Jerry jones

Daryl Davis is an inspiration to me. He's converted over 200 klansmen to be better men simply by befriending them.
I wonder who he admires more, the man who changed or the man who never needed to.

Heard an interview with him awhile back, that's a great story.
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I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."
Now you think about what you've just typed here and tell me convince me that people that would try to make anything out of a 70 year old photo should be taken seriously.
I am reserving judgment and merely saying it's not good optics. You can disagree all you want, but you apparently don't understand the world you live in. A good fraction of the country is going to look at that and conclude negative things about JJ, so I would say that this is indisputably "not a good look."

Probably the same fraction that saw Nick Sandman "smirking" and instantly got on Twitter to send him death threats.
It’s only bad optics if you support the “ wrong “ party . If he was supporting the the other party , he could be wearing a white robe , pointy hat and be standing next to a white man in black face and it would just fade away .
Probably the same fraction that saw Nick Sandman "smirking" and instantly got on Twitter to send him death threats.

Yeah, and Jerry Jones doesn't want trouble from these people, especially if he doesn't have a good explanation because that group will grow.
Yeah, and Jerry Jones doesn't want trouble from these people, especially if he doesn't have a good explanation because that group will grow.

What is there to explain? Why should he explain anything? Would a "I was curious about what was going on" suffice as an explication or is an apology in order?
Now you think about what you've just typed here and tell me convince me that people that would try to make anything out of a 70 year old photo should be taken seriously.

You called me a clown and have responded to the same post now 2x, and it's pretty clear you don't understand my position.

I have not said anything bad about Jerry Jones in relation to this photo. I am just saying it doesn't look good on the surface. I am not saying those people would be right. I am saying Jerry Jones doesn't want these problems.

Try as I might, I can't get any of that through the thick skull of the man who is calling me a clown.
What is there to explain? Why should he explain anything? Would a "I was curious about what was going on" suffice as an explication or is an apology in order?

P. R.

He can say whatever he wants, but I think the truth would be best, and if the truth reflects poorly on him, he can take the chance to say he feels bad about it and say he's glad that both he and America has done a lot of changing in the past 60 years.

You're really on one ITT

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