Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

Actually Republicans are pretty boisterous and want to tell someone what they think about polls and dems.

That's probably true. I'd be more than happy to tell anybody what I think about a poll (and where they can stuff it - photosensitively safe and all) if I'm not busy doing something even remotely worthwhile, but I'm not about to answer stupid questions intended to provide "correct" answers. Marketing is marketing, marketing is endless meaningless polls, and marketing generally = BS.
I've always chosen to believe most people realize that goodness and decency were at least close to equally important. (that percentage is not as high as I had hoped and believed)
There is truly nothing more important to an individual's well being than living in a country that is good and decent.
I view the election as a referendum on the character and consciousness of the nation.
America is perilously close to throwing away its status as a world leader and a country to which others should aspire.
But hey, if it puts $5 more dollars in my pocket every week for the short term......................

Please tell me which past president we've had that has espoused goodness and decency.

The closest we've come to that might be Reagan and even that is pushing the envelope to a stretch.
I've always chosen to believe most people realize that goodness and decency were at least close to equally important. (that percentage is not as high as I had hoped and believed)
There is truly nothing more important to an individual's well being than living in a country that is good and decent.
I view the election as a referendum on the character and consciousness of the nation.
America is perilously close to throwing away its status as a world leader and a country to which others should aspire.
But hey, if it puts $5 more dollars in my pocket every week for the short term......................
I'd rather have that $5 in my pocket than to give it to whomever you and your bleeding heart fascists deem worthy of my labors. GEt the **** out of my wallet. If you want to support the rest of the world, by all means write a bigger check to your beloved government
Luther, I believe you to be a nice guy. You take a lot of crap around here. But you are so condescending when you paint with broad brush strokes, define general attributes and use verbiage like continuum. Like this definition of good and decency. A lot of people feel that abortion is murder, and see it as evil.

You and progressives deem yourselves as arbitrators of what is good and portray yourselves as intellectually enlightened beyond anyone else when they do not agree with the same politics and policy.
he's worse than a common thief.
I said Republicans not "conservatives" which is derived from Fiscal conservatism and we know they are FOS. It has never meant meek.

Mick, in a world where people want political attention and money lavished on them by legislatures, when one side plays not fiscally conservative, the other side has no choice but to match. That's a simple fact of life. It's the basic model of capitalism ... when one side pushes something that people want, others follow or perish ... generally, it devolves into one-upmanship which is worse.
I'd rather have that $5 in my pocket than to give it to whomever you and your bleeding heart fascists deem worthy of my labors. GEt the **** out of my wallet. If you want to support the rest of the world, by all means write a bigger check to your beloved government

Do you drive on the roads, fly on planes? Get groceries at the store? Count on fire and police?

All represent taking $5 from a lot of people.
There's much to dislike about Trump, but sometimes "immaturity", "crudity", and and many other descriptors are meaningless because they are simply reflections of the time period. When stifling political correctness is the tone of the day, blunt speech is always going to be interpreted as crude. Many times "correct speech" is simply the attempt by the meaningless to appear far more intelligent than they really are. Example: I once worked in an organization that was really a bunch of small insignificant startups cobbled together. One particularly annoying clique blundered it's way to the top and their buzzwords were out in full force ... you didn't have a "discussion" - rather you had "dialogue". That's much the way all of DC and particularly how the corps of "diplomatic" fools and terrorists work ... lets pretend to be ivy league or legal wizards; Trump just doesn't buy into the game, in fact, he makes a mockery of it.

And those clowns that usurped the organization I mentioned stumbled so badly that it cost the parent company millions in damages and then they had to pay the cost of another company to do the original work. In the end it killed the larger company.
This is ridiculous. This has nothing to do with political correctness. It has to do with adherence to common decency. By any standards of adult human behavior, past or present, Donald Trump's conduct is obnoxious. He is immature, egotistical, irresponsible and petty. The "mockery" that Trump makes, is that of good taste.
Do you drive on the roads, fly on planes? Get groceries at the store? Count on fire and police?

All represent taking $5 from a lot of people.
We already pay for that. We already pay 'our fair share'. Luther and the rest of your band of thieves want us to support whomever he deems worthy. I would rather support whomever I deem worthy.

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