Jerry jones



Southern by God's grace
Apr 25, 2018
So Jerry was seen in some picture in the 50s, watch black kids go to class. so is he now an Uber racist? It seems espn is trying to paint that pic
Why does anyone care?

I was oh so happy to see Lebron inject himself into it though. racist.
Is Jerry supposed to be the one with the cigarette? Was he of legal age? Not that it matters anyways since he's puffing second hand smoke in someone's face...

It appears (but maybe he can clear the air) he is there to protest integration. I read somebody saying their football coach had forbade them from going to protest, but who knows if that's true. Maybe he went to keep the peace?
What's bad about it. He was 14 years old at the time and probably curious about what was going on. Come on James, tell us how it's a bad look?

I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."
I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."
You are a clown. So we have Kyrie getting cancelled over a retweet and JJ getting cancelled over a 70 year old photo.
I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."

And a good fraction of the world are idiots. Idiots that that take their ques from **** stirrers.

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