Jefferey Epstein found dead in jail cell

I am going by where a person is mentally at an age, not physically.

Physically, what male doesn’t want to hsve sex with a beautiful 20 year old? If I was single, I probably at 43 would hook up with someone around that age just for carnal reasons.

But to actually be in a relationship I would find quite hard. I wouldn’t honestly value her opinions probably and subconsciously view her as a kid.

Now, maybe your wife was fully matured and brought something to the table well beyond her years normally would. Or maybe you were very immature for 36 and it worked.

Clearly, it worked. And she must be a Saint to have stayed with your perverted ass. 😂 just kidding. You seem cool, you dirty dirty old man.

I am just taking in law of averages and it is slightly odd on average.
She was probably more mature at 20 than I am now at 69. I can be serious if the situation demands, but I try not to take life too seriously.
My wife's mother got cancer, and she had to drop out of college, and take care of the family. She was quite grown up. She worked and paid her way through college until then, and I encouraged her to go back and finish after we started dating. She did. She was also the "valid victorian" of her class. Her head was screwed on pretty tight, and still is.
I don’t know about that, maybe. I just find it odd that everyone between 13-17 is dumb as a box of rocks kids in some instances yet those same ones can be cold blooded killing adults in others. Seems that emotion dictates which way to lean. I personally don’t think they’re as dumb and innocent as some make out and they find it easier to do some things when they know that they will not be held responsible for their actions.
I'm not disagreeing, I'm arguing how a kid gets to be that way in the first place. When I was coaching all those years my kids were growing up, I met a lot of dumb 13-17 year olds I wouldn't trust to get across the street and back without getting lost. I met a lot of them that were smarter than some adults I know now. It's not the intelligence or awareness, it's the lack of morals/ethics that many have today that I am questioning.
Parents are no longer to be respected. This message comes from everywhere now. When you stopped getting your ass spanked was when mom and dad became a joke for a majority of kids.

I told both of my girls that I can be your best friend once you turn 18, until then I'm your worst nightmare. Both girls are now in their 30's with kids of their own and they'll still shut up mid sentence if they see "the look" in their direction. Grandkids know what it means as well.
I told both of my girls that I can be your best friend once you turn 18, until then I'm your worst nightmare. Both girls are now in their 30's with kids of their own and they'll still shut up mid sentence if they see "the look" in their direction. Grandkids know what it means as well.

I watched my parents , aunts and uncles all say yes sir and no sir , yes ma’am and no ma’am to my grand parents up until the day they died . If you make it a normal thing ( respect ) it’s just like hugging them , kissing them or saying you love them it becomes a natural thing to do and for them to do . ( in my opinion )
I told both of my girls that I can be your best friend once you turn 18, until then I'm your worst nightmare. Both girls are now in their 30's with kids of their own and they'll still shut up mid sentence if they see "the look" in their direction. Grandkids know what it means as well.
I watched my parents , aunts and uncles all say yes sir and no sir , yes ma’am and no ma’am to my grand parents up until the day they died . If you make it a normal thing ( respect ) it’s just like hugging them , kissing them or saying you love them it becomes a natural thing to do and for them to do . ( in my opinion )
When y'all were teenagers, and out of sight of your parents, did you follow all the rules? Did you never go out and do stupid things with your friends? I think some of you have forgotten what it's like to be young and dumb.
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She was probably more mature at 20 than I am now at 69. I can be serious if the situation demands, but I try not to take life too seriously.
My wife's mother got cancer, and she had to drop out of college, and take care of the family. She was quite grown up. She worked and paid her way through college until then, and I encouraged her to go back and finish after we started dating. She did. She was also the "valid victorian" of her class. Her head was screwed on pretty tight, and still is.
I was with you up until "still is". We all know you've had some kibd of effect on her😄
When y'all were teenagers, and out of sight of your parents, did you follow all the rules? Did you never go out and do stupid things with your friends? I think some of you have forgotten what it's like to be young and dumb.

I did things I knew I shouldn’t but did them anyway. usually ( not always ) paid the price for doing them ( that’s where the rebel in my name comes from . My grandmother always called me a lil rebel . Lol ) My post actually was in reference to the respect Dynalo’s girls show her and how it’s natural when it’s taught to be . Not necessarily to the things kids do out of their parents view .
When y'all were teenagers, and out of sight of your parents, did you follow all the rules? Did you never go out and do stupid things with your friends? I think some of you have forgotten what it's like to be young and dumb.

You have a point but what some of these teens apparently did had to involve spending hours, if not days at a stranger’s residence, in some cases, flying around on his jet! The level of parental neglect to allow this is stunning.

It may be a little easier to understand if foreign girls were recruited with the promise of a “ job and life in the US”. Even decent parents may fall for that depending on level of desperation.
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I stopped being spanked at 13 when I picked pops up, military pressed him over my head, touch his feet to the ceiling and body slammed him in the bean bag lol. Last day he ever tried anything physically.

The accumulated beatings up til then were all well deserved.
And did he then allow you to continue living in his house and eating his food? Sounds like you could have been a 13 year old that could have been tried as an adult. Just a guess though.
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This is one ****ed up conversation. Blaming the girls is essentially defending Epstein. The man was a predator, and teenage girls are easily manipulated. He knew what he was doing was wrong.
I'm sure the left can defend him because of some hidden gene or something. He was sick. That kind of thing
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You have a point but what some of these teens apparently did had to involve spending hours, if not days at a stranger’s residence, in some cases, flying around on his jet! The level of parental neglect to allow this is stunning.
which is exactly why girls like that were targeted. Minimal effort needed to turn them into slaves
And did he then allow you to continue living in his house and eating his food? Sounds like you could have been a 13 year old that could have been tried as an adult. Just a guess though.

Oh yea we were just playing around when I did that. I’d never hurt Pops with a purpose.
He figured out taking sports, hunting and fishing away was more effective than a whooping anyway lol.
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Anybody who even comes close to insinuating that a 13 or 15 year old girl has the mental capacity to make informed logical adult decisions about ANYTHING is a f$%king moron .

I have an 11 YO daughter and a 17yo son...they are both children mind and body...and neither is capable of proper adult decision making at this point .

If I catch a man doing anything anything sexual to my daughter he wont need to worry about me killing him. He will beg for death. I will subdue that worthless trash and take him to my shed. Zip tape his wrists and feet and hang him from the rafters. Tape my hands up good like when I used to box GG...and slowly break every bone and collapse every organ with the blunt force trauma of my hands. Even with tape, the bones in my hands would eventually fail..but I am certain I could shatter all his ribs into tiny fragments first so that every single breath he draws is more painful than anything he ever experienced before he touched my daughter. Let his lungs slowly fill with blood from me pounding on them until he drowns in his own blood..then bury him next to my shed so that every time I cut my grass I can go piss on his grave. I have no pity for a child predator. They prey on the weak. When met by a real man, they become prey themselves.

I just read where the former Disney CEO just got convicted of child rape and only got 7 years. That is ridiculous. That is exactly why I would handle it myself if that terrible situation ever happened to my family. 7 years is a joke for taking something from a child that they can never get back...their innocence. It makes me angry just thinking about it. Sick bastards. FWIW...I think 40 and 50 year old guys that drool over HS and college cheerleaders are dead wrong also. Those are just kids, too. Doesn't matter if her license says she just turned 18...shes a kid. I have kids 1 year younger than that. It is sick for me to look at that with lust..and I dont. I am attracted to WOMEN. Namely, my wife. She has a womans body, and a womans voice, and a womans ways. Not a girls. Girls are for boys. I am not a boy, I am a grown man. Dont see how men drool over girls younger than or the same age as their kids. There has to be a logical disconnect between their mind and their penis. I am glad that I am not attracted to it 8yo or 18...they all look like kids to me. My tastes have definitely changed as I have aged. When I was 18 I liked skinny girls with long legs..and I married one. Now I love womanly hips and curves...and my wife has those in spades. There is a big difference between girls and women, and it isnt a year or two.
Anybody who even comes close to insinuating that a 13 or 15 year old girl has the mental capacity to make informed logical adult decisions about ANYTHING is a f$%king moron .

I have an 11 YO daughter and a 17yo son...they are both children mind and body...and neither is capable of proper adult decision making at this point .

If I catch a man doing anything anything sexual to my daughter he wont need to worry about me killing him. He will beg for death. I will subdue that worthless trash and take him to my shed. Zip tape his wrists and feet and hang him from the rafters. Tape my hands up good like when I used to box GG...and slowly break every bone and collapse every organ with the blunt force trauma of my hands. Even with tape, the bones in my hands would eventually fail..but I am certain I could shatter all his ribs into tiny fragments first so that every single breath he draws is more painful than anything he ever experienced before he touched my daughter. Let his lungs slowly fill with blood from me pounding on them until he drowns in his own blood..then bury him next to my shed so that every time I cut my grass I can go piss on his grave. I have no pity for a child predator. They prey on the weak. When met by a real man, they become prey themselves.

I just read where the former Disney CEO just got convicted of child rape and only got 7 years. That is ridiculous. That is exactly why I would handle it myself if that terrible situation ever happened to my family. 7 years is a joke for taking something from a child that they can never get back...their innocence. It makes me angry just thinking about it. Sick bastards. FWIW...I think 40 and 50 year old guys that drool over HS and college cheerleaders are dead wrong also. Those are just kids, too. Doesn't matter if her license says she just turned 18...shes a kid. I have kids 1 year younger than that. It is sick for me to look at that with lust..and I dont. I am attracted to WOMEN. Namely, my wife. She has a womans body, and a womans voice, and a womans ways. Not a girls. Girls are for boys. I am not a boy, I am a grown man. Dont see how men drool over girls younger than or the same age as their kids. There has to be a logical disconnect between their mind and their penis. I am glad that I am not attracted to it 8yo or 18...they all look like kids to me. My tastes have definitely changed as I have aged. When I was 18 I liked skinny girls with long legs..and I married one. Now I love womanly hips and curves...and my wife has those in spades. There is a big difference between girls and women, and it isnt a year or two.
I agree on tastes changing with age. Mine have too. Having said that, few women my age appeal to me, but women in their late 40's and 50's do now. Maybe a rare one over 60.
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Jeffrey Epstein spent hours alone with mysterious woman in lockup

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