Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

Which all places you firmly in the 36 percenters.

Luther, I believe you to be a nice guy. You take a lot of crap around here. But you are so condescending when you paint with broad brush strokes, define general attributes and use verbiage like continuum. Like this definition of good and decency. A lot of people feel that abortion is murder, and see it as evil.

You and progressives deem yourselves as arbitrators of what is good and portray yourselves as intellectually enlightened beyond anyone else when they do not agree with the same politics and policy.
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Status quo is my first guess . I know we talk about it a lot but everything being PC , I know was a factor with some . That’s why an agitator worked . Agitators aren’t tolerated when everything is going smoothly for everyone so that tells me there was a large percentage of people that believed their voices weren’t being heard and the other candidate wasn’t trusted enough to change that . Only my opinion of course .
That makes as much sense as anything. There will never be a time when everything is going smoothly for everyone. Some want progress to move faster, some want progress to slow down, some want no progress, and some want regression. My best guess is trumpism was a reaction to progress moving to quickly. We are seeing it played out globally. Our nation and world is changing at a rate many can't handle.
His tweets and re-tweets serve as insight into his level of maturity... and it's nothing to be proud of. I can't believe he re-tweeted that. Even by his standards, this is a new low.

There's much to dislike about Trump, but sometimes "immaturity", "crudity", and and many other descriptors are meaningless because they are simply reflections of the time period. When stifling political correctness is the tone of the day, blunt speech is always going to be interpreted as crude. Many times "correct speech" is simply the attempt by the meaningless to appear far more intelligent than they really are. Example: I once worked in an organization that was really a bunch of small insignificant startups cobbled together. One particularly annoying clique blundered it's way to the top and their buzzwords were out in full force ... you didn't have a "discussion" - rather you had "dialogue". That's much the way all of DC and particularly how the corps of "diplomatic" fools and terrorists work ... lets pretend to be ivy league or legal wizards; Trump just doesn't buy into the game, in fact, he makes a mockery of it.

And those clowns that usurped the organization I mentioned stumbled so badly that it cost the parent company millions in damages and then they had to pay the cost of another company to do the original work. In the end it killed the larger company.
Status quo is my first guess . I know we talk about it a lot but everything being PC , I know was a factor with some . That’s why an agitator worked . Agitators aren’t tolerated when everything is going smoothly for everyone so that tells me there was a large percentage of people that believed their voices weren’t being heard and the other candidate wasn’t trusted enough to change that . Only my opinion of course .

You hit the bulls eye on this. Good answer.
That makes as much sense as anything. There will never be a time when everything is going smoothly for everyone. Some want progress to move faster, some want progress to slow down, some want no progress, and some want regression. My best guess is trumpism was a reaction to progress moving to quickly. We are seeing it played out globally. Our nation and world is changing at a rate many can't handle.

It’s the smaller scale , things that we can control in our everyday lives that give us hope and should make us realize we can’t control our government even though we think we can and it’s designed for us to be able to , we for sure can’t control the rest of the world and what they say or do . Except for Vol nation ( shout out to @Freak ) , we would be better off without Tweeter , FB and the MSM and focus on our neighbors and neighborhoods.
That makes as much sense as anything. There will never be a time when everything is going smoothly for everyone. Some want progress to move faster, some want progress to slow down, some want no progress, and some want regression. My best guess is trumpism was a reaction to progress moving to quickly. We are seeing it played out globally. Our nation and world is changing at a rate many can't handle.

There you go again. You are not an arbitrator for what defines "progress" or "regression". You may of well just substituted "progressives" and "conservatives" for these words.
Luther, I believe you to be a nice guy. You take a lot of crap around here. But you are so condescending when you paint with broad brush strokes, define general attributes and use verbiage like continuum. Like this definition of good and decency. A lot of people feel that abortion is murder, and see it as evil.

You and progressives deem yourselves as arbitrators of what is good and portray yourselves as intellectual enlightened beyond anyone else when they do not agree with the same politics and policy.
I certainly understand how some feel abortion is murder and therefore see it as evil.
I often use a broad brush (as do you, check out the last sentence of your post) but a broad brush is most effective when you're painting a barn.
When I first came to the PF and immediately realized the horrible imbalance between left and right, a broad brush seemed the best choice.
Maybe I should put it down every now and then and do a little trim work. (but past attempts weren't very successful)
The really odd thing here when you step back from frothing at the mouth about Trump is the expectations of him changing once he became president like that is some magical moment when a mysterious evolution was to take place . He ran as an agitator , he got elected because he agitated the status quo at a time when people were past the point of being fed up with elitists and the establishment . Nobody said you have to like it or condone it but you do have to find a way through it , that’s just the facts . The question is ... will the Dems do what it takes to beat Trump in an election , the solution is easy but the medicine is bitter . The easiest way for Dems to beat Trump in an election is to have a calm , rational centrist run against him and you’ll win it easily . That’s why Biden even with all his goofy misspeaks , being an old white privileged male still leads the party , he’s the closest thing you have to a centrist and the poll numbers show that’s what people want .

Funny thing is that Obama ran as an agitator ... that's what community "organizers" are, but that was acceptable to Dims (and libs in particular) because he was their agitator, and he was smoother (with a lot of help from is friends in the press and elsewhere). Funny also how the severity of blunders are measured by political climate and topic. Eric Holder was right - once anyway; we can't have a frank discussion about many things in this country ... you can't have a blunt discussion without potentially and probably offending someone whose biases run differently, and today it's considered inappropriate to offend the left of center sensitives.
There you go again. You are not an arbitrator for what defines "progress" or "regression". You may of well just substituted "progressives" and "conservatives" for these words.
I think there are some universal truths.
Women gaining the right to vote was progress.
Child labor laws were progress.
It's easy for everyone in hindsight.
No one denies the flights. Clinton openly admits to flying all over the world with him. He denies ever visiting pedo island.
I actually read yesterday Slick Willy will only acknowledge being on four flights and all with his SS personnel and that contradicts the flight logs.

Here is a link. That statement came from his PR people

New Epstein flight logs show Trump flew on his plane in 1997

A statement released on July 8 by former President Bill Clinton's press secretary, Angel Ureña, claimed that “in 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane: One to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa,” but a Washington Examiner review of the flight manifest records shows that Clinton actually went on at least 27 flights on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” during at least six trips, not four.

The July statement from Clinton also claimed the former president only met with Epstein beginning in the early 2000s, but that has also been disproven following revelations that Epstein met Clinton years before when Epstein visited the White House multiple times in the early and mid-1990s and when Clinton attended a three-hour fundraising dinner in 1995 where Epstein was present.

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