Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

Marginalize him by ignoring him. Don't read his Twitter, don't respond to him.

But you can't, can you?
Or maybe his minions could actually speak up and demand better. Nah, who am I kidding.
Or maybe his minions could actually speak up and demand better. Nah, who am I kidding.
Easier to ignore, Trump wouldn't listen anyway, he knows he's perfect. You hurt a showoff by ignoring him. Quit trying to get others to do stuff for you.
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I don't know what precipitated this remark, but I agree with you Luther and that doesn't happen often. Although what I have was earned and I'm not giving it away to some lazy bastage who doesn't want to work. I dole my money out through hiring local folks and tips where appropriate.
I think those are the best types of "repayments". The government is a last resort and should only step in when and where society fails. Unfortunately, society fails all to often.
Easier to ignore, Trump wouldn't listen anyway, he knows he's perfect. You hurt a showoff by ignoring him. Quit trying to get others to do stuff for you.
LOL......Trump listens obsessively. He can't go a day without watching Fox and getting feedback of how his worshipers are feeling about him.
You hurt him much more by rejecting him (regarding the specific behavior). Nah, who am I kidding.
LOL......Trump listens obsessively. He can't go a day without watching Fox and getting feedback of how his worshipers are feeling about him.
You hurt him much more by rejecting him (regarding the specific behavior). Nah, who am I kidding.
Yourself, as always.
Nope. They just seems to make up a large portion of the population that either doesn't care to respond to polls or they respond with poll screwing replies.

It's rather like amusing oneself with telemarketers.

What makes you say this?
I think Trump says MANY stupid and unprofessional things on twitter. Every conservative here has said so.

This is the thing you dumb socialist voters and future socialist voters dont understand and why it drives you so crazy all at the same time:

The sources of communication, the method, that was used by all of his predecessors in the modern era are beyond bought and paid for. They dont even ATTEMPT to be objective or truthful...they are unapologetically liberal, SJW and PC...even FOX yall ALWAYS ALWAYS cry about distorts the truth to try and get a reaction and viewership...but the other 3 or 4 OUTRIGHT LIE AND HATE CONSERVATIVES so they are no longer an acceptable vehicle for TRUMP to get his thoughts to people. They jumped the shark long ago...and when they carried water for Barry for so long..outright REFUSING to criticize him or report on the scandals of him and Clintons...they lost their credibility.

Trump can be a real buffoon...but I give him all the credit in the world. He is the 1st US president to make the MSM COMPLETELY USELESS in anything to do with the president, politics, or getting info about policy. He speaks for himself.

The media knows this and it absolutely EATS THEIR LUNCHES. He has reduced those same slanted dishonest networks that were so self important during the Barry admin and the election to a huge gossip column. They never get the scoop. They never get breaking news. They will never be "live from the white house" . He put them in their place. They get exactly what they deserve...garbage. They stopped being journalists searching for the truth to protect the American people long long ago...and became paid shills for whatever Lib they deem worthy, and pathological liars and complicit in coverup after coverup.

It just kills yall that he speaks directly to people. Call it what you want, its sour grapes. The media sounds like a bunch of 6 year olds that just got their butts torn up and sent to their rooms!!! Its hilarious...and they deserved all of it and more. I cant wait til he gets reelected and I get to see the tears again on network TV!!!! There will be a slew of liberal "Whitehouse coreespondents" looking for jobs. Lmao!!!
Just in general:
Pointing out that there is racism and working to lessen it is not the same as stirring up racial tensions or being racist.
Some of you seem to confuse those frequently, especially with Obama.

Murdered... and justice for Michael...seriously.

Warren is shite stirring.

Have you even read the Obama DOJ report on the incident?
I think Trump says MANY stupid and unprofessional things on twitter. Every conservative here has said so.
It just kills yall that he speaks directly to people. Call it what you want, its sour grapes. The media sounds like a bunch of 6 year olds that just got their butts torn up and sent to their rooms!!! Its hilarious...and they deserved all of it and more. I cant wait til he gets reelected and I get to see the tears again on network TV!!!! There will be a slew of liberal "Whitehouse coreespondents" looking for jobs. Lmao!!!
I'll call it gaslighting. Stunning to behold.

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