Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

In the interest of weeding out meaningful evidence from everyday PIC BS:

U.S. Attorney General William Barr said he was "appalled" by the news that Epstein had died of an apparent suicide in a federal lockup in Manhattan. He also announced that the Justice Department had already uncovered "serious irregularities" at MCC New York, the jail where Epstein died.

The Bureau of Prisons has already reassigned the warden of the jail, and news outlets reported that guards who were supposed to be monitoring Epstein were literally sleeping on the job and falsifying jail logs to cover up their lapses.

The "serious irregularities" that the Justice Department suddenly uncovered are everyday occurrences within the BOP, and anyone who's bothered to pay attention to the federal prison system has known about them for years. The real irregularity is that the Justice Department is acknowledging the problems' existence.

USA Today reported last year on critical staff shortages at federal prisons that resulted in nurses and other auxiliary staff being pressed into guard duty. This January, congressional investigators released a report finding that serious misconduct at BOP is "largely tolerated or ignored altogether."

"Cluster **** doesn't begin to describe the current state of the BOP, and it dates far beyond the Trump administration," David Safavian, deputy director of the American Conservative Union Foundation's criminal justice reform center, told The Marshall Project this week. "Anyone who thinks BOP is a high performing organization has never been inside a federal prison."

Jeffrey Epstein Is Dead Because His Jailers Neglected Him. He's Not the Only One.
I blame the old guy who couldn't keep his dick in his pants myself. It's against the law. He knowingly broke it. Why the hell would anyone defend that?

Nobody denies this and nobody is defending him but not everyone buys that these girls were just innocent victims. If they were physically forced to do something that’s entirely different. Maybe the law should extend to charging the underage participant of something as well.
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Nobody denies this and nobody is defending him but not everyone buys that these girls were just innocent victims. If they were physically forced to do something that’s entirely different. Maybe the law should extend to charging the underage participant of something as well.
No, they should charge the legal guardian.
Nobody denies this and nobody is defending him but not everyone buys that these girls were just innocent victims. If they were physically forced to do something that’s entirely different. Maybe the law should extend to charging the underage participant of something as well.


Where is @golfballs with that stupidass libertarian/age of consent meme?
No, they should charge the legal guardian.

I don’t know about that, maybe. I just find it odd that everyone between 13-17 is dumb as a box of rocks kids in some instances yet those same ones can be cold blooded killing adults in others. Seems that emotion dictates which way to lean. I personally don’t think they’re as dumb and innocent as some make out and they find it easier to do some things when they know that they will not be held responsible for their actions.
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Nobody denies this and nobody is defending him but not everyone buys that these girls were just innocent victims. If they were physically forced to do something that’s entirely different. Maybe the law should extend to charging the underage participant of something as well.
I really hope I've walked into the middle of a conversation and missed some context.
I can't disagree. The rich will kill as many people as they feel necessary to cover their asses.

In other news, a prison psychiatrist to whom Epstein had reportedly divulged numerous details regarding the allegations against him, including the names of several high-profile figures who were involved, was killed in a tragic car crash in Queens.....

We wouldn’t even be discussing the judgement and responsibilty of 13-and-14-year-olds if the traditional family and good parenting were still practiced more in our culture.

I have teenage daughters. One of their friends basically lives at our house. We were talking about college and I was telling my daughters that I will pay for it but they will get a real degree. Their friend said I am not going to college. I laughed and jokingly said as long as you live under my roof u are going to college. She thrn said no I don’t want to. I asked how are you going to survive then and pay your bills. She thrn seriously replies....I will just marry a rich old guy.

That is a lot of today’s youth.
There's no walking that one back, but go ahead and try to explain it to me.

Walk what back? I was pointing out hypocrisy in laws based on age and that not all teenagers are innocent little victims. I also pointed out the world is a better place without Epstein. This isn’t a single sided issue like some are making out.
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Nobody denies this and nobody is defending him but not everyone buys that these girls were just innocent victims. If they were physically forced to do something that’s entirely different. Maybe the law should extend to charging the underage participant of something as well.

Have u talked to a teenage girl yet? Go talk to one and you will realize how naive they truly are. You have to protect kids. I personally don’t even think at 18 they have the self awareness to be a legal adult yet.
Have u talked to a teenage girl yet? Go talk to one and you will realize how naive they truly are. You have to protect kids. I personally don’t even think at 18 they have the self awareness to be a legal adult yet.

Not saying I disagree but if that teenage girl shoots someone between the eyes they will be tried as an adult in a court of law. In one instance they’re naive, innocent, babies and in another they’re cold blooded adult murderers. You can be naive and still know the difference between right and wrong.
Not saying I disagree but if that teenage girl shoots someone between the eyes they will be tried as an adult in a court of law. In one instance they’re naive, innocent, babies and in another they’re cold blooded adult murderers. You can be naive and still know the difference between right and wrong.

I agree but being young and misled by an older man into sex is not the same thing as staring someone in the face and pulling a trigger.

I do believe though that an underage girl who gets a fake ID or lies about her age should be held both criminally legally and civilly liable if she sleeps with an older guy who thinks she is over 18. That is criminal.
Walk what back? I was pointing out hypocrisy in laws based on age and that not all teenagers are innocent little victims. I also pointed out the world is a better place without Epstein. This isn’t a single sided issue like some are making out.

I would submit to you that anyone with a functional IQ, and most especially someone as rich, powerful, and influential as Epstein (and those who will likely never be known now) who chooses to have sex...whether "consensual" by your definition or not...with anyone under the legal age of consent is completely deserving of the proverbial millstone about the neck.

In short, if you are so weak...or to allow a 13 - 16 year old girl to "seduce" you, well...then perhaps your function in life was to serve as a warning to others.

I seriously doubt that's what happened, having had some exposure to human trafficking and child-exploitation investigations, but just to give your opinion the benefit of the doubt, I decided to turn it around and look at it from the "adult in the room" perspective.

And I still can't make it work. Maybe that's just me. But if I caught anyone in a motel room with my 13 year-old granddaughter, it would matter not how she got there. But I can tell you how one of us is leaving.
Ghislaine Maxwell was specifically grooming children from impoverished backgrounds, to be abused by Epstein in a blackmail operation. She knew these children were vulnerable. They targeted children throughout the US and in Europe as well. They recruited young girls in the US with offers of work giving massages. In Europe, they targeted aspiring models, and they would end up on his Caribbean island. Psychopathic, predator behavior, and pure unbridled evil.

The audacity of this woman to show her face in public, in Los Angeles of all places. Probably awaiting a flight from LAX to somewhere without an extradition treaty to the US.
Where is Leslie Wexner?

Wexner's timeline of "disavowing" Jeffery Epstein does not align with now disclosed facts. Epstein still had power of attorney and was conducting business transactions on behalf of Wexner years past his public disavowal.

Why was Wexner, one of the world's richest men, maintaining a personal and professional relationship with a disgraced pedophile?
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Have u talked to a teenage girl yet? Go talk to one and you will realize how naive they truly are. You have to protect kids. I personally don’t even think at 18 they have the self awareness to be a legal adult yet.
This. Teenage girls are led by emotion, and emotions are rarely rational.

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