with a few votes in the right place and electoral college.

My conspiracy theory is better than most I'm reading on here.
There is truth to your conspiracy theory.
I've always chosen to believe most people realize that goodness and decency were at least close to equally important. (that percentage is not as high as I had hoped and believed)
There is truly nothing more important to an individual's well being than living in a country that is good and decent.
I view the election as a referendum on the character and consciousness of the nation.
America is perilously close to throwing away its status as a world leader and a country to which others should aspire.
But hey, if it puts $5 more dollars in my pocket every week for the short term......................

OK Drama Queen
Your definition of good and decent are different than what others believe. In fact, I have yet to see anybody on the Dem presidential stage that I would consider good and decent. All I see is anger, and that anger is inherent pre-Trump. Nothing but a bunch political swindlers hiding behind facade of faux care for others, with even worse policies.
OK Drama Queen
Your definition of good and decent are different than what others believe. In fact, I have yet to see anybody on the Dem presidential stage that I would consider good and decent. All I see is anger, and that anger is inherent pre-Trump. Nothing but a bunch political swindlers hiding behind facade of faux care for others, with even worse policies.

And that’s just one of the many reasons Trump will win again
If we were honest with ourselves we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be seen as a leader of other counties based solely on our morals . That being said very few countries would qualify for that role .
Of course the rest of the world is going to have an opinion about us. You can't be the leading economic and military power and not have opinions drawn.
I think it's admirable and ultimately beneficial when a person strives to be good and decent.
I think it's admirable and ultimately beneficial when a country strives to be good and decent.
I think it's unfortunate and ultimately damaging when an individual knowingly moves in the other direction.
I think it's unfortunate and ultimately damaging when a country knowingly moves in the other direction.
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I just don't understand what it was they were fed up with or even more how they viewed Trump as any kind of reasonable answer. (but I have my guesses)
Yeah, it was pretty much like it is now. Economy was good, we were running a candidate that other side detested (although she was the most qualified person with her experience)
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OK Drama Queen
Your definition of good and decent are different than what others believe. In fact, I have yet to see anybody on the Dem presidential stage that I would consider good and decent. All I see is anger, and that anger is inherent pre-Trump. Nothing but a bunch political swindlers hiding behind facade of faux care for others, with even worse policies.
Which all places you firmly in the 36 percenters.
I said Republicans not "conservatives" which is derived from Fiscal conservatism and we know they are FOS. It has never meant meek.

I disagree , but only on my part of the conservative name . I have conservative values , not just fiscal but over all . I try to stay inside the parameters with the knowledge that all machines no matter what they are , are designed to work best at “ top dead center “. It’s hard to keep anything running at that optimal range but it’s where all things run best .
I just don't understand what it was they were fed up with or even more how they viewed Trump as any kind of reasonable answer. (but I have my guesses)

Status quo is my first guess . I know we talk about it a lot but everything being PC , I know was a factor with some . That’s why an agitator worked . Agitators aren’t tolerated when everything is going smoothly for everyone so that tells me there was a large percentage of people that believed their voices weren’t being heard and the other candidate wasn’t trusted enough to change that . Only my opinion of course .
I just don't understand what it was they were fed up with or even more how they viewed Trump as any kind of reasonable answer. (but I have my guesses)

My god where to begin. People were sick of the racist race baiter in office. Racism is overplayed and equality is there but dims have to promise free sh** and special rights while making people feel oppressed. People were sick of criminals pouring through border and realized there needed to be extreme measures taken to fix it. That’s just a couple tidbits from a long list. The reaction Trump garnered from weak dims was a bonus.
Yeah, it was pretty much like it is now. Economy was good, we were running a candidate that other side detested (although she was the most qualified person with her experience)

1.8 % GDP eight year average under Obama is not a good economy. He lost thousands of MFG jobs his last year in office. Hilary’s bs speaks for herself 😂

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